UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Britain’s secret proxy war in Syria
17-02-2012 14:38

NATO's "secret war" on Syria: British Special Forces supporting rebels
15-02-2012 14:44

Down The Drones Conference Bristol
14-02-2012 23:58

Imperialism out of Somalia - demonstrate 23 February - London
14-02-2012 20:38
Hands Off Somalia is a campaign organised to oppose the upcoming discussion of corporate, political and military intervention in Somalia by the British government at their conference on 23 February 2012. We are demonstrating outside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, Whitehall, LONDON SW1 from 1 to 3pm.No carbon budget for Trident and no plans for co-operation on climate change
14-02-2012 18:01

US navy prepared for war against Iran
14-02-2012 17:44
The increasingly menacing character of US rhetoric toward Iran was underlined by the comments to the media on Sunday by Admiral Mark Fox, commander of the US 5th Fleet based at Bahrain in the Persian Gulf.UN 'Travesty': Resolutions Of Mass Destruction
14-02-2012 15:54
It has been said that compassion is 'the only beauty that truly pleases' (Aryasura, The Marvelous Companion, Dharma Publishing, 1983, p.305). While beauty ordinarily provokes the fiery itch of desire or the sullen shadow of envy, compassion is cooling, blissful, inspiring awe and wonder. It implies an ability to stand outside our own needs as observers, to perceive the suffering of others as of equal or greater importance. But like all forms of beauty, compassion can be faked, exploited.
Silence Can DESTROY – April 2nd 2012
11-02-2012 17:12

One year on a Libyan student in the UK asks... was it worth it?
11-02-2012 01:05

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Smash EDO Press Release -John Catt challenges police surveillance
10-02-2012 11:45

Routine repression of Smash EDO activists continues
10-02-2012 10:47

Anne Perry's World War I ...Echoes Still In Afghanistan
08-02-2012 21:53
Anne Perry''s book Shoulder The Sky and others of her over 60 books are understated litanies of the suffering of World War I, written without preaching or opining. They serve as a mirror for the atrocities of present wars. Perry lives on the Eastern coast of Scotland.Fitwatch to support fellow domestic extremists outside High Court on Thursday
08-02-2012 14:28
Fitwatchers will be joining fellow domestic extremists at the High Court on Thursday when anti arms trade campaigner, John Catt will be bringing a judicial review against the domestic extremist units for holding data on him.Syria: CIA-MI6 intel ops and sabotage
08-02-2012 13:01

Important update in Scottish Census Refuser court case
07-02-2012 15:25

Demo: Peace for Iran and Syria - No to War
05-02-2012 16:48

Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street (off Whitehall)
Westminster, SW1A 2AH
United Kingdom
Peace Strike
Bring banners, whistles, enthusiasm and energy!
This is the start of the BIG PEACE OFFENSIVE to prevent a war with Iran or Syria.
Armed Groups Inside Syria: Prelude to a US-NATO Intervention?
05-02-2012 15:47
Russia and China have vetoed the UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria pointing to the existence of armed groups involved in terrorist acts including the killing of civilians.
9 Feb, High Court, London: Support John Catt. Protest 'Big Brother' Police State
05-02-2012 15:22
87 year old anti-war activist John Catt is bringing a Judicial Review challenging the legality of the publicly funded, secret 'domestic extremist' intelligence database run by the discredited National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) under the command of ACPO and/or the Metropolitan Police.Protest in solidarity with John and against the surveillance police state outside the Royal Courts of Justice, the Strand, London WC2A 2LL on Thursday 9 Feb from 9am. The Hearing starts at 10am. The domestic extremists among you might like to bring along dusters and other cleaning materials.
No war on Iran! For regime change from below!
04-02-2012 18:18