UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
From 3 Sep: Camp at RAF Waddington, Lincs, to protest UK Drones
24-08-2011 22:19

EGYPT: Imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad on hunger strike
24-08-2011 16:18
Maikel Nabil Sanad, the imprisoned pacifist blogger and conscientious objector sentenced to three years' imprisonment for "insulting the military" on 10 April 2011 (see co-alert, 11 April 2011), began a hunger strike in protest against his continued imprisonment on Tuesday, 23 August 2011.The Libya media hoax: Fabricated scenes of jubilation & euphoria on Green Squa
23-08-2011 20:18

Take Action on Libya!
23-08-2011 14:39
The mainstream media has fed us nothing but lies on Libya. The assault on Tripoli is a bloodbath thanks to non-stop NATO bombing. More people have been killed and injured in the past two days than in the whole of Operation Cast Lead (Israel’s attack on Gaza 2008).Lies about Libya
22-08-2011 19:26
Media and politicians are hiding the truth on Libya.Occupied Afghanistan: The attack on the British Council in Kabul
21-08-2011 15:09

The attack on the British Council in Kabul on 19th August, resulting in twelve deaths and many injuries, further underlined how unwelcome the occupiers are, in a country in which they should never have been in the first place. Further tragedies, heaped on tragedies, also illustrated how out of touch those both on the ground in country - and those in high places abroad are. The day of the attack was both the Sabbath (Friday) and national holiday marking the 92nd anniversary of Afghanistan's independence from Britain in 1919 and of course, the 19th: 19 -1919.
Sainsburys picketed in solidarity with Gaza
20-08-2011 17:21
a picket was held in Brighton outside Kemptown Sainsburys calling for a boycott of Israeli goodsUS navy seals destroyed to cover up Washington’s Bin Laden execution hoax?
20-08-2011 08:47

Rant: Cameron's Wars - Coming Home Soon To British Streets?
20-08-2011 00:35

After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Demonstrate in Brighton and London against Israeli bombardment of Gaza
19-08-2011 15:39
Saturday 20th August, 12 noon Old Steine Brighton.Monday 22nd August, 12 noon Israeli Embassy Kensington London
Smash EDO benefit gig 25th August
19-08-2011 15:09
Come along to the Smash EDO Benefit Gig at Sticky Mike's Frog Bar, Middle Street, Brighton, August 25th.See web-site for more details
Smash EDO's Gaza noise demo
19-08-2011 13:49
There was a loud noise demo outside EDO/ITT this morning in response to the ongoing attacks on Gaza.EDO make components for the F16s used by Israel.
Emergency noised demo at EDO today at 11am
19-08-2011 08:13
Join us for an emergency noise demo outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton in response to the current Israeli attacks on GazaNews from Colchester
16-08-2011 19:26

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Rotten Fruit delivered to Apax Partners, investor in Israeli agribusiness
16-08-2011 16:08
In memory of Simon Levin (see
Waging a Savage War on Libyan People
12-08-2011 19:58
More bombs drop on Tripoli and across Libya tonight. Theses bombs dropped by the British government whose own youth are setting that country on fire in protest at their abandonment.Urges for Swift Action to Locate Abducted Journalist in Pakistan
12-08-2011 17:25
It is shocking for me that government of Pakistan is silent on the issues of abduction and disappearances by the state intelligence agencies and no one has yet made responsible for these acts which have been happening since 2002. And during the civilian government this menace has increased many fold and it looks as if the government is simply a silent spectator before their powerful law enforcement agencies.Uk riots - music / song reflecting on riots
12-08-2011 15:23
Music + words released about the riots - and forward thinking, and a better place.Government privatised to prop up banks? Ex US Army college boss: Who did 9/11?
07-08-2011 20:56

The Human Costs of Washington’s Ongoing Collusion With Terrorists
07-08-2011 20:43
Twice in the last two decades, significant cuts in U.S. and western military spending were foreseen: first after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and then in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But both times military spending soon increased, and among the factors contributing to the increase were America’s interventions in new areas: the Balkans in the 1990s, and Libya today.1 Hidden from public view in both cases was the extent to which al-Qaeda was a covert U.S. ally in both interventions, rather than its foe.