UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Corporate profiteering from the Occupation in the occupied Golan Heights
24-04-2010 13:39
from corporateoccupation.wordpress.comSociopath nation: The New York Times on Iran
24-04-2010 09:31

This one editorial lays bare for the world to see the criminally insane collective mindset of American political, media, and corporate elites.
Iran’s ace weapon: Why the US won’t gamble on an Iranian war
23-04-2010 13:00

"No blood for opium": The Afgan War's hidden agenda is to protect the drug trade
22-04-2010 19:59

Relentless Global Drive: NATO On Six Continents In Seven Days
22-04-2010 12:21

Palestine Today 04 21 2010
21-04-2010 15:15

Fifth annual conference on Popular resistance starts in Bilin, while the army detains civilians from the West Bank. These stories and more are coming up, stay tuned.
Venezuela increase arms purchases from Russia whilst expanding the militarisatio
21-04-2010 12:57
Newsletter on campaigns and actions against war profiteers, with special sections on the war profiteer and the campaign of the month. You can find the full newsletter at:
Obama is masking the real issue: US Threatens to nuke Iran
20-04-2010 11:54
“What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between countries. It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is an intelligence asset of the CIA, which is the threat, ”Chossudovsky acknowledged. “It is an elusive network of organizations. The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.”Corporate Watch in the Jordan Valley - Netiv Hagdud and Gilgal
18-04-2010 19:10
pics and more info at
Obama’s lies about Iran
16-04-2010 20:35

Open letter to UK Defence Minister: Free Joe Glenton now
15-04-2010 22:51

Palestine Today 04 15 2010
15-04-2010 17:27

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center forThursday April 15, 2010.
Full text of Iran's letter of complaint to the UN over US threats of nuclear war
15-04-2010 12:33

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Counter Terror Expo at Olympia Exposed
14-04-2010 21:14

Palestine Today 04 14 2010
14-04-2010 15:49

Surveillance + detention = £Billions: How Labour’s friends are ‘securing your world
14-04-2010 15:27
At the bustling Counter Terror Expo in London’s Olympia this week they are giving top billing to the security industry’s favourite politician. “The most experienced cabinet minister of modern times”, they call him: Dr John Reid.Corporate Watch - IATA: Supporting Settler Tourism
14-04-2010 15:02
pics at
Your Tax Dollars at War: More Than 53% of Your Tax Bill Goes to the Military
14-04-2010 14:52

Fighting Corruption or Persecuting Political Opponents in Venezuela? A Response
14-04-2010 14:21
"A judge should not get a cosier cell just because of her socio-economic class.""In his April 3rd article for the New York Times, Romero manipulated and distorted the facts about Afiuni’s case to fit the Times’s agenda of impeding honest news and discussion about Venezuela, driving forward the informational sabotage against the Chavez government that is widespread in the mainstream international media.
Romero asserted that Judge Afiuni and Eligio Cedeño were political prisoners. This is clearly inaccurate, especially since no evidence was presented that they were politically active. His piece also implied, by omission of sufficient context, that the Chavez government is the primary cause of the problems in the judicial system. This is also inaccurate and disingenuous. Romero even went so far as to implicitly compare Afiuni to the Dalai Lama at the end of his article, confirming the Times’s lack of seriousness when addressing these issues.
Romero’s article is an insult to the real political prisoners of Latin America – past and present – who have been tortured, murdered, and disappeared by dictators and neo-liberal regimes that used the justice system as a repressive tool to eliminate opponents. And, Romero’s article distracts his international audience from any constructive discourse about the problems in Venezuela’s justice system and how to overcome them, in the context of this gruesome history."
Missile Merchants Go Off Target
14-04-2010 10:45
As the Counter Terror Expo kicks off today peddling it's trade in death, destruction, surveilance, oppression and control, activists set about disrupting the event this morning.