UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Freedom Rider: The Other Bailout
14-10-2008 14:32

bill is every bit as wasteful and just as much a harbinger of doom as the
much discussed Wall Street bailout, but has elicited hardly any debate, even
from progressives." And, just as with the bailout bill, Democrats in
Congress are ever ready to run up the white flag. "The collective popular
revulsion at the very presence of Bush in the White House has never stopped
Democratic party capitulation." War begets war. "Not only is military
spending completely unproductive, but it increases the likelihood of further
American acts of aggression.
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EDO cops in pre-demo propaganda
14-10-2008 11:20
Brighton rag The Argus serves as police propaganda tool. last week the Argus printed a few lines on the demo without publishing any letter or press release from Smash EdoSussex Police erect new cameras at Falmer Station for Shut ITT demo
13-10-2008 17:25
Smash EDO are planning a demo on Oct 15th from Falmer StationFITwatch at EDO
13-10-2008 16:18

Public meeting on Iran in Oxford Town Hall, Monday 20 October at 7:00pm
13-10-2008 11:21
..Iraq: US dropped nuclear bomb near Basra in 1991, claims veteran
13-10-2008 10:47
An American veteran of the first Gulf War in Iraq claims that the United States dropped a five-kilotonne nuclear bomb in 1991 in a deserted area outside the southern city of Basra on the Iranian border.Smash EDO Press Release - Campaigners Say "Shut ITT!"
13-10-2008 09:45
13/10/2008 For immediate release(Im)Precision of U.S Bombing and the (Under)Valuation of an Afghan Life
12-10-2008 18:58

"precision" bombs than we killed Serbs in 1999. More than 80% of Afghan
civilian deaths today caused by the US/NATO are due to close air support
attacks. They (Afghans) are only worth one-tenth of an Alaskan sea otter
rather than forty camels. We spend ten dollars on the military in
Afghanistan to pursue our geo-strategic aims and less than $1 on
reconstructing the everyday lives of Afghans devastated by thirty years of
Venezuela: National Security = Personal Insecurity
10-10-2008 20:02

Crooks and Killers
10-10-2008 18:22
How justice for those who own a society and those who serve their interests differs so greatly from the justice given to the middle class and poor.Heckler & Koch Campaign Benefit Gig
10-10-2008 12:36
Saturday 25th October, Light House, Wolverhampton, 4pm - 4am.This event is a not for profit event. All money raised will be donated to the Heckler & Koch Campaign. They are attempting to shut down the UK Headquarters of Heckler & Koch in Nottingham:

Prisoner of Conscience: Conscience of the Israeli spymaster’s daughter
10-10-2008 10:56
Igal Sarna meets a Mossad chief’s daughter who is in jail for refusing national service
Join the Big Blockade of Britain's nuclear bomb factory on October 27
09-10-2008 15:56

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SOCPA is dead.... but the illegal harassment continues
08-10-2008 22:45

Third world Victory armed resistance to bankruptsUS Empire
08-10-2008 10:30
The Paulson plan is desperate second bailout attempt by the US imperialists to get their economy functioning again as"normal" .It is a brilliant victory for the Third world peoples fighting protracted guerilla type wars to assert their rights to national independence .US militarism,its wars financed by deficit spending,has bought the imperialist economic system already running on credit to the point of economic meltdown.The UK partner in crime has a bank bailout too.But US imperialism plans to use this Crisis as oportunity to plunder the worlds weakend finance institution.Sussex Uni Students Strike Again At Royal Navy
08-10-2008 07:13
For the second time in as many weeks Sussex university students have demonstrated their determination to drive the University Royal Navy Unit (royal navy recruitment organisation on uni campuses) into the sea.2nd NORTHEN MARCH AGAINST RACISM
06-10-2008 12:07
05-10-2008 13:50
6th OctoberBrighton Against the Arms Trade - 2nd Public Forum
Venue Cowley Club/Time - 7.30pm
Press release: Menezes family's reaction to London police chief Ian Blair's resi
05-10-2008 11:34