UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Defence Export Services Organisation Visited on Day of Action
31-07-2007 09:30

Anti-DSEi stall on Brick Lane
31-07-2007 09:11

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Raytheon and Erinys visited on day of action against the arms trade
31-07-2007 00:01

Anti-arms fair leafleting in Canning Town
30-07-2007 23:11

Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Call to Action
29-07-2007 23:35
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity is network aiming to foster links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine, and Brighton, UK.more details at
The Nuclear Weapons Lab Bombing Range
29-07-2007 22:10

Venezuela: Interview with El Libertario
29-07-2007 21:46
* Interview with indonesian anarchist journal EMPTY HEAVEN - May 2007 (

The Importance of being Iraqi
29-07-2007 18:29
The opposition to such incidents have been few and far between inside of the West, with deathly silences from both the anti-war movement and governments, echoing as loudly as a thousand screaming voices.National Intelligence Estimate Lacks Supporting Evidence
29-07-2007 14:37
Again the Bush/PNAC Regime has been caught LYING to the public in order to manipulate them on foreign affairs, in which they plan to widen their illegal wars to include Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.Can we just get rid of these criminals already? Everybody knows who's responsible.
8 Young people arrested campaigning for an anti-nuclear future
28-07-2007 15:37

Urgent Call for Support - Anarchists Against the Wall
28-07-2007 11:08
The following call is from the Anarchists Against the Wall email list.The Israeli anarchists are well known and respected by all Palestinian non-violence leaders. They are the only Israeli group that consistently and regularly turns up at Palestinian demonstrations and one of (very) few anti-Zionist groups in Israel today.
As such, the state is of course persecuting them and they are regularly detained, questioned or even sent to jail. They have a LOT of legal costs. Gaby Lasky is a tireless and committed human rights lawyer who has represented many Palestinian, Israeli and international anti-occupation activists.
Please support them!
ISM London member
p.s. for translations of the call in: Italiano, Castellano, Ελληνικά, Français and Português visit:

Tales Of Angst, Alienation And Martial Law
26-07-2007 18:31
Those who have been paying attention are aware that the outward mechanisms of martial law are in place.In addition, the knowledge nettles us that a vast network of internment camps bristle across the length of the U.S., standing at wait for those who might raise objections to the fascistic fury unloosed by the American empire's version of the Reichstag fire.
Saving Iceland Blockades Hellisheidi Power Station
26-07-2007 09:56

A blogger's criticism of Robert Fisk
25-07-2007 23:58
Robert Fisk is one of the greatest reporters of all time. He has written some of the most insightful, biting criticisms about U.S./Israeli/British foreign policy and provided readers, in vivid detail, a vision of of the plight of people living in war torn areas of the Middle East. I have nothing but sincere gratitude to him for putting his life on the line to give us these excellent stories. But, having said this, I think he is doing a disservice to his readers by claiming his contempt for the Internet and also by his refusal to look critically into the events of 9/11.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Brown Announces Closure of DESO
25-07-2007 20:10
Gordon Brown announced today that the government arms promotion unit, DESO, is to close by the end of the year. BAE Systems and Defence Manufacturers Association pretty pissed off!5 detained after peaceful ‘Bamboo Blockade’ as Japanese A-bomb survivors appeal
25-07-2007 17:40

Commander Guy Delivers Another Scary “al-Qaeda in Iraq” Campfire Story
25-07-2007 16:51
The “war on terrorism” rests on the creation of one or more evil bogeymen, the terror leaders, Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, et al, whose names and photos are presented ad nauseam in daily news reports. Without Zarqawi and bin Laden, the “war on terrorism” would lose its raison d’être. The main casus belli is to wage a ” war on terrorism”.Indeed, the latest neocon effort to frighten the public with yet another fallacious “advertising campaign” is a half-baked effort riddled with obvious holes.
Lebanon War Blockaders Plan Appeal against Guilty Verdict
25-07-2007 14:19
Smash EDO Press Release - 25th July 2007Lebanon War Blockaders Plan Appeal against Guilty Verdict
Tel. 07875708873 or email

13 arrested at Rio Tinto-Alcan smelter blockade
25-07-2007 01:01

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Protest at Heckler & Koch weapons manufacturers HQ in Nottingham : Pictures
24-07-2007 22:20