UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
divided but not conquered
09-11-2006 08:58
the good protester bad protester dichotomy is a view largely put forth by the media's portrayal of us. they are wrong of course....Free West Papua Campaign: Press Statement
09-11-2006 07:14

U.S. Secretary Of Defence 'resigns'
08-11-2006 19:29
Donald Rumsfeld (U.S. Defence Secretary) 'resigns?' - booted out to save his boss's neck more like! Fuck off and good riddance. Time will tell if some semblance of common returns to the U.S in the future.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Day of Resistance to the War: March 19th, 2007
07-11-2006 23:32
On March 19th 2007, we call for a worldwide day of resistance to the imperialist, racist and senseless war in Iraq. We propose occupations, acts of civil disobedience, and direct action. We propose that these acts of resistance be directed towards governments, military recruitment centres, corporations, and other institutions that perpetuate empire and war.Plans to reinstate Iraq's Baathists
07-11-2006 19:59
AFP have reported today that Iraqi leaders have agreed a draft law to allow former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party back into government jobs, a top official said on Monday.CATERKILLER VICE PRESIDENT IN LONDON 22ND NOVEMBER
07-11-2006 17:04
CATERKILLER VICE PRESIDENT IN LONDONFull article | 1 addition | 9 comments
07-11-2006 02:15

Iraq Strategy Day for Campaigners
07-11-2006 00:13
The occupation of Iraq has never been so unpopular, but there is still no clear end in sight. On Saturday 18th November, Iraq Occupation Focus is hosting a strategy gathering in London for anti-war campaigners to discuss what it will take to end the occupation in 2007.Photos- Smash EDO Halloween demo
06-11-2006 21:35
About 50 Halloweeners decended on the bomb factory EDO/MBM in Brighton on 31st October.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Saddam Hussein’s death sentence: a travesty of justice
06-11-2006 18:16
The death sentences handed down yesterday against Saddam Hussein and three other prominent figures in his regime are the outcome of show trial concocted for political purposes. Amid unspeakable atrocities being committed against the people of Iraq every day by the US occupation forces, a hand-picked court has condemned the former Iraqi dictator to die. The very timing of the sentence is an attempt to lift the electoral fortunes of the Republican Party in Tuesday’s congressional elections by energising its right-wing base with the prospect of a high profile legal lynching.November 11th is Rememberance Day
06-11-2006 17:44
a day to remeber all the military deaths since 1918.BUT.
They don't remeber the Iraqis, Palestinians, Afgans, Germans, French, Belgians, Kuwaitis, Kosovans, Serbians, and many, many, many, more civilian casualties who have died in the 300+ wars since 1918.
Over 200 Million people have been slaughtered in Wars around the World, since the "war to end all wars" (WW1)
That's why.
Interview with Freed Journalist
06-11-2006 16:04
Gabriele was released and belwo is an interview with him just after being released. This is an unusually happy ending. Hopefully the articles I have published from the time of his kidnapping have given some idea of the process.USA ELECTION UPDATE : OCTOBER 19 "SURPRISE" DELAYED TO AFFECT ELECTION (audit?)
06-11-2006 16:00
. . . . the recent attempt to backspin the "war" factor involved the odd delay to a less than surprising verdict in the Iraqi dictators courtcase (- the judge- swapped a couple of weeks ago too-), as a strangely conditioned seeming act in the dock - waving koran, shouting against invaders, collaborators, etc - timed for USA wake-up TVnews, tried to pretend that old terrorist tie-in to legitimise the entire mess. .Cardiff Remembrance Day - Remember Fallujah
06-11-2006 15:27
REMEMBRANCE DAYAssemble 2 pm, Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street, Cardiff
Saturday 11 November
Smash EDO smashing update
06-11-2006 13:02
Smashing Dates for your Diaryto find out why we want to SMASH EDO see
BtB press release: Stop nuclear weapons - stop climate change
06-11-2006 12:42

'Neo-Con' Fascists Abandon, Scapegoat Bush Republicans
06-11-2006 02:19
A very Orwellian scam is about to be perpetrated against the American people, and the people of the world.The Extremists behind Bush's policies and wars are abandoning the Bush Repugnicans, in the hopes that their agenda against the Arab World can simply be transfered to the other half of the RepugniCrat Party after the election.
Benn Speaks in His Favorite City
05-11-2006 23:07
Merseyside STWC welcomed Palestinian delegation and Tony Benn to Liverpool