UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
AUSTRALIA: Xenophobic rocket launcher, so why was it reported really?
05-11-2006 11:39

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- - - Mexico, Oaxaca: police with the SWASTIKA ! - - -
05-11-2006 07:30
31 October anti-war Demonstration Parliament square
04-11-2006 23:21

The Over Two Trillion-Dollar War - Bankrupting The War Machine
04-11-2006 23:04
The original version of the first story contains links which further expand upon and support the points made. You should also check out Stglitz' wonderful "Globalisation and its Malcontents", the greatest affirmation of the Anti-Global/Corporatization Movement I have ever read.The Evolution of Violence
04-11-2006 17:56

"Weapons of Mass Destruction": Building a Pretext for Waging War on Iran?
04-11-2006 16:28
The ongoing naval deployments under the "global war on terrorism" seek to create a legitimacy for waging war on Iran and Syria, which are the alleged "state sponsors" of al Qaeda.According to Debka, the Israeli intelligence think tank, the objective of the deployment of US warships is "to prepare for a US-led military strike against Iran .... [as well as implement] measures to fend off palpable al Qaeda threats to oil targets."
According to Debka, there have been warnings of "impending al Qaeda attacks on the oil fields, oil ports, oil tankers and oil fields of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian oil emirates." These alleged Al Qaeda attacks on oil facilities in the Persian Gulf are part of the disinformation process. Known and documented, Al Qaeda is a US intelligence asset. What the Debka report suggests is that if such a terrorist attack were to occur, this would provide a pretext to the US to wage war on Iran, on the grounds that the Tehran government is allegedly protecting the Al Qaeda network.
"The Iron Wall" showing on Tuesday Nov 11th in Oxford
04-11-2006 16:05
Mohammed Alater's documentary film "The Iron Wall" is showing in Oxford on Tuesday November 11th at 7.30pm in the Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford.This film covers the issue of the Israeli settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories and its impact on the two-state solution.
Freed from International Law: Book Review
04-11-2006 12:23
With deep conviction of self-righteousness, the United States demands observance of international law from other countries but deems it irrelevant for itself.. Being an intellectual is a calling for everyone. (Noam Chomsky)US Military Media Turns On Rumsfeld on Eve of Elections
04-11-2006 10:55
In the run up to next weeks mid term elections, the Bush administration is facing massive domestic pressures to change direction on Iraq. Neocons are distancing themselves from the 'incompetent' policy of the war in Vanity Fair, and the military itself appears to be rejecting there own commanders.This editorial will appear in the Army Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times on Monday under the headline “Time for Rumsfeld to go”:
Sydney Daily Telegraph (Murdoch owned) skirt the anti terror censorship laws
03-11-2006 21:02

Stop the War's People's Assembly: Islamophobia and the war on terror
03-11-2006 20:19
The People's Assembly aims to bring people together to discuss the relationship between Islamophobia and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and to organise our campaign in response to war and racism.We are asking peace and anti-war groups, trade unions, faith groups and organisations, community groups, political parties and any other representative organisations to send delegates to this important meeting. We also welcome individuals as observers.
Armed Forces '5,000 short' for campaign on two fronts
03-11-2006 19:39
The highly critical report from the National Audit Office reveals that the Services have been operating beyond planned levels of defence for the past five years to keep troops in Iraq and Afganistan. It also shows that disillusionment among servicemen and women has increased to such an extent that 10,000 personnel are quitting the Forces each year.The Right of All People to Self-Determination
03-11-2006 12:34
With the military strike against Iraq, the intervention forces have fulfilled the fact of aggression.. Aggression is one of the worst crimes according to the 1999 statute of the International Court.John Kerry’s Reality Attack
03-11-2006 03:41
In that strange inverted land called America politicians who tell the truth risk ridicule and reprimand; John Kerry has been attacked by the opposition and members of his own party for stating the truth regarding the intellectual capability of some military personnel in Iraq. 'And they all screamed foul' – only in America!Biggest Youth Movement in History Could be About to Begin in London...
02-11-2006 22:39

Under the heading “Worldwide Children's Revolution to Try to Save the Human Race From Extinction?” the story says that the very existence of future generations may depend on urgent worldwide action to tackle global warming and climate change.
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Battered EDO Corp Take Financial Blow With 3rd Quarter Drop
02-11-2006 18:52
For the third quarter in a row troubled US warmongers EDO Corporation have failed to meet their expected financial targets, citing 'substantial challenges' of 2006. Today its share price took another plunge into the abyss losing several million dollars in market valueafter investors reacted to poor results.
USA Election update : 2/11/6 : DESPERATE SPIN - THE DEFUSE.
02-11-2006 17:09
LATEST. . . .Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
CANdLE (Cumbria AND Lancashire Etc) at Faslane
02-11-2006 14:38
A group from Lancaster, Lune Valley, and three areas in Cumbria came together to help maintain the 365 faslane blockade.RIO GRANDE CITY — Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez Forced Out of U.S. Army
02-11-2006 12:18

The 55-year-old Rio Grande City native and one-time top U.S. commander in Iraq retired in a formal ceremony at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio on Wednesday.
02-11-2006 11:49
A United Nations expert on human rights law body has declared the trial of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein before an Iraqi special court is illegal because it violates the right to fair trial under international law writes Saleh Al-Mukhter.