UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Newbury / Reading court Kindness Hearing
05-04-2006 00:47
Further transformations occurred at Reading magistrates court today as two planters attended court to seek closure / resolution to an imposed restitution penalty of £201, following sentencing earlier in the year (09/02/2006 - Newbury) for a radical conviction for planting fig and vine trees at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston.Listen to Audio report about Extra Judicial Killings In Bethlehem 03/04/06
04-04-2006 20:48

Briefing on New Designated Areas
04-04-2006 18:59
Thirteen military sites became Designated Areas on April 1st (i.e. last Saturday!) This means that if you trespass on them the maximum penalty is potentially up to a year in prison.Huge Month of Anti-War Demonstrations
04-04-2006 15:57
Not to mention the immigration bill protests, Marchsaw massive demonstrations all over the world. Two
international action days - International Woman's
Day, and the Iraq War anniversary - brought
hundreds of thousands out protesting the war
and the Bush Administration.
No scouse for Rice!
04-04-2006 15:24

Violence in southeastern Turkey as Kurdish demonstrations supressed
04-04-2006 14:29
Hundreds have been imprisoned and as many as 30 people killed, including several children, in clashes between the Turkish police forces and Kurdish demonstrators in the southeast of Turkey in recent days.Briefing on update of homes raided across the West Bank - 3rd April 2006
04-04-2006 11:51
Briefing on up date of homes raided across the West Bank Monday, 3rd April 2006.International Call for Action Against Marelec Arms Fair
04-04-2006 10:34
From 19-21 april, Spearhead and the Dutch marine will be organizing an arms fair called 'marelec'. Lots of companies outside of the Netherlands are involved in this fair. Therefor we ask everyone who opposes militarism to take action against the companies listed below.Save the Palestinian children NOW! (by Latuff)
04-04-2006 07:03

68th Woman Organizer Killed in the Philippines
04-04-2006 06:13
This is the 68th killing of a woman activist under the Macapagal-Arroyo government and with the ascendancy of Brig. Gen. Jovito Palparan in the Philippine military. Palparan led the Philippine Mission to Iraq which was forced to leave when a Filipino worker was kidnapped. He has a string of human rights violations charges against him, none of which has prospered. During his tenure in the province of Mindoro Oriental, 18 progressives were assassinated, including a young town vice-mayor active in women's rights campaigns.Naming the Dead event report
03-04-2006 23:16
Report from the Naming the Dead event. An act of deliberate civil disobedience against the occupation of Iraq.Inside the Chicken Run - Ramallah
03-04-2006 21:24
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending April in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance.Robin Brookes’ peace tax court appearance
03-04-2006 21:23

Brian Haw high court case
03-04-2006 17:21
Brian Haw was at the High Court again today as the Home Office appealed the decision that he is exempt from the law banning unauthroised protest around Parliament.Spinning Dead Whales
03-04-2006 15:09
A US study into a mass stranding of whales in North Carlina last year during naval exercises has just been published. The top two links to the story on Google give the impression Naval sonar was found not to be to blame. However, the navy was using active sonar at the time, and the report does state that naval sonar could have been to blame since no other possible explanation was found. Naval sonar was found to be to blame for many other mass-strandings, including most recently on the Costa del Sol in January. In February there has been another mass-stranding in Indonesia - again duing joint naval exercises with the US navy using active sonar.As one scientist said "A deaf whale is a dead whale." I think it is time environmentalists team up with anti-war protestors to overcome this ongoing spin. We should hit the UK naval active sonar programme, specifically the Qinetiq base at Kyle of Lochalsh, which also refits ships bound for the gulf. Anyone interested in a little constructive destruction ?
Naming The Dead - Pictures
03-04-2006 14:59

Rice, Straw and Liverpool’s Rich Cultural Heritage
03-04-2006 13:18
As Jack Straw and Condoleeza Rice were given the chance to say pretty much anything they felt like saying in an interview with Jonathan Dimbleby at the Merseyside Maritime Museum, the police outside were doing everything they could to make sure that the voices of the people of Liverpool went unheard.Condoleezza Rice Pictures
03-04-2006 12:56

BBC Protest
03-04-2006 12:33
The Stop the War Coalition is calling for protests outside BBC studios and offices across the country, on Tuesday 4th April. In Southampton the event will be taking place at 1pm outside the BBC studios on Havelock Road. This is opposite the Civic Centre.Selfridge Hotel under siege
03-04-2006 10:47
Last Thursday arms dealers holding an Advanced Weapons Integration Conference at the Selfridges Hotel had a visit from people concerned about their lethal activities.