UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Cambridge anti-DSEi planning meeting
29-07-2003 18:45
A small delegation from various Cambridge groups recently attended apreliminary planning meeting for demonstrations against the Defense Systems
Equipment International (DSEi) arms fair which will take place in London
from 9-12 September 2003, at the ExCel Centre. DSEi is the largest arms
fair in Europe and in 2001 was the venue for well over £500,000,000 worth
of arms sales completed on-site in 4 days.
28-07-2003 20:50

Apartheid Wall breached by Palestinian, International and Israeli activists
28-07-2003 20:09
Anin, 28th July, 2003.Today activists from the International Solidarity Movement, working with local Palestinians and Israelis succeeded in opening a small but symbolic hole in the Wall of Apartheid in the village of Anin, west of the city of Jenin.
28-07-2003 16:44
Cast in bronze she stands, proud and serene, a timeless tribute to the women who cut down fences, danced on silos, and put potatoes in the exhaust pipes of military trucks.Questions to ask about Depleted Uranium
28-07-2003 13:17
Damacio Lopez visited Fairford Tattoo and talked about depleted uranium. He suggested some questions we should ask MPs etc.DSEi: Campaign Against Arms Trade - Press Release
28-07-2003 12:06
Thousands of protesters are gearing up to challenge the UK's biggest ever arms exhibition
NB Events list not complete eg - 9th = also NVDA blockades 10th = also Reclaim The Streets
Expect more events to be added.
The Quality of Mercy
27-07-2003 11:32
Releasing militants? while innocent administrative detainees are left in jail...kelly kelly kelly
27-07-2003 03:16
pig kelly is making the news on the third wave now. It is now official that the parliamentary committee was lied to by agent Kelly on national telly.Could we have the brainwashed ones posting things like 'the distinguished public servant' or the 'kind respectable brilliant scientist' etc. banned until this wave of misinformation is over.
Every Sunday paper has its own theory mostly hiding the matters for the pigs by detracting from the key issues...some clearly scared shit...
What is notable is that few have the courage to point out what IRNA is pointing out ...
:: restrictions on reporting
:: main question of even the staged inquiry it sucide?
They forget to point out ...OK the man was a pig but for which wing?
Anyone noticed the rush for the funeral?
A must read (look for mention of Syria and Iran)

infact the whole newspaper before coming over to IMC-UK read crap from Vancouver...UK is fucked bigtime.
Police Raid Native Youth Movement
26-07-2003 21:34
On April 8th, 2003, RCMP - Emergency Response Teams raided four homes and two workplaces of Native Youth Movement, Westcoast Warrior Society members involved in defending Aboriginal Title and Rights in Skwelkwek’welt territories (aka British Columbia's interior).The Slaughtergate Tapes….. Weapons Inspectors
26-07-2003 07:00
UN Chief weapons inspector Richard Butler presents a lecture at the Adelaide Festival of Ideas.Child Trafficking Ring Reported Near Baghdad
26-07-2003 04:37
The summary of a new Human Rights Watch report includes testimony from an abducted girl who says she witnessed negotiations for the sale of captive children:Bristol-Stop-The-War News : 25th July 2003
25-07-2003 18:01
BRISTOL'S PEACE VIGILS NEED YOUR SUPPORTPlease see below for details of your nearest Vigil.
COCA COLA. Killing Trade Unionists?
See the 'review' section for more.
Bush lied - Vote here....
25-07-2003 08:20
Do you believe President Bush is telling the truth about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capability?Interview and updates about Trident Ploughshares peace prisoners
24-07-2003 17:33

Free Palestinian Prisoners Radio
23-07-2003 17:55
Free Palestinian Prisoners Radio- 13 minutes, including interviews with Abu Sucre, jailed for 27 years after a bomb attack, peace activist Omar Titi who was recently released from prison and coverage of the deportation of International volunteers from the West Bank. 23/07/2003 [date posted]