UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
He waited 8 years for this.....
23-07-2003 16:23
A usual day in Palestine. The occupation continues. The checkpoints remain. Lives are destroyed.Excerpts from Oct 2002 [US] Nat'l Intelligence Estimate on Iraq WMDs
23-07-2003 16:06
The following article contains excerpts from the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate that the Bush administration war criminals claim justifies their bloody mass murder of the Iraqi people in the recent War in Iraq.DESTROY DSEi - Meet up points, September 10th Actions
23-07-2003 15:43
Public meet up points for 10th September, DESTROY DSEi day of actionProposed mass actions for 10th September, day of direct action blockades.
*** Dancin' till 3am... raising money for Disarm DSEi ***
23-07-2003 07:38
Dance music event to raise money for Disarm DSEi.Please network this event...
The email address I've listed is the address you write to to get on the paying guest list but you can also get non-guest list tickets or buy tickets on the door.
Bush's Backyard Surprise Hits a gwb Fundraiser
23-07-2003 05:49

perle has a posse!
23-07-2003 04:13

Saudi Arabia behind Global Terrorism.
22-07-2003 21:29
"So if the Saudi’s were in Indonesia, Bin Laden was from Saudi, 15 of the Twin Tower terrorists were Saudi’s it was time to do some more research on Saudi Arabia:"A review of Saudi Arabia's REAL involvement around the world over the past ten years.
Many Iraqis Reject U.S.-Appointed Iraqi Governing Council
22-07-2003 19:59
In what has become a nearly daily event, increasing numbers of Iraqis and Iraqi political organizations are voicing their deep criticism and rejection of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council.ISM London: Palestine benefit for the International Solidarity Movement
22-07-2003 14:10
Palestine benefit for the International Solidarity MovementSunday 27th July, all day (3pm til late).
Palestine benefit for the International Solidarity Movement
ISM Reports:Farmers And Internationals Pull Down Apartheid Gate
22-07-2003 14:04
UPDATE! Tuesday, July 22, 10:15am Palestine time, farmers from Deir Ghosoon accompanied by international volunteers have broken down the gate shutting them out from their land and are marching..... the Israeli army stands in front of them.....***************************
1) Communique from Tobias in jail
2) ISM Jenin report
3) Travel in an occupied land_John Petrovato
4) Racism run amok_Steve Quester
Jessie In The Sky with Diamnesia
22-07-2003 11:50
Jessie in the sky with diamnesia.Jessie in the sky with diamnesia.
Jessie in the sky with diamnesia.
Jessie in the sky with diamnesia.
pcw . peace cities worldwide .
22-07-2003 06:55
make peace and love all arround the earth .IPSC man free (for few days now)
22-07-2003 02:30
News from the colonies a bit late.The man is free but the injustice once again prooves that racism is the key factor in the current global facist threat.
Regaining world balance urged
21-07-2003 23:47
The world today is suffering a lot because of the devastating impact of unilateralism, racism and Zionism. Nothing at present indicates that world peace and security will prevail soon. Still, some would like to advocate otherwise in a bid to convince others that they are working for the promotion of liberty, sovereignty, and stability!Living and dying by capitalism (by Latuff)
21-07-2003 18:04

Fairford Camp Report
21-07-2003 13:45
Fairford Peace Camp Thursday 18 - Mon 21 July 2003International Air Tattoo
Congo War Officially Over
21-07-2003 12:46
Most observers are still calling for a massive United Nations peacekeeping force to help propel this nation forward but the U.N. has so far been reluctant to get involved in more than just a small way, perhaps remembering a Congo crisis that nearly capsized the U.N. in 1960.BACK INTO THE STREETS!! : WHERE ARE THE ANTI-WAR PROTESTS!!?
21-07-2003 08:28
More and more attacks on U.S. soldiers confirm that we are headed into a long guerilla war. Wives, mothers, girlfriends, children and others are losing their loved ones. WHERE ARE THE ANTI-WAR PROTESTORS!!?