UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
17-04-2005 21:57
This website displays anti-war candidates.Big Demonstration at EDO MBM Brighton - THIS WEDNESDAY (20th)!
17-04-2005 18:06

Sunday Times reports Faslane base may 'close' on G8 Demo Day + G8A Int Mtg
17-04-2005 16:46
Sunday times reports many staff may be given the day off. Not that surprising - on most faslane submarine base big blockade days which have happened in the past, many staff are given the day off, essential staff come in early to beat the blockades and some come by boat.The faslance base 'source' is quoted as saying "We’re used to this sort of thing but the people planning it are not the ordinary peaceful protesters" - maybe they should tell Trident Ploughshares, CND and Scottish CND who are, as usual, planning the blockade!
Article also covers the G8Alternatives international organising meeting that has been going on in Scotland this weekend.
Article below for reference:
bomspotting in belgium- 450 arrested
16-04-2005 20:41
450 arrested in Belgium do a citizerns inspection at three nuclear related sites. Sarah from Oxford was thereJ.Straw on Arms Trade Treaty.
16-04-2005 16:39
Jack Straw's reply via Tory leader Micheal Howard on the Arms Trade Treaty proposal- in response to a letter from one of the latters constituents. (It includes a para on the DSEI situ)Orginal letter was part of Amnesty Intl 'Control Arms Campaign' see their website for full info....
G8 Faslane Trident Nuclear Submarine Base Blockade Audio Interview
16-04-2005 15:54
Interview with activist about the planned Trident Ploughshares G8 blockade of Faslane Submarine Base due to take place just prior to the G8 Summit in Scotland in July - as part of a week of protests and actions.4 mins 48 secs MP3
4,507KB 128kbps 44khz

New Labour New War Crimes posters here
16-04-2005 13:31
Need a poster for the general election campaign for either your website, or to print out? Then try this one:
15-04-2005 22:39
Right to protest extended for another week. Gee thanks!Fire Bombs in Iraq:Napalm By Any Other Name
15-04-2005 08:50
This briefing examines the continuing use of incendiary weapons("napalm") by the US military in Iraq. While the UK government has
attempted to downplay or deny the use of incendiaries in Iraq, US
officials have been forced to admit using the MK-77 incendiary, a modern
form of napalm. The UK is party to an international convention banning
such weapons where they may cause harm to civilians. In Iraq, UK forces
are part of a coalition which does not adhere to internationally agreed
standards of warfare.
Smash EDO's Big Day Out - High Court Report
14-04-2005 21:13
Smash EDO and 10 individuals were in the High Court, London today to resist the injunction being sought by corporate war whores EDO MBM*.9/11 - The Secret World: “You just don’t see it unless you...
14-04-2005 12:59
It's one of those excellent and enlightening stories - especially for the outsiders who do not know most of Hopsicker's writings about 9/11 yet - which makes Neanderthalers think and insiders wonder...Now We Are Free - Lessons from Vieques
14-04-2005 11:49
A major international conference launches at the end of the month in Glasgow with special speakers coming from Puerto Rico to Govan. Robert Rabin was at the heart of the struggle to eject the US Navy from Vieques. After this victory he's now invited to Scotland to share his tactics...China Charges Japan War Crimes! What about China with regards to Tibet...
14-04-2005 00:11
China Charges Japan War Crimes! What about China with regards to Tibet, Tianinmen Square and Taiwan? Interesting how easily people forget the death of many innocent peoples in China itself!US Refugees: Casualties of the 'War Against Dissent'?
13-04-2005 18:19
As part of the 'War Against Dissent', extraordinary events can occur within the US, life threatening events. But has so-called 'realpolitik' effectively denied Americans the right to political asylum. There have been legitimate cases, including one based on torture and attempted murder.Bush arrest when visiting Holland in May?
13-04-2005 12:39
In the Netherlands coming April 29th there'll be an official verdict in the court case vs Bush et. al.: again charged with a string of crimes against humanity, 'Breach of the UN Chapter' and the Torture Convention, which by the way your country - like the US - has signed too.Straw optimism over anti-war vote
13-04-2005 11:51
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says anti-war activists can be drawn back to vote Labour by other factors.Iain Hook's Murder COVERED UP: Dr. Jack Shepard &The Socialist Worker New agree
13-04-2005 11:12

by Dr. Jack Shepard
Smashedo meeting - London - Tonight
13-04-2005 08:46