UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Adam Price MP calls Blair a Liar!
19-03-2005 13:58

Are the Central London webcams being censored?
19-03-2005 13:41
In 2003 it was suggested that London webcams covering the Anti-War March were being censored by the police.PENSIONS NOT WAR - PUBLIC MEETING IN BRIGHTON
18-03-2005 16:48
£5bn for war, yet no money for pensions. Support the striking public sector workers.Rage Against Raytheon in Reading
18-03-2005 16:02
Offensive and Defensive Aggression: Herbert Marcuse
18-03-2005 15:49
In this 1970 interview in the midst of the Vietnam aggression, Marcuse insists that affirmation of life is the distinction between offensive and defensive aggression. The physician cutting off a leg and a pilot ordering passengers are examples of defensive aggression.BBC BROADCASTS 'FAKE' NEWS REPORTS
18-03-2005 15:19
UK: Spinwatch can reveal that we have our very own fake journalists operating in the UK. The government pays for their wages and they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.M.Howard of the Arms Trade.
18-03-2005 14:05
Reply from Tory leader M.Howard to constituent's letter re Amnesty Intl Control Arms campaign (and the Intl Arms Trade Treaty etc).Trafalgar Square peace camp (pics).
18-03-2005 13:44

Week of action targets plunderers of Iraq
18-03-2005 13:00

Support Comunidad de Paz San José de Apartadó on the 8th anniversary 23 March
18-03-2005 10:41

Support the Comunidad de Paz San José de Apartadó on their 8th anniversary on 23 March
Out of the horrors and suffering of displacement in Colombia, eight years ago - on 23 March, 1997 - was born a new hope. War Resisters' International sends greetings to the Comunidad de Paz San José de Apartadó as it celebrates its eighth anniversary.
Open Letter to STWC from Political Association of Iranian Refugees
18-03-2005 10:12
Iranian refugee group criticises STWC for refusing to give platform to voices equally critical of US imperialism and the stutus quo in Iran.Great Peace Posters To Download
18-03-2005 08:08
Great peace posters on this website - 'Another Poster For Peace'.GEORGE THE KILLER - SING THIS AT RALLIES!!
18-03-2005 01:04
Sing this song on the tune of the theme song of "Bob the Builder" aloud at any rallies especially the coming big one!Wolfowitz at the World Bank: An Empire without a Global Economic Policy?
18-03-2005 00:30
A momentum to break open debtors' prisons that the Washington Consensus built in the global south has been building up, demonstrated by Argentina's ability to compel 75% of its creditors to accept 35 cents on the dollar. The nomination of Paul Wolfowitz for WB presidency can only invigorate the global justice movement, which will have an inviting target at the IMF and the WB's 2005 Spring Meetings on April 16-17 and their 2005 Annual Meetings on September 26-27 -- both in Washington D.C. At the same time, the Wolfowitz nomination, like John Snow's performance, underscores the empire's lack of global economic policy. To be sure, there is no lack of clarity in the domestic business agenda, but all elements of the domestic agenda (the class action "reform," the bankruptcy "reform," the medical malpractice liability "reform," tax cuts, Social Security privatization, etc.) either do nothing to defuse or make bigger ticking economic time bombs -- the ballooning housing bubble, mounting consumer debts, the credit bubble, the widening current account deficit, rising oil prices, the falling dollar, and so on -- that may go off any time.Rachel Corrie anniversary memorial at Caterpillar, Solihull: report and pics
17-03-2005 18:12

Film: Women In Black womens day action, Bristol UK
17-03-2005 13:59

Ex Brit Ambassador joins fight against NWO - stands against Straw man
17-03-2005 11:19
Ex Ambassador to Uzbekistan uncovers lies by Straw and MI6 - intends to defeat him on his own patch at election time (yeah, right!)(US) "brand" - My Lai, Nicola, and the psychosis of genocide
17-03-2005 08:59

The concept of brand is the problem.
Viewing a nationality as a product goes to the core of the basic problem issue of a psyche that believes that ownership and marketing is all.
Ownership of responsibilty is surrendered.........