UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Bush: ''Bloodsucking vampire''
08-07-2003 06:25
Protesting under the banner of the Anti-War Coalition, South African demonstrators waved posters and sang struggle songs.Some of the posters read "Bush, the mass murderer", "Bloodsucking vampire", "Jou ma se bush", "Behind every bush is a terrorist", and "Bush you won't rape our minds".
08-07-2003 00:38
In Khadamiya on Monday, plenty of people said more violence would follow if the Americans didn't leave. A civil affairs soldier was shot in the neighborhood June 27 while shopping for DVDs."We will fight. We will kill them," said Abdul Sada, a Shiite bus driver, who pantomimed chopping off a head. "Our customs don't allow strangers to move around our area."
Standing next to Sada, Jafar Ismail said anti-American sentiment was widespread.
"It is not Sunni. It is not Shiite. All of Iraq hates the American troops," he said. "If the American soldiers stop near our mosques, they will be shot."
The White Man Unburdened
07-07-2003 23:40
Let us hope that our democracy will survive these nonstop foulings of the nest.Anti-war Art Exhibition
07-07-2003 22:07
Details of an anti-war art exhibition by Iraqis in SheffieldUsing one war to distract from another
07-07-2003 20:42
Keep a sharp eye on Liberia, folks.Not that what happens there is of crucial importance to Americans - any more so than, say, what happens in Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, Zimbabwe or any other African country where life is dangerous, degrading and desperate, and America has done practically nothing about it.
By the time you read this column, U.S. forces might have landed in Liberia and it would be logical for Americans to wonder why - why now? If they haven't landed, but the Bush administration is still talking about the possibility, the same question applies. Why Liberia? Why now? The place has been in a state of bloody chaos for more than a decade.
Could it be that the Bush administration needs a distraction?
150 Norwegian "humanitarian efforts" troops are being flown to Basra tomorrow.
07-07-2003 20:32
Love: in all honestyby Ojembaenweilo • Monday July 07, 2003 at 06:29 PM
How to explain some certain situations to a foreign friend who hasn't heard from me for more than a year ... but watch out: my foreign friend is a Nigerian citizen, and the free press isn't all that free in her country, either! - all personal material is edited away, mind ...
... and we do remember that Norway was mentioned thrice in that Al Qaida speech on new and better targets of terrorist attacks ...
Tommy Franks repeats Bush's "Bring 'em on'' taunt - AS HE LEAVES IRAQ FOR GOOD
07-07-2003 17:42
RETIRING U.S. General Tommy Franks says U.S. troop levels are sufficient in Iraq and he has repeated a taunt made by President George W. Bush for Iraqi militants attacking U.S. forces to "bring them on". Franks said he agreed with the president's controversial message last week for Iraqi militants attacking the 145,000 U.S. troops who are to be stationed in Iraq for at least seven years."Absolutely," said Franks in his final press conference as he prepared to leave Iraq for good, adding: "Bring 'em on."
07-07-2003 17:27
NIGERIA'S top union leader said today that police had shot dead ten protesters during unrest in Lagos on the eighth day of a general strike over fuel prices.PHONEY LIED ABOUT WMD AND SPIN ALI IS ON THE COVER UP CASE
07-07-2003 07:47

07-07-2003 07:23
Two U.S. soldiers have been killed in two fresh attacks in the Iraqi capital Baghdad overnight, the U.S. military says.A spokesman said on Monday one soldier was killed while a patrol was pursuing Iraqi gunmen in the Azamiyah neighbourhood of Baghdad. An Iraqi gunman was killed and another wounded in the clash.
The second U.S. soldier was killed when a rocket-propelled grenade hit his vehicle in the district of Kadhimiya.
07-07-2003 07:18
US troops facing extended deployments amid the danger, heat, and uncertainty of an Iraq occupation are suffering from low morale that has in some cases hit "rock bottom."Even as President Bush speaks of a "massive and long-term" undertaking in rebuilding Iraq, that effort, as well as the high tempo of US military operations around the globe, is taking its toll on individual troops.
Some frustrated troops stationed in Iraq are writing letters to representatives in Congress to request their units be repatriated. "Most soldiers would empty their bank accounts just for a plane ticket home," said one recent Congressional letter written by an Army soldier now based in Iraq. The soldier requested anonymity.
Support Grandmother Who Smashed A Tornado Jet
07-07-2003 06:59
On the 10th of March, 2003, Danish grandmother and peace activist Ulla Roder nonviolently damaged a Tornado war-plane so it could not be used in the US and UK attack on Iraq. Sign the statement of supportYanoun -- Life in the Shadow of Pogroms
07-07-2003 05:02
The evenings in Yanoun had been quiet and peaceful for many hundreds of years. But today, it is now disturbed by the encroachment of forces just beyond the village. Instead of the peacefulness of the dark, search lights scan over the village landscape keeping a watchful eye on the Palestinians of Yanoun, who have not once attacked or even approached the settlementsBush's Backyard Surprise, Houston, Texas
07-07-2003 04:22

Not Only Vanunu Is Lonely: PEACE PRISONERS
07-07-2003 04:03
Here are Heroes and Heroines of Peace. Please consider remembering them with a postcard or a letter. If you wish to add some one who is not represented please contact:
Menwith Hill - CAAB report
07-07-2003 01:12
CAAB report of Independence from America day at Menwith HillDISARM : Air Shows & Arms Fairs
06-07-2003 18:09
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