UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Smash EDO Trial of anti arms trade activists next week and 2 actions in Brighton
07-01-2005 12:40
Smash EDO are holding 2 evnts next week to coincide with the trial of 5 activist for a rooftop occupation at the factorySmash EDO Public Meeting - 11th Jan - 6.30pm
07-01-2005 12:22
Smash EDO Public Meeting - 11th Jan - 6.30pmPublic sees through Government propaganda on arms exports
06-01-2005 17:55
A new poll shows that a significant proportion of the public believes the political influence of arms companies is the main reason the government supports arms exports (22.8%), as opposed to Government stated reasons such as jobs, promoting security abroad and maintaining the UK’s own supplies. More than half of people polled (50.6%)are opposed to civil servents promoting arms exports in the Defence Export Services Organisation.EDO on trial in Brighton Magistrates 11 - 14th Jan 2005
06-01-2005 12:54
please come and support 5 activists on trial for aggravated trespass 11-14th Jan at EDO Tech - Brighton's very own arms manufacturer. Demonstrations are planned at the court in the afternoon on Tuesday 11th and at the factory at 4pm on Thursday 14th to celebrate the end of the trial. Crash pad accomodation available in brighton - email
there will also be a public meeting against EDO in Mouslecoomb on the 11th at 6.30pm - see the website for details
Demo at Marks and Spencers this Sat (8th) 12-2pm
05-01-2005 22:58
Demo at Marks and Spencers this Sat (8th) 12-2pmRobert Fisk Interview - Middle East in 2004
04-01-2005 13:15
ROBERT FISK: Well, I think that the whole project in Iraq is finished. We are not being told by Mr. Blair in my case and Bush in yours that this is the case, and perhaps through their own misjudgment or their own fantasies, they don't even accept this themselves. But the American project for democracy or whatever its real purposes were, for oil, economic expansion, Middle East fit for Israel, whatever it may have been, that project is finished. It is hopeless. It cannot succeed.Abu Ghraib torture stencil to use and alter
04-01-2005 09:48

Christmas day in Asira & Taluza 2004
03-01-2005 07:08
Christmas day 2004, in the village of Asira south of Nablus, next to a school four internationals are outside a narrow four storey white house which is home to a family of ten. The internationals are there, because the Israeli army has been occupying this home and the neighbouring school since midnight of the 24th of December 2004.
As one of the four internationals outside the house I am concerned for the welfare of the family. We know that the armies have imprisoned the ten members in one room at the top of the house and that the youngest held is a three months old baby. At the point that we approach the house, approximately 1600 hours on the 25th of December, the family has been imprisoned for almost 18 hours with one male soldier standing guard over them at all times.
03-01-2005 04:29
A pair ofe activists breached high security at Faslane Base tonight to highlight the annual cost of Trident compared to the sum of aid promised by the British government to help the victims of the earthquake in Asia.USUK atrocities in Fallujah
01-01-2005 23:40

Horror stories — including the use of napalm and chemical weapons by the U.S. military during the siege of Fallujah — continue to trickle out from the rubble of the demolished city, carried by weary refugees lucky enough to have escaped their city... an interview with a cameraman with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. who witnessed the first eight days of the fighting told of what he considered atrocities.
J20 International General Strike and Bush Inauguration Protest
31-12-2004 23:44
Ideas and many links about the J20 general strike and Bush Inauguration Day protest...Call in sick. Take a personal day. 1/20/05
January 20th, 2005
What you should look for on your hard drive that may well be hidden: "clamxav"
31-12-2004 12:04
You may not know it but your computer could have this software installed on it by someone who wanted to index your hard drive if you are an activist.Adventures in American Theocracy - Part 1 - The Pequot War
31-12-2004 09:10
Those wanting to know what a theocratic American foreign policy would look like need only consider 17th Century New England - and the case of the PequotsProtestors arrested at MOD
28-12-2004 14:28
6 anti war protestors were arrested today for digging graves and spraying anti war messages at the Ministry of Defence London UKVoices in the Wilderness in Parliament Square
24-12-2004 00:34

Please Help! Plea from Los Angeles.
23-12-2004 14:21
We cannot wait another 4 years to stand against the war and rampant social injustice of another Bush Administration. A coalition of social, political, and religious activists have come together to protest the coronation of George W. Bush. We invite you and all your friends and family to join hundreds of thousands in the streets of Washington, DC.Tribunal finds the defendants George W. Bush and Tony Blair GUILTY for war crim
23-12-2004 10:12

The Myth of a Divided America
23-12-2004 05:39