UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Long Range Acoustic Device
04-03-2004 20:18
U.S. soldiers in Iraq have new gear for dispersing hostile crowds and warding off potential enemy combatants. It blasts earsplitting noise in a directed beam.Aristide Is Being Held Like a Prisoner. Is Chavez Next?
04-03-2004 17:05
Thursday, March 4th, 2004
Listen/Watch entire show

War is a Racket
04-03-2004 16:29
An alternative antiwar book by one of Americas best military minds against war.A classical funny good account.Mandaeans Suffer in Baghdad
04-03-2004 06:50
Iraq’s post-war chaos is being played out tragically among a small pre-Christian sect in Baghdad.Haitian Consul General Says Aristide Still President
04-03-2004 01:57
Non-Corporate News From The US10,000 dead in Iraq, 892 in Israel
03-03-2004 20:27
A comparison of the civilian dead in Iraq, Palestine and Western targets.One place left on March 5-7 Medic Training!
03-03-2004 17:58
There is one half-funded place left on the Earth First! Medic Training being held over March 5-7 in Nottingham. Get in touch if you want to come.ISRAEL: Women COs and refusers in prison
03-03-2004 13:31

Blockade Menwith Hill
03-03-2004 11:19

Haiti is Being Murdered
02-03-2004 22:20
The coup in Haiti is a joint accomplishment of President Bush and President Chirac - together at last. Having kidnapped Aristide and shuffled him off to Africa where he resides in apparent captivity, the US forces are now allowing the death squads they helped to murder thousands of Haitians retake the country. You wouldn't know this if you were not, like me, a fanatic...Manchester students organise to challenge Labour and the BNP - video
02-03-2004 21:30
The student anti-war movement is mobilising to fight Labour and the BNP in the Euro-elections... Watch the video clips.Young people protest in trenches against the arms trade
02-03-2004 16:32

Free poster against local War Criminal Andrew Smith MP
02-03-2004 12:04

US Sponsored Coup d'Etat The Destabilization of Haiti
02-03-2004 10:09
The armed insurrection which contributed to unseating President Aristide on February 29th 2004 was the result of a carefully staged military-intelligence operation.ERIO calls for urgent measures for Roma in Slovakia
01-03-2004 20:34
ERIO Press release on Roma prostest in Eastern Slovakia and call on the Slovak Government and the European Union to work towards the improvement of the situation of Roma across Europe.Leeds Uni Students Against War present D. Shayle (ex MI5 employee) 4/3 @19:30
01-03-2004 19:36
With Leeds University Union Students Against the War SocietyStop the War * No to Racism * Defend Civil Liberties
01-03-2004 16:58
Unarmed Palestinian Boy Shot in the Back
01-03-2004 15:32
WASHINGTON ( -- Yousef Bashir, a 15-year-old unarmed Palestinian, was recently shot in the back by the Israeli Defense Forces as he waved goodbye to United Nations aid workers, who were also threatened by the IDF.Graduates courted by militarists
01-03-2004 12:43
Graduates are to be courted into joining militarist adventures and arms manufacturers. Perhaps someone should attend and tell these companies and organisations what they think of luring young people into such destructive occupations.