Haiti is Being Murdered
lenin | 02.03.2004 22:20 | Anti-militarism
The coup in Haiti is a joint accomplishment of President Bush and President Chirac - together at last. Having kidnapped Aristide and shuffled him off to Africa where he resides in apparent captivity, the US forces are now allowing the death squads they helped to murder thousands of Haitians retake the country. You wouldn't know this if you were not, like me, a fanatic...
The coup in Haiti is a joint accomplishment of President Bush and President Chirac - together at last. Having kidnapped Aristide and shuffled him off to Africa where he resides in apparent captivity, the US forces are now allowing the death squads they helped to murder thousands of Haitians retake the country. You wouldn't know this if you were not, like me, a fanatic. The BBC tells us that Kofi Annan is rather chipper about the whole exercise, while Hugo Chavez is wondering if he'll be next in line for the coup machine. There is, says the Beeb, "unease" over the "fall" of Aristide. Replace those words with "terror" and "coup", and you have the picture. It also mentions that the rebels are being employed to "fill in the political gap" and quotes "rebel leader" Guy Phillipe as saying "I am not interested in politics... the president is the legal president, so we follow his orders". That's about as close to serious analysis as we're going to get, I'm afraid. The racist imagery on the television news of yet another country where black people are marauding with machetes and weaponry (not a wisp of context, not a scrap of informative comment) is oddly reminiscent of the images of Mogadishu circa 1992, replicated in the awful Black Hawk Down. It is hardly surprising, in the middle of all this disorder and rage, that we now see the white Superman step in to save the day and smack the locals across the mouth for getting uppity. Imperialism and racism have always been brothers under the sheets. . .
