UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Summit of informations for the actions in Munich (no-nato)
29-01-2004 23:46
What is the “NATO security conference“?At the annual Munich “meeting for safety policy” as it officially called, military strategists, generals and armament experts, the ministers of foreign and of defence affairs of the NATO and the EU states, as well as representatives of the armament industry and the media, meet at the hotel “Bayerischer Hof “.
American women soldiers returning from Iraq report rape by comrades-in-arms
29-01-2004 22:57
An article from the US newspaper Denver Post reports cases of US women soldiers being sexually assaulted by males in their own army. (And a thought of my own: if GI Janes are being raped, what are the "liberators" doing to Iraqi women?)Damn Hutton - But Don't Mourn Auntie
29-01-2004 22:01
Greg Dyke resigns , but it seems he is only following the orders of the BBC Board . You can look at this in all sorts of ways. For instance, I thought to myself: "So?" Others might be inclined to say something like "Huh?" and "Who gives a shit?"Let's get back to the real issues...
Greg Palast: BBC At War
29-01-2004 20:14
An excellent analysis of the Hutton whitewash.PLYMOUTH TRIDENT CASE - DATE CHANGE
29-01-2004 14:51
The case of the Devonport 3 is now due to go to trial on 25th February NOT 9th February as originally expected.There will still be a peaceful presence outside the court, so please do come along and support. For more info see
Morons in Space
29-01-2004 03:35
state and corporate interests collude to militarize and monopolize spaceLakenheath Action Group: Peace Events For Your Diaries
28-01-2004 10:04
17th and 18th JAN - Reclaim the Bases..More Likely 18th. demo at the gate, walkaround the base and display your banners.!..LAG more details Helen-07881782772.
New Violence in Congo
28-01-2004 06:34
Even as the newswires are carrying stories about a media release from United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan praising steps toward reconciliation between Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its neighbour Burundi, new violence has taken place in DRCFootage from Fairford coach Judicial Review Jan 2004
27-01-2004 23:17

'NO WAR' against Sydney Opera House 2 - Interview with 1 'artist' = Dave Burgess
27-01-2004 19:19

Leak against this war
27-01-2004 19:01
US and British officials must expose their leaders' lies about Iraq - as I did over Vietnam.Libya and the US: How Terror Won
27-01-2004 18:48
If you believed the Reagan administration, Qadaffi was the source of every explosion, earthquake, blizzard and thunderstorm. If you believed Clinton and Major, he was responsible for Pan Am 103. If you believe Bush on anything, you need your fucking head examined.My correspondence with Benny Morris
27-01-2004 17:36
My correspondence with Benny Morris about his article in HaaretzHolocaust Day is Hutton Eve - poem
27-01-2004 17:11
An 18 line poem the peace and justice campaigner author was moved to create after attending a Holocaust Memorial in Swindon on 27 Jan - just one day before Hutton reports on death of weapons inspector Dr David KellyAn Idiot Guide to the Ubiquitous WMD
27-01-2004 16:37
An Idiot Guide to the Ubiquitous WMDHumanitarian Bombers in Court
27-01-2004 13:27
Dutch leaders give evidence on the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - full version.Petition to Bush for Release of 3 Anti-Nuke Nuns from Prison
27-01-2004 04:41
27-01-2004 00:15

their idea about what is of most fundamental importance
and may therefore ultimately be worth a war.
-- Evan Luard, author International War