UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Egypt:Conflicting Narratives.
20-08-2013 08:38
This article looks at the dominant but conflicting narratives coming out of Egypt and considers to what extent either can be taken at face value. Nevertheless, there are serious concerns which need addressing.Egypt: The gloves are off - Again!
16-08-2013 17:23
The events in Egypt have changed rapidly. The Arab Spring uprising having been channeled into bourgeois elections has now been driven back to its starting point - the people versus the state. The struggle for bread, justice and freedom has been sidelined yet again by the military elite.Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
13-08-2013 20:24

Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Pentagon 'shocked' at MoD privatisation & dispatch from Columbia's 'Red Zone'
10-08-2013 19:03

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

UG#658 - Countering Intelligence 1
07-08-2013 15:33

Support Bradley Manning at Brighton Pride Sat 3 August
02-08-2013 19:22

Bradley Manning, a gay soldier in a homophobic military environment, risked his life and liberty to bring us evidence about the wars being fought in our names. His trial has been going on since 3 June, he has been found guilty on charges that could add up to a sentence of 136 years. His trial continues in Fort Meade, Maryland, where evidence is being presented in relation to sentencing. He needs our support and solidarity.
Bradley Manning Verdict: With friends like Ann Clwyd...
31-07-2013 13:22

"At this point I would throw out some questions... What about the people who sent Manning to Iraq? Let's hear some things about them..."

Good idea!
Anachronistic Empire on Trial
30-07-2013 15:28
People of the world look at this kid: A contradiction between set and setting that could hardly be any starker. It is like tin soldiers of European absolutism painted into a 20th century street car for future generations to spot the anachronism, only the other way around: The grotesque garb is part of current militarist craze, and the look in its eyes is timeless horror. If you had been presented the photograph with the caption that this was the hostage serially raped by the enemy and now freed because a demand to kick out a corrupt corporation was finally met, there would have been no difficulty to believe it. But that result has been produced by the corrupt empire itself. It has abused one of its own just like it is used to abuse the rest of us. And since the entire travesty is taking place in the clothing of disgrace and detestation, the military uniform, it has made painstakingly obvious the sheer absurdity of the cognitive dissonance the imperialist apparatus is incorporating. Future pupils writing essays on the appropriateness of bombing a culture which wrecks its kids like this are being served a showcase dilemma.Philippines - NDFP says UN report on use of child combatants by NPA ‘false, bias
25-07-2013 09:40

Palestinian Anarchists in Conversation: Recalibrating anarchism in a colonized country
21-07-2013 20:17
“I’m honestly still trying to kick the nationalist habit,” jokes activist Ahmad Nimer, as we talk outside a Ramallah cafe.Conscientious Objectors: no to the Universal Soldier
21-07-2013 13:44

The only humane solution: Scrap Trident
18-07-2013 23:20
The only humane solution: Scrap TridentPlease can anyone help Veggies at Peace News Camp
17-07-2013 12:35
Help lovingly appreciated at Peace News camp.Yes your chance to don a magical Veggies t shirt,not available in the shops!!:>)Support for Bradley Manning in Wrexham. Support needed everywhere Sat 27 July.
11-07-2013 21:48

Summer Peace News Camp In-Line!
11-07-2013 10:34
How to jump dinner queues at Summer Peace News Camp!!NSA, It's the end of your world as you knew it and I feel fine
11-07-2013 09:13

Demo tomorrow outside Houses of Parliament #Syria #onstrikeforpeace
10-07-2013 20:56
Demo tomorrow outside Houses of Parliament.Backbenchers debating right to vote should government decide to arm Syrian Rebels.
Bring a placard if possible.
Meet 12 noon by the Churchill Statue, Parliament Square.
No to illegal arming of Syrian Rebels. Promote peace talks now! Demo tommorow.
10-07-2013 19:14
Photo:"Hands off" Syria and Iran! Demo outside Houses of Parliament UK, Wed 10th July'13Tomorrow, UK government backbenchers debate the right to vote on any decision on arming Syrian Rebels.
Demo tomorrow 12 noon outside the Houses of Parliament, Parliament Square, Westminster SW1A OAA
Audio: 4th July "Independence FROM America" protest at NSA Menwith Hill
05-07-2013 23:29