UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Good Energy ditches G4S over ethical concerns
07-08-2012 01:11
Good Energy has decided to drop G4S as its meter reading contractor following complaints from customers that its contract with the notorious security giant flies in the face of its ethical policy.Smash EDO: End to the summer of Resistance & August break
04-08-2012 21:40
We've had an intense few months with the summer of resistance and will be taking a break from the noise demos in August to build up energy for the autumn. If any of you out there have any actions planned August might be a good time to carry them out! Below is a summary of what's been going on during the summer.Smash EDO trial runs out of time
04-08-2012 19:39
The crime reporter of The Argus does his best to cover the drama and technical complexities of the latest Smash EDO protest trial in Brighton.EDO Boss Hills Gets Grilled In Court
02-08-2012 15:59

EDO MBM Paul Hills faced difficult questions in Brighton Magistrates this wee
One World Festival Supports EDO
01-08-2012 14:10
One World Festival supports EDOSpeech Chris Nineham
29-07-2012 15:06

Brighton arms trade corruption challenged in court
29-07-2012 10:07
Smash EDO Press Release4:PM Friday 27 July 2012
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Sam Hayward - 07526557436

Smash EDO website:

CASE NAME: R-v-Nero and Pidwell
VENUE: Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton
DATE: 31 July 2012 – 2 August 2012
Diggers2012: Activities at Runnymede Eco Village this Saturday
26-07-2012 12:58

Peace news 2012 Summer Camp open June 26th
26-07-2012 00:25
You can still come to the Camp if you have not yet registered or paid.Online registration has now closed but you can pay for entrance and meals on arrival.
Inside the Global Arms Trade - A talk by Andrew Feinstein, 26/7
25-07-2012 10:19
Thursday 26th of July: The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade -Talk by Andrew Feinstein. 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton. Free entry.Followed by a Q and A. Discounted copies of the book will be on sale after the talk.Solidarity in London, Wrexham, Brisbane as Bradley Manning is back in court in US
19-07-2012 07:31

Accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning has been back in court at Fort Meade, Maryland, US this week for another pretrial hearing. Solidarity action has been organised outside the court, elsewhere in the US including 'Fort Manning' occupation of the federal courthouse in LA and around the world including London, Wrexham and Brisbane. For some background and a summary of the current situation at court, see this interview with Nathan Fuller of the Bradley Manning Support Network and Kevin Gosztola's blog.
Diggers2012: Permaculture Open Day @ Runnymede Eco Village this Saturday
18-07-2012 17:57

Smash EDO: Andrew Feinstein talk and London CAAT action
17-07-2012 21:08
Smash EDO upcoming events update.EDO MBM shut-down after activists lock on to police cordon
17-07-2012 16:37
On Monday 16th July anti arms trade campaigners held a mass ‘citizens’ weapons inspection’ of the EDO MBM arms factory in Brighton.Pics from Yesterday's Citizen's Weapons Inspection at EDO in Brighton
17-07-2012 09:47

Weapons Inspection Update - EDO Brighton
16-07-2012 15:35

Mass Citizens' Weapons Inspection of EDO today
16-07-2012 09:07
Obama Planning More War
14-07-2012 22:10
America's favorite pastime isn't baseball. It's war, permanent imperial wars that won't end in our lifetime Dick Cheney said earlier. America is addicted to war. One nation after another is ravaged and plundered. Unchallenged global dominance is sought. Who's next? Syria? Iran? Washington's long knives target both countries. On June 29, AP headlined "US, Russia fail to reach agreement on Syria, jeopardizing Annan plan to end crisis," saying: Before heading for Geneva, Hillary Clinton and Sergey Lavrov met in St. Petersburg. Differences between them weren't resolved.16 July: Free Bradley Manning; Protect Julian Assange. Vigils at two embassies
14-07-2012 19:26

Vigil for Bradley Manning
Ecuadorian Embassy, Knightsbridge from 4.30pm
Vigil for Julian Assange (ongoing daily vigil)
I wrote to my MP regarding the harrrassment of Barbara Tucker
13-07-2012 20:02