UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Callout for a Solidarity Action – International Day to Defend the Egyptian Revol
10-11-2011 12:51
Saturday 12/11/11, 3pm St Paul’sOccupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
Prevent nuclear waste at its origin: uranium mining
10-11-2011 05:46
Prevent nuclear waste at its origin: uranium miningInvitation to an international uranium conference 4 Feb 12
On 11 March 2011 Fukushima became the new symbol of the uncontrollability of nuclear installations. In Germany powerful protests have achieved the closure of several nuclear power stations, in some countries nuclear programmes are being cut back, but in several others nuclear energy production is still being expanded. And in Niger, Congo, Namibia, Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan and elsewhere uranium continues to be mined unscrupulously and almost unnoticed.
It starts with uranium!
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Occupy London - Solidarity with Census Refuser Judith Sambrook
09-11-2011 19:30

Ground the Drones: Protest the Drones Industry - Wed 16 Nov, London
09-11-2011 08:54
As unmanned drones become the latest 'must have' weapon, and drone strikes become an almost daily occurrence, the drone industry will be gathering together in central London.Protest: Wednesday, 16th November, 12noon-2pm, Copthorne Tara Hotel, Scarsdale Place, Kensington, London, W8 5SR
(nearest tube High Street Kensington)
Palestine Today 11082011
08-11-2011 16:06

20yrs of depleted uranium dumped on MoD's doorstep
08-11-2011 12:20

Smash EDO: Event dates in North of England and Scotland coming up
08-11-2011 11:44
Next week and the first week in December speakers from Smash EDO will be touring the north of England and Scotland to tell people about the summer of resistance.The following dates and venues are confirmed - please spread the word and join us if we are coming to you.
Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
08-11-2011 11:15
Join us for a summer of resistance against Brighton's very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
Smash EDO: RIP Mark Rivers
08-11-2011 10:42
Long term Smash EDO campaigner Mark Rivers tragically died in a fire athis flat in Brighton in the early morning on Sunday, 6th of November at
the age of 51.
A big noise demo in Mark's honour will be announced shortly.
Tightening the Noose: The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program
08-11-2011 00:20

On the diplomatic front, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is about to release its latest report on Iran's nuclear program, a program Iran insists is solely designed to produce electricity and not atomic or nuclear weapons, as is claimed by the United States and other Western powers.
According to a Nov. 6 story by the Reuters news agency, the report is tentatively scheduled to be submitted to IAEA member states on Nov. 9. That report “is expected to give fresh evidence of research and other activities with little other application than atomic bomb-making, including studies linked to the development of an atom bomb trigger and computer modeling of a nuclear weapon.”
Such “evidence” would give the U.S. ammunition to pressure the U.N Security Council to impose a fifth round of economic sanctions against Iran, or even help justify a military attack by Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom or all three countries, all of which have developed contingency plans for just such an attack.
Palestine Today 11072011
07-11-2011 16:45

RIP Mark Rivers
07-11-2011 14:18

Flyer to download: Census court case
06-11-2011 21:41

Support Conscientious Census Objector with a Message of Solidarity
06-11-2011 21:31

The Wind in the Trees
06-11-2011 16:25
This is a message to the revolutionaries on Tahrir Square from a rainbow warrior in Europe. You might doubt whether there is something useful to say from that position, but so did I before I found myself in the middle of the struggle for the freedom of our hearts and minds. You might also question whether there is anything worth to be squeezed through the prisoner dilemma that is between all of us, but so did we before we took up our last battle against the regimes we had found in our lives. Please take the time to listen to a few words from the deep woods – because as the old poem goes, after the oppressors have spoken the oppressed are going to speak.Genocide in Libya: can we talk about it now?
06-11-2011 15:31
Speak out about our government support for black genocide.Turkish criminal army uses chemical weapon in air raids over kurdistan region
06-11-2011 12:46

Jailed for Sailing to Gaza, Challenging the Blockade
05-11-2011 17:04

The boats—one from Canada and one from Ireland—were carrying 27 passengers, including press and peace activists from Ireland, Canada, the United States, Australia and Palestine. They were unarmed, and the Israeli military knew that. They were simply peace activists wanting to connect with civilians in Gaza, and the Israeli military knew that. Yet naked aggression was used against them in international waters—something that is normally considered an act of piracy.
Sole military Super-Bloc: NATO Issues Daily Reprieves To The World
05-11-2011 00:34

The time is ripe and in fact long overdue for issuing a call for an international anti-NATO initiative addressed to individuals, organizations, political parties and governments to convene an extraordinary session of the United Nations General Assembly to demand the disbanding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a – as the gravest – threat to world peace.
World War 3 A Foregone Conclusion?
04-11-2011 14:43
The hypno-induced psychotic public can't even hear the war drums any more, no matter how loud. They've become background music, white noise or something to tap your foot to. With sadistic glee still warm over Gadhafi's public torture and execution through the streets of Libya, the bloodthirsty mind-controlled western public will count a Syrian overthrow a nice after dinner mint, while monstrous illegal death drone attack reports on innocent civilians in Pakistan and Somalia are savored pastries while sipping their morning coffee.WW3 Conditioning Complete - They Won't See It Coming