UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
U.S., allies should accept a nuclear-armed Iran
12-09-2010 19:26
"But Iran is also a modern, educated country made up of young adults with diverse opinions. Millions — more interested in blue jeans and rock music than in confrontation — would welcome improved relations with the U.S. An attack might permanently sidetrack this potential for good will. To the average person in the Middle East, an attack from Israel rather than from the U.S. is a distinction without a difference.The U.S. should shift policy, decide to accept and live with a nuclear-armed Iran and persuade other nations to do the same.
The reason is simple. Iran might be slowed but it cannot be stopped from building a nuclear weapon. Its research labs and plants are scattered, buried and reinforced. An attack would slow development of a nuclear bomb but not halt it.
Until now, nuclear weapons have conferred stability, not undermined it. No nation — except the U.S. — has employed an atomic bomb against another. Having nukes would almost certainly encourage Iran to behave better."
9/11 and America’s secret terror campaign
11-09-2010 13:37

Certainly, more research needs to be undertaken, but what is clear is that any and all official investigations thus far have been nothing but concocted lies: that is, willful and intended deception, designed to hide the truth, not reveal it.
It is also within this context, of understanding the deep nexus of intelligence and terrorism in international relations and imperial stratagems (that is, strategic deception), that we must view the rise, role, evolution and purpose of the “Global War on Terror,” now in its 9th year, spending trillions to send poor Americans to kill poor Muslims in nations across the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South Asia.
9/11 Truth News: A Website Focused on Responsible News and Information
10-09-2010 13:01

Flying the flag, faking the news
10-09-2010 12:12
In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger traces the history of propaganda to Edward Bernays, the American nephew of Sigmund Freud, who invented the term "public relations". Bernays believed in "engineering public consent" and creating "false realties" as news. Here are examples of how this works today.Mideast talks a cover for US war preparations
10-09-2010 07:55

Report of TP Summer Gathering
09-09-2010 23:56
Trident Ploughshares held a summer gathering recently (2nd-6th Sept) near AWE Aldermaston.Who pays for the loss of life in Iran?
09-09-2010 20:23

Pentagon's Half-Billion-Dollar PR Budget to Sell Afghan War
08-09-2010 18:45

General Petraeus' media blitz is only the tip of the iceberg in the Pentagon's effort to sell war to the American people. The Defense Department has a budget of more than $500 million for public relations efforts directed at U.S. citizens, a slice of a much larger information operations effort to influence public opinion. But no matter how much they spend on P.R. and information operations, the facts on the ground show that the Afghanistan War isn't making us safer, and it's not worth the costs.
Join us as we fight back against the spin.
More info:

Activists Occupy Parliament!
08-09-2010 16:46

Counter Terror Expo - 19 - 20 April 2011 - Olympia, London
08-09-2010 10:25
The Counter Terror Expo in London is looking for speakers...! :-)Imperial anatomy of Al-Qaeda:CIA’s drug-running terrorists & the “Arc of Crisis”
08-09-2010 08:33

New IAEA Report on Iran Says Little, Sparks Flurry of New Speculation
07-09-2010 12:58
"The IAEA’s latest report on Iran, leaked today to a number of media outlets, has sparked a wild array of stories and speculation, though it appears to say very little. CNN’s headline “IAEA: Iran still enriching uranium” perhaps says it all, as there was no one who actually thought they had stopped.""The Militarization of Hollywood": Unlocking "The Hurt Locker"
07-09-2010 11:31

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Warhead Lab Plans Prompt Blockade of Nuclear Weapons Factory
07-09-2010 05:29

Obama: A Speech for Endless War
06-09-2010 17:44
On the last night of August, the US president used an Oval Office speech to boost a policy of perpetual war.Full article | 5 additions | 6 comments
3 Catholic Workers Arrested after Break-in at AWE Aldermaston
06-09-2010 15:25

Protest The Pope Is Right To Say Benedict Was A Willing Nazi
05-09-2010 00:57
Berger, now 81, was ordained a Catholic priest alongside Joseph Ratzinger and his brother, Georg, in 1951.When I interviewed Berger in April 2005, just after Ratzinger had been elevated to the papacy, he spoke well of Ratzinger's intellect and discipline as a young man. But he said he couldn't understand why Ratzinger had insisted for so long in so many public statements that no one had a choice but to join Hitler Youth.
Angry protests against Blair in Dublin
04-09-2010 15:39
ANGRY protesters greeted war criminal Tony Blair in Dublin when he staged the first of a planned series of book signings, with eggs and shoes thrown at him.Pakistan: US drone attacks kill 10
04-09-2010 10:55

The British military in Iraq : A legacy of war crimes and atrocities
03-09-2010 20:24

"More than half the population either dead, wounded, traumatized, in prison, internally displaced, or in foreign exile ... The air, soil, water, blood and genes drenched with depleted uranium ... the most awful birth defects ... unexploded cluster bombs lie in wait for children to pick them up ... a river of blood runs alongside the Euphrates and Tigris ... through a country that may never be put back together again."