UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The International Atomic Energy Agency: From UN nuclear watchdog to US lapdog
07-06-2010 07:35

The most glaring indication of the IAEA’s appeasement of US belligerence over the latter’s allegations of Iranian nuclear ambitions, and therefore the need for further punitive UN sanctions, is the gaping omission from the agency’s report of the Tehran nuclear fuel swap declaration.
Obama sharply increases secret military operations
06-06-2010 20:44
The Obama administration has sharply increased the use of US Special Operations forces in secret military interventions around the world, according to a report Thursday by the Washington Post.The most perilous nuclear arsenal in the world:Israel invites the world torevolt
06-06-2010 20:38

According to the Federation of American Scientists, Israel possesses more than 200 nuclear warheads which are simply adequate to evaporate the whole world in a matter of moments.
Gaza Flotilla Demo, Bradford, 1 June Video Report
06-06-2010 19:55
On the 31st of May Israeli troops boarded and attacked ships carryinghumanitarian aid bound for the blockaded Gaza Strip in Palestine while
sailing in International waters. Nine peace activists were killed.
Around 100 people protested in Bradford city centre to show solidarity
with the people of Palestine and their disgust at Israel's actions.
US-Israel:Gaza aid convoy attack reveals the real "Axis of Evil" facing theworld
06-06-2010 13:41

sorting out our own problems :: freiden utopian
05-06-2010 18:12

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London Campaign Against the Arms Trade at the Fine Art Fair
05-06-2010 17:03

Iran's islamic troops has entered North of Iraq territory in pursuit of Kurdi
05-06-2010 13:35

Israel is already singled out: Unbending US support to Israel's nuclear weapons
05-06-2010 11:00

How the UN Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports on Iran are distorted in the West
05-06-2010 10:56

Detailed Compiled Eyewitness Accounts Confirm Cold-Blooded Murder and Executions
04-06-2010 22:53

The actions of the Israeli commandos ordered by the Israeli government were characterized by cold-blooded murder and executions. According to testimony of the passengers, individuals who surrendered were killed, while a white flag was flying. Because some activists in critical condition were refused aid by the Israelis, they also died.
Confronted by the Israeli commandos, the civilian passengers were involved in desperate acts of self-defence, to protect their lives after fellow passengers had already been killed by Israeli sniper fire. The Israeli commandos, through their actions, deliberately triggered these acts of self-defence, with a view to demonizing the passengers and justifying Israeli brutality.
Dissident Island Radio tonight
04-06-2010 16:50

Solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
04-06-2010 12:39
STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY from the STOP the War Coalition PhilippinesSmash EDO events for the next week
04-06-2010 12:24
Support is needed for the decommissioners during next week as the trial finally kicks off. Come along if you can.Trident protest held inside Parliament
04-06-2010 10:31

SIX members of campaign group Trident Ploughshares protested silently inside the lobby of the Houses of Parliament in London for two hours on Thursday (3 June), calling upon the incoming government to honour its disarmament commitments by scrapping the Trident nuclear missile system and its planned replacement and signing up to a Nuclear Weapons Convention.
America Kills Peace
03-06-2010 18:23

Nothing scares the United States more than the possibility that peace might break out. Turkey and Brazil committed an unforgiveable sin, by finding a way to resolve questions about Iran’s nuclear fuel stocks. The U.S. pushed the agreement aside, preferring to move closer to war – as if that is Washington’s desired result.
The president of the United States claims the right to interfere in relations between sovereign nations, target his own citizens for death and hold anyone prisoner indefinitely. This is the description of a nation that is for all intents and purposes at war with the rest of humanity.
Media disinformation regarding Israel's murderous assault - The role of the BBC
03-06-2010 15:04 - new media library on Israel; currently Gaza Flotilla archive
03-06-2010 06:16 is a new media library project that plans to publish a series of both topic-specific and current event-focused archive websites, with the help of the pro-Palestinian community and beyond.The Lone Ship of the Freedom Flotilla: The Rachel Corrie MV Continues to Sail
03-06-2010 02:51
"The Malaysian and Irish peace and humanitarian activists aboard share their deepest grief and sense of loss with the loved ones of those killed and injured in the illegal action undertaken by Israel on Monday 31st May 2010 in the international waters of the Mediterranean. In the names of our friends, we are more determined than ever to continue into Gaza with our humanitarian cargo and our support for the blockaded and suffering people of Gaza."Brian Haw - Nine Years Harassed By Police
02-06-2010 23:41