UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
A glimmer of hope for the London-Gaza protesters
30-03-2010 12:18

Smash EDO in Tel Aviv!
29-03-2010 21:07
Sunday the 28th of March saw the campaign entering the belly of the beast as two Smash EDOers held a public meeting with Israeli anti occupation activists in Tel Aviv, Israel.Support Ka'abne School against Demolition by the Israeli Military
29-03-2010 20:20
for more info see www.brightonpalestine.orgGlobal Boycott Divestment Sanctions Day Action
29-03-2010 19:46
We will be leafletting outside Tesco's on the Cowley Road from 5 to 7pm Tuesday 30th March against the continued stealing of goods by Israel from illegally occupied Palestinian Land.Boycotting H&M over Israel stores (by Latuff)
29-03-2010 14:21

The Buds of Peace? An Interview with Workers from Tulkarem Industrial Zone
28-03-2010 21:43
The Nitzanei Shalom settlement industrial zone was built on the land of the West Bank town of Tulkarem in the early eighties. The land was confiscated by order of the Israeli military. The name means 'the ‘buds of peace’. Presently the zone houses eight factories owned by Israelis but worked in by Palestinians. The zone has been accused of causing a deterioration in health for the nearby residents of Tulkarem, unsafe working conditions and underpaying workers.Corporate Watch interviewed several workers from the Solor and Yamit factories:
Pickets against Ahava build momentum
28-03-2010 21:12

ISM London joined Palestine solidarity activists descending on central London today for the second of an ongoing series of demonstrations against the Ahava cosmetics store. The Israeli company specialises in Dead Sea products made in the illegal West Bank settlement of Mitzpe Shalem.
Miliband is lying about Iran's nuclear program
28-03-2010 19:33

Dissident Island Radio - check out the show!
28-03-2010 15:20
...featuring an exclusive interview with one of the Belgrade 6, how to make your own alcohol, Campaign Against the Arms Trade and much more...NATO Chief: Weapons of Mass Destruction threat is real and growing
28-03-2010 14:37

Seven years later, the head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) points the finger at the next target by declaring that the threat of proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction “has remained largely abstract” until now, but it is “real and growing”.
Media Disinformation regarding America’s Afghan War
28-03-2010 10:24
"For its part, the occupation forces’ ISAF Joint Command issued an “operational update” mentioning that on the night of March 24/25th its forces had searched a compound outside Zerah Ghar, Tere Zayi district of Khost Province and captured “two Taliban sub-commanders” as well as “several other insurgents,” lots of ammunition and money.[18] The official communiqué concluded with the usual, “no shots were fired, and no Afghan civilians were harmed during these operations.” But a day later, when the two civilian deaths in Chergotah could no longer be concealed, NATO published the usual promise of an investigation and the “our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this terrible accident and their families.”UK KFA Statement on US imperialism's Germ Warfare in Korea
27-03-2010 09:15
New evidence has come to light confirming the DPRK's case that the US used biologicalweapons during the 1950-1953 war
wikileaks publish CIA secret memo on countering anti-war movement
26-03-2010 16:16
link to and downlaod pdfwhile its still there

UK Company Exporting from Jordan Valley Settlements
26-03-2010 05:30
Illegal settlement trading: another company exposed.For picture evidence, visit

UN Human Rights Council adopts 5 resolutions against Israel
26-03-2010 01:03

Our right to protest: Support the London-Gaza Protesters at court, Fri. 26 March
24-03-2010 15:49

Following these protests in front of the Israeli Embassy in London, 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
The next hearing is scheduled for the 26th March, at 9.30 at Isleworth Crown Court. It is important that as many people as possible come out to show that they support the young people and recognise the unfairness of these convictions and will not stand for it.
Support Gaza protesters at Court - 9:30, 26th March, Isleworth
23-03-2010 12:18

Following these protests 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
Free film night at Bath Black Cat Centre - This thursday!
23-03-2010 10:58
Hi AllJust a reminder that the Black Cat film night will be returning this Thursday, starting at 7pm.
Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime
23-03-2010 08:32

The U.S. has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU "conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear weapons.
DU is the Trojan Horse of nuclear war – it keeps giving and keeps killing. There is no way to clean it up, and no way to turn it off because it continues to decay into other radioactive isotopes in over 20 steps.
Seventh Anniversary: The Objective of the War on Iraq was to Destroy the State
22-03-2010 11:15

State ending will certainly become established as a concept, alongside genocide and its derivatives, such as urbicide (destruction of cities), sociocide (destruction of social fabric) mnemocide (destruction of collective memory).