UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Thank You England From USA
19-11-2003 20:58

to our president and his entourage over the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
It is amazing here in the U.S. how the great majority don't know or are ill-informed
on the lies the invasion was based on.
Wednesday afternoon pics of Bush visit protests
19-11-2003 20:26

Freedom thugs and assasins! pulled?
19-11-2003 19:48
The pigscum wanker and the english braindeads today hijacked Freedom once again.The transcripts of the speech probably is pulled.

Bush Goes To England, Blair Goes To Hell
19-11-2003 19:37

Western Benevolence, Johann Hari And "Us"
19-11-2003 19:24
Writing in the Independent on Sunday, Robert Fisk told the truth about the lie that America and Britain are passionate supporters of democracy:
"We supported the Egyptian generals (aka Gamal Abdul Nasser) when they originally kicked out King Farouk. We - the Brits - created the Hashemite Kingdom in Jordan. We - the Brits - put a Hashemite King on the throne of Iraq. And when the Baath party took over from the monarchy in Baghdad, the CIA obligingly handed Saddam's mates the names of all senior communist party members so they could be liquidated.
BAE System's Dirty Dealings
19-11-2003 19:15
"The UK's largest armaments producerrunning a £20 million ($33.4 million) slush fund to finance prostitutes,
gambling trips, yachts, sports cars, and more for its most important clients
the Saudi royal family and their intermediaries, greasing the wheels of the
largest business deal in UK history..."
No Afraid to Say We Told You So - a view from the States
19-11-2003 15:32

Anti-Bush Street Party marches to Trafalgar Square
19-11-2003 15:22
100 protesters take part in Street Party through central LondonWednesday morning pics of Bush visit protests
19-11-2003 15:17

Ode' To George W.
19-11-2003 13:27
Seeing as George is about to hit the town in London, I thought I'd post this little something I got down whilst I watched lil' George address his lil' servants in the the Australian Parliament last month. A very sad day in Aussie history!Protests in London / Americans turn against Bush: 'We won't die for oil!'
19-11-2003 10:11

- BY MARCUS GREVILLE, Australians Against the War UK
[COVER STORY] Washington's unpopular war: Americans turn against Bush
[ + ALL headlines of the the full & FREE content ]
University College London still occupied by anti-war activists - latest
19-11-2003 02:36
At least 60 UCL Stop the War activists are continuing to occupy part of the main building at UCL after taking control around 5pm yesterday (Tues). The occupation is in protest against George W. Bush's state visit.Burning Planet demo report & pics
19-11-2003 01:05

pix from burning planet unwelcome bush protest to US embassy
19-11-2003 00:57

Court Case Against Bush in Brixton, Tuesday 18 Nov.
19-11-2003 00:43

Burning Planet March report
18-11-2003 22:19
A large crowd of people took part in the Burning Planet march against Bush tonight leaving Lincoln's Inn Fields at about 7.30 pm.