UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Disarm DSEI protest at Clarion Offices next Thursday
02-08-2009 17:56
From 8-11 September 2009, Clarion Events are bringing Defence Systems & Equipment international (DSEi), the world’s largest arms fair, to East London’s ExCeL Centre.Riding the "Green Wave" at the Campaign for Peace and Democracy and Beyond
02-08-2009 08:36

The Honduran Miltary Coup: "Obama will have to decide"
02-08-2009 00:01
"Obama will have to decide to label what has happened a coup d´etat, recall Ambassador Llorens and cut US assistance to Honduras or continue backing down before the hard wing of the imperial system."Support Pensioner CND protester appearing at Aberystwyth Magistrates Court
01-08-2009 08:22
A pensioner from Tregaron, will be appearing at the Magistrate's Court in Aberystwyth (by the seafront)for the refusal to pay fines for CND blockadesBrowne Ignores Brit Opposition to War ..Dogs Used as Minesniffers in Afghanistan
31-07-2009 16:45
As British polls fraudulently report opposition to Afghan war at only58 to 63% and ministers of Browne's govt. promote the war on
American airwaves, news comes of dogs being used by US
Marines as minesniffers
Wanted: computer games expert to help develop nuclear weapons
30-07-2009 15:18
This is an excellent job opening for anyone who likes violent computer games and wishes to contribute to defending the realm from North Koreans and aliens. The British nuclear deterrent is certainly safe in AWE's hands.“Responsibility to Protect” is Warmed-Over Imperialism
30-07-2009 05:57

Smash EDO - Open letter to The Argus
29-07-2009 10:12
29-07-2009 08:53

Its new booklet features 54 damning testimonies from 30 Israeli soldiers on their experiences in Operation Cast Lead. They recount what official media and government sources suppressed.
Honduras imposes State of Siege in South: The Struggle Shaking "America"
28-07-2009 20:09
"People here have been fighting for Zelaya’s return for a month now. They are incredibly committed and won’t back down,” he said. He urged people to call Congress and the White House and demand that the U.S. government pressure Micheletti to lift the siege.White House comment line: 202-456-1111
Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121
Send an email to Barack Obama using the Latin America Solidarity Coalition/School of the Americas Watch site

Mixed Victory for Shut ITT campaigner
28-07-2009 13:09
the latest trial relating to the Smash EDO campaign, see Coup: the US Connection
27-07-2009 14:33

The answer is straightforward – everything. The coup is aligned with US strategic objectives and is going to be used by Washington to regain positions in the region which it lost during George Bush’s presidency.
DISARM DSEi activist arrested for holding a banner outside army showroom
26-07-2009 21:37

Chavez: US plans to invade Venezuela through Colombia
26-07-2009 18:15

EU Court of Human Rights supports criminalisation of boycott of Israeli goods
26-07-2009 13:20
The latest ruling by the European Court of Human Rights passed by a vote of 6-1 states that it is not a violation of human rights to criminalise the calls for a boycott against Israeli goods.Nationwide Antifa Action Day Iran, Germany
26-07-2009 11:11
Nationwide Antifa Action Day Iran: Attack the German-European collaborationwith the Iranian regime!
12th of August
Smash EDO: Rescheduled public debate
25-07-2009 13:32
TUESDAY AUGUST 117.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton:
Smash EDO public debate: Is Breaking the Law to Resist War Crimes Ever Justified?
US Bases and Empire: Global Perspectives on the Asia Pacific
25-07-2009 11:56