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Smash EDO - Open letter to The Argus

Andrew Beckett | 29.07.2009 10:12 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast | World


On Monday The Argus reported that the police spent £310 000 on the policing of Smash EDO's Mayday! Mayday! protest.

On Tuesday August 11th 2009 Smash EDO will be holding a public debate around the subject of direct action under the heading "Is breaking the Law to Resist War Crimes Ever Justified?".

As you are aware people in Brighton have, for the last five years, used all kinds of direct action to highlight EDO's involvement in world wide conflicts. This has included blockades, rooftop occupations and mass street protests. In January six people broke into EDO MBM/ITT and damaged machinery to stop it being used against the people of Gaza.

The meeting will debate mass street actions, and Mayday in particular, as a tactic in campaigning against EDO MBM/ITT. On Mayday thousands of people from Brighton and around the UK joined together to show resistance against EDO and the companies, like Barclays Bank and Mcdonalds, who invest in it.

One of the reasons that campaigners chose to take their protest to the centre of Brighton was that Sussex Police have done everything they can to prevent protest at the factory. At Brighton Magistrates Court, on Monday 27th July, Sussex Police admitted that they had intended to prevent October's Shut ITT demonstration from reaching the factory at all. In doing so, they attacked demonstrators with batons, pepper spray and dogs.

The cost of policing the protest only reflects the lengths Sussex Police are prepared to go to to repress dissent in Brighton.

The debate on the 11th will be a chance to debate the tactic of mass street protests like Mayday.

The debate will also discuss the legitimacy of January's decommissioning of EDO. On January 17th, as the bombs rained on Gaza, six people broke into the factory and caused 300 000 pounds worth of damage. They say they were acting to prevent war crimes being committed by Israeli forces using weaponry including EDO components. We say that their action was legitimate and necessary. We invite the people of Brighton to come and discuss the decommissioning. Ewa Jasiewicz, who was in Gaza as a human rights worker during the bombing, will join the debate.

The debate will take place on TUESDAY AUGUST 11TH at 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton. Everyone welcome.

Andrew Beckett
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  1. Next year we will be there in mammoth numbers! — Anti-arms trade activist