UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
2008 US Foreign Military Sales to Israel worth $1.3 Billion
18-07-2009 20:48
FAS Obtains Key Report on US Arms ExportsBy Matt Schroeder
17 July 2009
From WW II To WW III: Global NATO And Remilitarized Germany
18-07-2009 18:14

USA-CIA-Program: Assassinations Worldwide
18-07-2009 15:40

Anti-Torture candidate beats government ban
18-07-2009 11:33
Former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, who blew the whistle on UK complicity in torture and is now standing as an independent candidate in the Norwich North by-election, is reporting various attempts to block him in his election campaign. He eventually won the right for distribution of an election communication in the form of a DVD, in which he describes some of the torture practices. He also states that it was known that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that we should only ever send people to die in self-defence.Burn the War Machines---Anti-Militarism actions in Germany (trans)
17-07-2009 20:10
Translation of an article on a

Washington & the Coup in Honduras: Here is the Evidence
17-07-2009 05:51

Support the Honduran people in this important struggle to beat back the coup. O
17-07-2009 04:00
"Narco News can confirm, together with reports in other media, that at least three of those four routes - the three most important - have been successfully shut down by peaceful occupations by a citizenry opposed to the coup d'etat regime, as well as vital arteries in the country's northern coastal regions."CALLOUT for Solidarity with 7 Anti-War Activists Presently at Large in the Talis
17-07-2009 01:46

Support the Decommissioners Facebook group
16-07-2009 11:06
This is to clarify the details of the decommissioners Facebook group. Please circulate this info widely as growing support and awareness is important in the buildup to the courtcase.New NATO: Germany Returns To World Military Stage
15-07-2009 11:41

SMASH EDO: Smashing stuff coming up
14-07-2009 19:31
Here is your sporadic Smash EDO update, with information about special noise demos and other goings on...CIA's TOP-TERRORIST Dick Cheney
14-07-2009 15:14
CIA's secret program: Paramilitary teams targeting Al Qaeda .... The agency had a plan after Sept. 11 for paramilitary forces to take out Al Qaeda figures overseas. Congress was never told. Reporting from Washington -- The secret CIA program halted last month by Director Leon E. Panetta involved establishing elite paramilitary teams that could be inserted into Pakistan or other locations to capture or kill top leaders of the Al Qaeda terrorist network, according to former U.S. intelligence officials. The program -- launched in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- was never operational. But officials said that as recently as a year ago CIA executives discussed plans to deploy teams to test basic capabilities, including whether they could enter hostile territory and maneuver undetected, as well as gather intelligence and track high-value targets.Demos & Surveillance continue [July] at Heckler & Koch weapons HQ
13-07-2009 23:12

The campaign holds regular monthly demonstrations, [These are normally held on the 2nd monday of every month]
Latin America is exploding in protest/organizing
13-07-2009 16:43
"Please join this struggle for justice and true freedom. Our brothers and sisters across the Americas are doing their parts from conditions of extreme hardship and danger. Surely it is time for us to “step up” from here."Afghanistan: The largest ground combat operation since the Vietnam War
13-07-2009 15:06

The current, direct war being waged in Afghanistan and across the border in Pakistan can also be seen as the twentieth year of a war that commenced as the Cold War ended.
The current main front in this global campaign is Afghanistan, NATO's first ground war and the US's longest war since Vietnam. A war that will be eight years old this October and that is escalating daily with no end in sight.
A war that has already pulled in troops from 45 nations in four continents and has extended itself through bases, troop transit and military operations to several other countries - Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - with the logistical theater of operations slated to expand to the Baltic Sea, the South Caucasus and even over the skies of Russia.
UK blocks 5 arms export licences to Israel (out of 182)
13-07-2009 09:23
5 down177 to go
hardly an embargo
ITT- EDO MBM 2008 Accounts Report Terminal Decline
12-07-2009 11:43

EDO Rugged Systems 2008 Accounts
EDO (UK) Ltd 2008 Accounts
Catholic Workers Arrested Blockading Military's Road to Perdition
11-07-2009 23:53

Peace News Summer Camp - book now!
11-07-2009 22:30
A reminder about the Peace News Summer Camp in Oxfordshire, 23-27 July.Oxford peace activist nun sentenced.
11-07-2009 15:14
Local activist, Sister Susan Clarkson, has been sentenced to 21 days in prison for refusing to pay fines relating to a previous sentence of criminal damage.