UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
FILM: Raytheon, Boeing, Thales, Rolls Royce- Bunch of Dirty Wrong Uns
08-01-2009 18:53
A 10 minute film taking a look at Bristol Weapons Park, which holds offices of Boeing, Raytheon, Thales and Rolls Royce, and anti-miitarist protestors!Day of filming: Saturday 3rd of Jan 2009. Bristol.
International Gathering
08-01-2009 13:54

Palestine discusssion at Friends Meeting house (06-01-2009).
08-01-2009 13:25

*Pedal for Palestine: Ride against the massacre in Gaza*
07-01-2009 12:04
Join a critical mass style bike ride against the invasion of Gaza: meetat Hyde Park Corner this Friday 9th January 6pm.
Israel's blonde bombshells and real bombs in Gaza
07-01-2009 09:05

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinians and the Greek Anarchists
07-01-2009 03:24
An International Day of Solidarity is being called for January 23, 2009, for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the Greek Anarchists and other anti-authoritarian activists in Greece. There are many overlaps between these two struggles, and those similarities are explored below. The date of the demonstration is to also commemorate the anniversary of the Riots in the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland, during the period of Nazi Germany (1943), where 70,000 Jewish people took this city back, and held it for a long time before the Germans took over. The date and the atrocities exposed in this article are highly ironic, given that the Prime Minister of Israel is a survivor of the Holocaust and he is actively and incessantly committing genocide against the Palestinian people.Zionists organizing a pro war demo at Israeli embassy Wednesday 7th
07-01-2009 00:24
Guess who's going to be trying to hold a demo outside the Israeli embassy just half an hour after the daily emergency anti-war protest? Yes the UK Zionist Federation is mobilizing a pro-war demo in support of the Israeli attacks on gaza....An all new show on Riseup Radio
06-01-2009 23:44
bringing you the latest news on student activism in Nottingham and playing music from student bands.UN school attacked by IDF - Interview with Alberto Arce
06-01-2009 22:15
To listen to the recorded Interview use this link:
Jabalia - 4th Jan 6pm - 5th Jan 5pm
06-01-2009 20:43
The Interview with Alberto about the attack on the Al Awda hospital can be heard here:
This article has been censored two times on indymedia germany...
Thank you for giving us asylum.
Manchester Gaza vigils continue
06-01-2009 16:56
Dates and times for Manchester Gaza vigilsWednesday Noise Demo at EDO
05-01-2009 22:52
After stuffing their faces all Christmas the workers of Edo/ITT are back at work this week to continue to make parts to kill and maim innocent people in Gaza.Traveling to National Gaza Demo in London from Brighton next Saturday
05-01-2009 22:36
All activist groups in Brighton are called upon to join the national protest to stop the massacre in GazaDialect - British Jews legal challenge to Israeli war crimes
05-01-2009 20:27

EDO/ITT targetted
05-01-2009 13:13
Last night pixies grafitteed the road and path leading to Brighton arms manufacturer EDO/ITT with slogans condemning the company's complicity in the carnage being carried out by Israeli forces in Gaza.NATO summit in Cracow
05-01-2009 09:20
The next NATO defence ministers meeting in Krakow is on 19-20 February 2009.The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War
05-01-2009 07:53

The very real possibility of a wider Middle East war — itself capable of drawing in the world — receives no comment from Barack Obama, who also must have known about Israel’s plans beforehand.
Venezuela: No concentration of power is ever revolutionary
04-01-2009 23:43

local weapons manufacturers highlighted at Gaza demo
04-01-2009 23:41
Weary of the prospect of a symbolic (and mostly ineffective) demo, activists in Manchester took the opportunity to remind the crowd of the possibilities for direct action.Photos of Exeter Gaza demo
04-01-2009 22:43