UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Obama and the U.S. elections (by Latuff)
04-11-2008 14:38

Brighton-Tubas Press Release - Hebron Settlers attack Palestinian Home
03-11-2008 17:33
Northcom, Africom and Other Threats
02-11-2008 22:04

U.S. presidential election (by Latuff)
02-11-2008 20:50

BNP in Sussex poppy parade?
02-11-2008 15:26
FASCISTS are planning to join in the official remembrance day ceremony in Horsham, West Sussex, next weekend, the local rag has reported.The parade on Sunday November 9 is due to arrive at the war memorial in the Carfax, Horsham, at 10.50am for the traditional 11am timing.
Here is the article at
Reports From the Brighton Group - Makhool; After Hadidya We Will be Next
02-11-2008 12:24
This is part of a series of blogs from delegation of eight people from Brighton who arrived in the Tubas region of occupied Palestine last week. The delegation is part of the project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. The group's aims are to highlight Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in the region, raise awareness about life under occupation and create practical solidarity links between grassroots organisations in Brighton and Tubas region.This is an excerpt from Fiona's blog
The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest
02-11-2008 12:13
Many who've heard of or read my story ask me to explain more about the Peter Power Terror Drills I witnessed that day, as I only gave it a breif mention in The 4th Bomb. Many see this so called 'coincidence' as the strongest evidence yet of state involvement.From the Brighton Group - Said Lataba – 31 Years in Prison,
01-11-2008 20:02
This is part of a series of blogs from delegation of eight people from Brighton who arrived in the Tubas region of occupied Palestine last week. The delegation is part of the project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. The group's aims are to highlight Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in the region, raise awareness about life under occupation and create practical solidarity links between grassroots organisations in Brighton and Tubas region.This is an excerpt from Fiona's blog
"A Second 9/11": An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine
01-11-2008 15:26

the President and the Vice President have intimated, in no certain terms,
that there will be "a Second 9/11". All the authoritative statements point
in chorus in the same direction: The enemy will strike again!
Right Wing Obama Love
31-10-2008 19:48

"Right wingers who openly follow the doctrine of America's right to empire
and conquest are now endorsing Obama." William Buckley's son, Christopher,
has been won over by Obama, causing Buckley to be excommunicated from the
Church of the Hard Right. Christopher Hitchens, the former radical who has
learned to love the war on terror, has found a warm place in his heart for
Michelle's husband. It must be those things Obama says so alluringly, like,
I'm going to have a foreign policy like Ronald Reagan's.
Strange Strike - Strange Timing ..
31-10-2008 14:44
With one deadly strike, the Bush administration has offered a fitting epitaph to its "might makes right" policy towards Syria — and the rest of the Middle East.On October 26, nine days before the election, American Special Operations forces, allegedly pursuing a "top operative" of Al Qaeda in Iraq, carried out a helicopter attack on Sukkariyah, a small Syrian village six miles from the Iraqi border....>>>
Candlelit vigil against Rolls Royce planning for nuclear reactor in derby
30-10-2008 21:45

Reports From the Brighton Group - Military Repression in Atoof
30-10-2008 12:35
This is part of a series of blogs from delegation of eight people from Brighton who arrived in the Tubas region of occupied Palestine last week. The delegation is part of the project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. The group's aims are to highlight Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in the region, raise awareness about life under occupation and create practical solidarity links between grassroots organisations in Brighton and Tubas region.This is an excerpt from Therezia's blog
Reports from the Brighton Group - Ethnic Cleansing in Al Farisiya
30-10-2008 12:25
This is part of a series of blogs from delegation of eight people from Brighton who arrived in the Tubas region of occupied Palestine last week. The delegation is part of the project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. The group's aims are to highlight Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in the region, raise awareness about life under occupation and create practical solidarity links between grassroots organisations in Brighton and Tubas region.This is an excerpt from Sarah's blog
Mambo - Jumbo Congo / DR Congo rebels accuse UN mission
29-10-2008 22:33

The Actions of solidarity with USA FNB in Russia
29-10-2008 18:56

Smash EDO Fundraising Sunday Roast - Nov 2nd
29-10-2008 15:41 for Survival in Al Hadidya
29-10-2008 12:20
This is part of a series of blogs from delegation of eight people from Brighton who arrived in the Tubas region of occupied Palestine last week. The delegation is part of the project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. The group's aims are to highlight Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in the region, raise awareness about life under occupation and create practical solidarity links between grassroots organisations in Brighton and Tubas region.This is an excerpt from Fiona's blog
Bristol Uni Death Fair
29-10-2008 10:48