UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Kilburn protest against Total in Burma
26-04-2008 02:38
Six protesters demonstrated at Kilburn Total station, 409 Kilburn High Rd on Wednesday 23rd April. They called on the French oil company to stop funding the military dictatorship in Burma with 500 million dollars a year, fuelling the brutal regime's oppression in Burma. The foreign currency provided by Total enables the regime to buy weapons used to persecute the Burmese people and ethnic minorities.On the Verge Tour in Wrexham next Friday
25-04-2008 21:39

U.N. Nuclear Watchdog in 'Milestone' Iran Deal
25-04-2008 18:40
Watch for Israel and the US to reject this out of hand ...Misreporting War: Audio from the MWAW
25-04-2008 12:16

At a packed Media Workers Against War (MWAW) meeting at Westminster Universtity on April 10th, speakers addressed the audience on the topic "How the media sells war and why".
Hamas offers Gaza truce with Israel
24-04-2008 16:26
What about a complete halt to attacks by Israel against HAMAS? These attempts at peace always break down because Israel will demand HAMAS cease fire, but continue to attack Palestinians, such as the 2006 Gaza Beach Massacre, under Operation First Rain, which reignited the conflict.Israel engineered this crisis, and does not want it to end.
However, if they refuse to accept these offers, eventually, the world will start publicly debating this fact.
No arms trade - Shut Down Heckler & Koch! Demonstration Tuesday May 6th
24-04-2008 14:57
Come and help stop the arms trade in Nottingham.
The Militarisation of Education in South Wales
24-04-2008 09:55
MARCH AGAINST THE NEW UK MILITARY ACADEMY BEING BUILT IN WALESAssemble 1.30 pm, City Hall, Cardiff. Saturday 26 April
Help break the cycle of mass destruction
23-04-2008 22:20
Footprints for Peace (Australia), with the active support of the French network for nuclear phase-out, will walk from London to Geneva (April 26 - July 18) via France for a nuclear-free world.Stop the UK Military Academy - March in Cardiff!
23-04-2008 14:57
Assemble 1.30 pm, Cathays Park(opposite Museum/City Hall, Cardiff
Saturday 26 April
Activists from the RAYTHEON 9 will be speaking at the end of the march
Why DID they "remember St George" . . . . then try to recuperate him ????
23-04-2008 14:31
seeing as its "St Georges Day" today, as current debates discuss if we should call it as a Holiday, a few bits of the backstory you mightnt hear about in most placesIran Will Cooperate with UN Probe into US/Israeli Allegations
23-04-2008 13:31
As was the case with Iraq, the Neo-Fascists desperate to start another war have forced their potential victim to once again Prove a Negative.Tank Shell that Sprays Deadly Darts Killed Cameraman in Gaza, Say Doctors
22-04-2008 16:50
This weapons system is designed to kill a great number of people indiscriminately. It effectively turns the tank into a massive shotgun. Like Israel's massive use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, these weapons are designed to kill whoever is around.Using them in civilian areas is the same as deliberately targeting civilians.
Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group - Transference
22-04-2008 16:24
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A project aimed at fostering links between Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine.Bath Bomb #9 now online
22-04-2008 15:41
Yes, the new edition of the Bath Bomb is finally ready. Stories from the dark underbelly of lovely lovely Bath. Or something like that:Israel Rejects Truce-Calls Offer a 'Failure'
22-04-2008 14:54
This was predicted long before the visit took place.Israel and the Us engineered this 'crisis', and does not want it to end.
March Against St Athan Military Academy, April 26
21-04-2008 10:17
On Saturday 26 April (1.30pm) people from all over the UK will be coming to Cardiff for the first national UK march against the proposed military academy at St Athan - a huge PFI project involving, among others, arms manufacturers Raytheon: if we do not act now, our taxes will fund their profits and the preparation of future Iraqs.The March to War: Syria Preparing for US-Israeli Attacks
20-04-2008 10:49

Petreaus & Crocker, Obama & Clinton: No Matter Who Wins, the War Goes On
19-04-2008 11:09

Chiswick protest to get Total Oil Out of Burma
19-04-2008 08:47