UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Operation Gladio - NATO's Secret Armies, P1 and P2`Lodge explained
10-01-2008 20:44

In fact these arms caches were used by fascists officer cardres and specially selected NATO Special Forces soldiers to ferment terror in Europe that was then blamed on the far left.
At least three murderous terror groups associated with left-wing political causes in Europe have since been exposed as no more than NATO Intelligence 'front organisations'.
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Tony Blair Joins JP Morgan Fascist Coup Financiers
10-01-2008 13:30
... true colours shining through...Afghanistan: The 'good war' is a bad war
10-01-2008 12:06
In his latest article for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes how the invasion of Afghanistan, which was widely supported in the West as a 'good war' and justifiable response to 9/11, was actually planned months before 9/11 and is the latest instalment of 'a great game'."To me, I confess, [countries] are pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a game for dominion of the world."
Lord Curzon, viceroy of India, speaking about Afghanistan, 1898
Nuclear-Free Future Walk - London to Geneva - Apr-Jul 2008
10-01-2008 11:09
Following on from this year's successful 900-mile Nuclear-Free Future Walk from Dublin to London, organised by Footprints for Peace, the same group will be staging another this year from London to Geneva, through France. The UK stretch will go from London to Portsmouth, starting on 26 April, the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.Help us tell Gordon Brown and the EU: NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT A SOLUTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE OR ENERGY SECURITY
Women peace activists imprisoned - send support
10-01-2008 10:49
On 9 January two women peace campaigners were imprisoned in Scotland for 40+ days after being convicted of £3,600 damage to the High Court in Edinburgh. Their action - on remembrance day 2006 - involved painting anti-war and anti-weapons slogans on the building.An Ominous Non-Event: The Gulf of Tonkin and the Strait of Hormuz
10-01-2008 10:34
Those either old enough to remember, or cognizant enough to understand history, will immediately be reminded of the infamous 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident, reported on August 2, 1964.Enough is Enough! Close Guantanamo Demo in Parliament Square, 6-8pm tomorrow
10-01-2008 10:20
Six years on, enough is enough. It's time to close Guantanamo. Join the London Guantanamo Campaign, Cageprisoners and others and call on the British government to act to close Guantanamo and bring back the remaining British residents. This is an authorised event.A friend of CUBA passes away…
10-01-2008 10:05

"Guardians of Power" - Reviewing David Cromwell and David Edwards' book
10-01-2008 08:28

Pakistan and the "Global War on Terrorism"
09-01-2008 19:01
The existence of an outside enemy sustains the illusion that the "war on terrorism" is real. It justifies and presents military intervention as a humanitarian operation based on the right to self-defense. It upholds the illusion of a "conflict of civilizations". The underlying purpose ultimately is to conceal the real economic and strategic objectives behind the broader Middle East Central Asian war.Historically, Pakistan has played a central role in "war on terrorism". Pakistan constitutes from Washington's standpoint a geopolitical hub. It borders onto Afghanistan and Iran. It has played a crucial role in the conduct of US and allied military operations in Afghanistan as well as in the context of the Pentagon's war plans in relation to Iran.
Six years of Guantanamo - Orange Friday National Events
08-01-2008 11:05

The CPP-NPA-NDF “Hit List” - a preliminary report
08-01-2008 09:48

The United States' Selfish Solicitude
07-01-2008 18:55
Interference with another country's internal affairs violates international law. In contrast to this, the neo-conservatives' revolutionary way of thinking preaches "democratic interference" with all the consequences we are now observing in Afghanistan and Iraq. Has US "democratic interference" led the world into barbaric times?Israeli army develops a new killing bulldozer
07-01-2008 13:00

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TOTAL petrol station demo in Chester
06-01-2008 21:59

Troop News (Three)
06-01-2008 18:15
Anti-war tips and hints for the new year, the Americans are having a stretched out election, Go'd'n Brown refused to stand for election here, so he's still candidate P.M. in waiting, let him wait, but for others, the local elections are on the horizon. Time to organise throughout the wards.How many of them can be removed? Consider replacements, raise the level of discussion, the 'sport' is change.Why do they attack us? (by Latuff)
05-01-2008 22:56

Iraqi soldier kills 2 US troops
05-01-2008 15:01
The U.S. military said Saturday that an Iraqi soldier apparently shot dead two American service members for "reasons that are as yet unknown" while they were on a joint patrol north of the capital.The phantom terrorists of the War on Terror [Part 1: The Liquid Bombers]
05-01-2008 08:44