Women peace activists imprisoned - send support
jk | 10.01.2008 10:49 | Anti-militarism
On 9 January two women peace campaigners were imprisoned in Scotland for 40+ days after being convicted of £3,600 damage to the High Court in Edinburgh. Their action - on remembrance day 2006 - involved painting anti-war and anti-weapons slogans on the building.
For further info visit imc Scotland:
"Georgina Smith and Helen Jones[John] have been jailed for doing graffiti on the high court in Edinburgh on remembrance day last year. Georgina is the owner of Peaton Glen woods, a woodlands conservation project and base for many actions against Coulport and Faslane. They refused to pay compensation, and the Judge jailed each of them for 40 days, and fined them each £1500."
Letters can be sent to:
Georgina Smith / Helen John
HMP Cornton Vale
Cornton Road
*FK9 5NU*
Mainstream coverage at:

"Georgina Smith and Helen Jones[John] have been jailed for doing graffiti on the high court in Edinburgh on remembrance day last year. Georgina is the owner of Peaton Glen woods, a woodlands conservation project and base for many actions against Coulport and Faslane. They refused to pay compensation, and the Judge jailed each of them for 40 days, and fined them each £1500."
Letters can be sent to:
Georgina Smith / Helen John
HMP Cornton Vale
Cornton Road
*FK9 5NU*
Mainstream coverage at:
