UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Crown Colludes With EDO MBM Lies In High Court
24-10-2007 10:50
New information released under Freedom of Information Act shows how the Government assisted Brighton arms company EDO MBM's lies to the High Court in November 2005.The Attorney General’s senior barrister provided at the time what appeared to be official confirmation of the company’s statements that it had never supplied Israel with military components, but this confirmation was nothing but an uncritical acceptance of the company's own argument without any evidence.
In this way the Crown colluded with the company to keep EDO's arms sales to Israel secret, and protect the comapny from a US Government legal action.
Pre-emptive Peace Strike: "Don't Attack Iran" (on Saturday 27th October)
24-10-2007 00:40
Regular grass roots meetings for support and communication, working towards collective international 'peace strikes' in the event of military attacks on Iran.Brighton delegation Marches in Solidarity with imprisoned Hunger Strikers
23-10-2007 21:34
For more details contact Brett Cohen or Sarah Cobham on 07846506710 or 07986764432
To interview members of the delegation in Palestine call 00972598184404

Photos Available
A comparison between Lenin's and Hobson's interpretation on imperialism
23-10-2007 21:04
Although Hobson inspired Lenin on his work "Imperialism:the highest stage of capitalism" there are some critical differences in the two interpretations.Anti War Protesters on Trial For Conspiracy
23-10-2007 19:19
Smash EDO Press Release18/10/2007 (bit late posting - sorry)
Anti War Protesters on Trial For Conspiracy
Tel Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson on 07875708873
E mail

‘Merchants of Megadeath’ Lockheed Martin paid another visit in London
23-10-2007 14:37
“We never forget who we’re murdering and spying for”. Cornerstone of the UK military-industrial complex / Orwellian state, US-based firm Lockheed Martin was targeted on Monday lunchtime at their London HQ for the second time in 5 days by activists from Trident Ploughshares.Smash Edo Fishersgate Rooftop Protesters celebrate as all charges are dropped
23-10-2007 12:54
The two protesters scaled the side of EDO-MBM’s arms factory in Fishersgate, Brighton on 30th august this year. The pair, both students at Sussex University, climbed onto the roof and unfurled a banner in protest of EDO-MBM’s manufacture of weapons for the US, UK and Israeli militaries, whose combined firepower have caused the deaths of over 1 million civilians in the middle east and central Asia.Garden City Social - Peterloo Memorial benefit
23-10-2007 09:20
£4 on the door8pm Sat 24th November 2007
Yard Theatre, Old Birley Street, nr Kim By the Sea, Hulme M15 5RF
Reports from the Delegation to Palestiine - This is Life in the Jordan Valley
23-10-2007 08:18
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects..
Rolls Royce - Police go over the top yet again
22-10-2007 18:27
Hundreds of police where involved in a massive operation outside Rolls Royce Raynesway factory in Derby today (22/10/2007). They stopped a number of vehicles approaching the site. The vehicles and occupants were searched for over one and a half hours before being allowed to proceed to an enclosed pen to continue their protests armed with their dangerous leaflets.Benefit night for Break the Siege - Free Gaza
22-10-2007 18:00
Benefit night for Break the Siege - Free Gaza at the Trades Club, Hebden Bridge on Dec 20th to raise money for the Freegaza campaign. It is 'A Winter Festival Party' featuring Sketch (Maggie Boyle, Gary Boyle and Dave Bowie), Captain Hotknives, Clive Russell and The Bookworms (plus DJ).Doors open at 8.30pm, £5 or £4 entry. All proceeds go to humanitarian aid.
Palestine Today 102207
22-10-2007 16:46

Brighton Residents Visit Palestine
22-10-2007 07:39
Brighton Residents Visit Palestine
For more details contact Brett Cohen or Sarah Cobham on 07846506710 or
07986 764432

Dalai Lama pawn in Bush's oil wars?
21-10-2007 22:33
We've already had to warn the heroic Buddhist dissidents of Burma and colonized Uighur people of China's far west against allowing themselves to be exploited as propaganda fodder by the Bush White House. Now it seems we have to warn the Dalai Lama—whose official website boasts the text of his Oct. 17 Capitol Hill acceptance speech upon being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.Zionism's Terror Camps Train Foreign Youth
21-10-2007 15:29
The Israeli Government is again found guilty of what it accuses others of doing.IDF Destroys Main Gaza Transformer-Bulldozer Crushes Teenager
21-10-2007 15:27
Rachel Corrie redux.SAS invade Iran
21-10-2007 12:51
The Sunday Times today has a report admitting the SAS, along with US and Australian special forces, have been launching raids into Iran from Basra.
Turkey’s invasion can lead to catastrophic consequences
21-10-2007 11:36
Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan) is facing new real threat of invasion from the intolerant and oppressive state of Turkey.Palestinian Primary School in Fasayil to be demolished on the 29th of November!
21-10-2007 11:36
Latest News, Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, October 19th, 2007