UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The Devil's Genius
18-07-2007 22:21
Contrary to the devils’ predictions, invasion of sovereign Iraq met with resistance. Israel needs troops, American troops in the region to ensure the safe passage of water – and oil.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Heckle Heckler & Koch
18-07-2007 19:25

On Tuesday July 24th there will be a peaceful demonstration against the Nottingham Small Arms Factory – the UK office of multinational arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch. The aim of this demo is to bring the office to the attention of the Nottingham public, and to call for it to be shut down.
Assemble at 16:00 at the gate of Easter Park, Lenton Lane NG7 2PX. Bring placards, drums, whistles and your mates! (To get there from the city centre, take a number 13 or 14 bus from Mount St.) For a map, please click here.
Afghan casualty rate equal to second world war
18-07-2007 17:13
In the most dangerous regions of the country, the casualty rate is approaching 10 per cent. Senior officers fear it will ultimately pass the 11 per cent.More than 11 million troops served in the British Commonwealth during the Second World War with 580,000 killed or missing and 475,000 wounded, giving a casualty rate of almost 11 per cent.
The March to War: Détente in the Middle East or "Calm before the Storm?"
18-07-2007 08:50
A deeper look must be taken at the evolving domestic conditions within the “American Homeland” and at the wave of events that are unfolding in the Palestinian Territories, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, the Persian Gulf, the former Soviet Union, and Iran.There have been reports and chatter about war between Israel and Syria and a “Summer War” that could breakout in the Levant with the initiation of Israeli strikes in the Palestinian Territories and Lebanon. The summer-months of 2007 may see international tensions rise, but witness no regional war that could potentially spread in the Middle East and beyond.
Plan Iraq - Permanent Occupation
17-07-2007 21:29
Drawdowns, withdrawal, timelines, mission shifting, building democracy and all the other current and long-standing phony rhetoric aside, America is in Iraq to stay as a conqueror and occupier - that is, until Iraqis finally kick us out as they will in time in a part of the world long a graveyard for foreign invaders. But it won't happen quickly or before countless more thousands die, are injured, suffer immeasurably, are displaced, and lose everything.Whatever little, if anything, a new president does at home, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan will remain with plans for Iraqi forces eventually to do most of our killing and dying for us. If or when they're up to it, the scheme involves US troops staying hunkered down inside their super-bases, used as needed outside them, with massive air power deployed freely to slaughter innocent victims on the ground whenever they resist what no one should ever have to endure.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Police drop Prosecutions against Two Anti Arms Trade Activists
17-07-2007 12:02
17th July 2007Smash EDO Press Release
Police drop Prosecutions against Two Anti Arms Trade Activists
Photo of the Palestinian Flag flying over Carmel Agrexco
17-07-2007 12:00

2,380 Israeli attacks killed 49 Palestinians in June
17-07-2007 03:06
According to the Gaza-based International Press Center (IPC), Israeli military forces carried out last month some 2380 attacks on Palestinian lands, killing 49 and wounding 147 Palestinians.Is the United States Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month? Or Is It More?
16-07-2007 12:20

property damage against arms company
16-07-2007 12:20
An arms company was attacked in ScotlandNo Inquest into the Death of Dr. David Kelly
16-07-2007 11:14
The Elephant in the Living Room of the United Kingdom"Where the law ends, tyranny begins" Henry Fielding
Just as Uncle Sam is busy shredding the constitution, so too is John Bull over here in the UK. But there is little concern being registered in the mainstream media, which subtly reinforce casual disregard for our laws.
Dr David Kelly was found dead on Harrowdown Hill four years ago. This is made prominent by the recent "abdication" of Mr Anthony Blair, and the publication of the diaries of his aide, Mr Alastair Campbell, seemingly transcribed and selected by the author himself. The death is spoken of as 'suicide' by almost all servants of the fourth estate. That the inquest was adjourned and never completed is not a cause for any wavering. The verdict has been assumed and so it stands.
There are many instances of this slide towards the whisper and the nods of ignorant agreement. The night after 52 persons met their deaths by bombing in London two years ago, Anthony Blair declared at the G8 summit that "a public inquiry would be ludicrous". Really? There has been no judicial response to these four atrocities, and yet it is widely accepted, including by "civil rights" spokespeople, that "radicalised" Muslims were the culprits.
The piece below underlines some central facts in the United Kingdom's handling of Kelly's high profile and unnatural death. Nothing was right about the ensuing investigation.
Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Appeal for Funds
16-07-2007 10:56
The Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group

aims to create links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine and
Brighton, UK. It was launched in 2005 and since then has worked with
diverse groups in Tubas and Brighton to create sustainable initiatives. A
delegation of 17 people from Brighton visited Tubas in March 2007. Since
then the University of Sussex student union has affiliated to Al Quds Open
University in Tubas and plans to provide scholarships for Palestinian
Regurgitating Osama’s Greatest Hits
16-07-2007 08:41
In the wake of the Dorgan and Conrad amendment designed “to double the reward for information leading to the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks,” as KXMB in North Dakota puts it, a “new” Osama video has surfaced, prompting the corporate media to circle like a brood of hungry vultures.It remains to be seen if “al-Qaeda” or its purported “home-grown imitators” will strike this summer. No doubt, as usual, it will depend on political expediency, especially now that even neocon-friendly Republican Congress critters are weary of the neocon “effort” in Iraq.
Iran and Beyond: Total War is Still on the Horizon
15-07-2007 21:32

Footprints for Peace visit Rolls Royce at Derby
15-07-2007 21:09

Michel Chossudovsky: 'Canada and the Afghan War' and 'America's "Long War"'
15-07-2007 20:36

Air Force Quietly Building Iraq Presence
15-07-2007 18:53
Away from the headlines and debate over the "surge" in U.S. ground troops, the Air Force has quietly built up its hardware inside Iraq, sharply stepped up bombing and laid a foundation for a sustained air campaign in support of American and Iraqi forces.German TV: Kurds Used to Attack Iran
15-07-2007 13:03
Last month, as the corporate media mulched over renewed Pentagon claims Iran is providing deadly IEDs to Iraqi “insurgents,” German television reported the Maoist Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or Partiya Karkaren Kurdistan (PKK), has “killed over 200 Iranians,” a handful by way of IED, according to a PKK terrorist quoted by German ARD television (original in German).PJAK enjoys full neocon support, as should be expected, never mind PKK’s supposed lunatic Maoist persuasion.
GETTING OUT OF "The spin we're in". . . . REMEMBER "CONSPIRACY"?
13-07-2007 14:28
As last weeks USA Social Forum in NEW YORK votes to support the 911 re-inquiry, a few days after the ex-secret documents from 1973 are released to the public by the cia ( including references to the initial in-house research into "administration of the mind" - that conmens dream - the use of chemicals, electricity, radiation etc to exacerbate the effects of mesmerism -) old easy dismissals of awkward facts as "conspiracy" are obsolete to serious observers.Brian Haw – now in his 7th year!
13-07-2007 12:39