UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The March to War: Syria Preparing for US-Israeli Attacks
25-05-2007 21:44
It is no mere coincidence that fighting has broken out in Lebanon between Fatah Al-Islam, a previously unheard of radical militant group, and the Lebanese Armed Forces, days after David Welch, the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. State Department, held unprecedented meetings with General Michel Sulaiman (Solomon) the Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces. Although Saudi Arabian, Jordanian, and American channels created Fatah Al-Islam, Syria is conveniently being blamed as the perpetrator in a calculated move to strengthen the manufactured war dossier against Damascus.Ask Pope Benedict: When Does Genocide Purify?
25-05-2007 10:21
Benedict's astounding comments attracted barely a flicker of media attention in the West -- almost all of it on the wire services, and some of it problematic in itself. A May 13 Reuters dispatch noted blithely that, contrary to Benedict's claims, "many Indian groups believe the conquest brought them enslavement and genocide." This is rather like writing that "many Jewish groups believe that the Nazi Holocaust brought Jews enslavement and genocide."Bradford Group Prepares for Anti-Faslane Strident Action
24-05-2007 23:53

Guardian at the Gates: Surging Toward War With Iran
24-05-2007 21:27

Pentagon Propaganda Occupies the Guardian's Front Page:
24-05-2007 15:32

"Today's article was based on statements made by several senior US officials who are intimately familiar with the problems facing coalition forces in Iraq. I requested the interviews, not the other way round. These officials asked not to be identified. I am confident that they were telling the truth as they see it, on the basis of information received from a variety of sources." (Simon Tisdall Email to Ian Thomas, May 22, 2007)
Nottingham student's Faslane 365 press release
24-05-2007 13:43
From June 28th – July 3rd, students from Nottingham will be travelling to Faslane naval base in Scotland to take part in a year-long blockade. The group intends to disrupt plans to renew Britain’s Trident nuclear missile system.UN Reports Contradict Media/Fascists' Narrative On Iran
24-05-2007 02:34
If you truly wish to avert catastrophe, then you have to start contacting your media and calling them on this stuff.B52 Two NOT Guilty
23-05-2007 11:23
Jury decides - not-guilty: intention to damage US bombers destined for Iraq was lawfulB52 Two not guilty!
23-05-2007 10:28
Two activists charged with conspiring to cause criminal damage at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire on 18 March 2003 when they tried to safely disable US B52 bombers to prevent them from bombing Iraq found not guiltyHolocaust Iraq: An inconvenient Truth
23-05-2007 03:26
Today, the American public is no longer able to claim ignorance over the real cost of filling their SUVs with gas nor are they able to deny their status as a hypocritical, ungodly, pariah nation. Few people anywhere are unaware of America’s dirty little grab for the resources of weaker nations. For every full tank of gas INNOCENT human blood has been spilt, particularly the blood of those least able to defend themselves, CHILDREN. When faced with undeniable and unpleasant realities Americans seek refuge in the unreality of their televisions or other distracting entertainments. The cost of the American lifestyle today is served to local populations for breakfast, however, the media is careful to neatly package all distasteful material in justifications, propaganda and flagrant lies (that have no currency anywhere but America).SMASH EDO/ brighton against the arms trade PUBLIC MEETING
23-05-2007 01:56
smash the war profiteersNew presidential directive gives Bush dictatorial power
22-05-2007 11:30
The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, George W. Bush can become what is best described as "a dictator":This directive, completely unnoticed by the media, and given no scrutiny by Congress, literally gives the White House unprecedented dictatorial power over the government and the country, bypassing the US Congress and obliterating the separation of powers. The directive also placed the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”.
The English Submarine.
22-05-2007 11:05

Corporate Media Embraces 9/11 Blowback Theory
22-05-2007 06:34
Now that Ron Paul has reaffirmed the neocon fantasy version of nine eleven events, stating during the so-called debate earlier this week that we were attacked by “al-Qaeda” and Osama bin Laden, when in fact there is no evidence to validate this fairy tale, the “liberal” corporate media, as represented by CNN’s Roland S. Martin, has decided to give the “blowback” theory legs.Let's enlist Her Majesty The Queen to help Huddersfield Stop The War!
21-05-2007 23:49
The Queen is visiting Huddersfield this Thursday, 24th May. Our attendance could provide a show of support for her to speak out against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.the B52 TWO - Bristol Crown Court
21-05-2007 23:07
Today clusters of people turned up from near and far for the Monday morning court appearance of the B52 Two. These two ordinary men attempted with all seriousness to transform a B52 bomber to prevent it going to kill people in Iraq and are now in court for conspiring to do so.Islam In Western Mirror
21-05-2007 18:00
The anti-Islamic tradition in the Christendoms has a long historical pedigree and it continues to be a dynamic factor affecting and determining international relations.The question of ‘Islamic terrorism’, the denial of women’s rights under Islam and the alleged irreconcilability of Islamic and Western values appear all the time in the Western media. But such accusations reveal a deep-rooted ignorance and confusion.
Sunni Shia Unity Declaration
21-05-2007 13:13
"We are aware that the entrenchment of a sectarian fault line adds to the tensions reproduced in our beleaguered communities along axes of loyalty and moderation as a consequence of the ‘war on terror’ ""We ask Muslims to recall how strategies of ‘divide and rule’ were used by colonial powers in the past to subjugate the Muslim world."
Tony Blair in Iraq: War Criminal Admits Guilt
21-05-2007 13:06

A Talk on Life in Palestine
21-05-2007 09:13
A talk on life in Palestine on Tuesday 22nd May at 7.30 pm