UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
07-03-2007 20:47

Israel's Weapons Sales to Iran
07-03-2007 20:29
Israel's sale of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction into Iran during the last 27 years.Dump the Democrats and unite!
07-03-2007 18:32
U.S. foreign policy has not and will not change direction as long as the Democratic Party continues to be dominated by corporate interests and tacit compliance with the neoconservative agenda. The antiwar movement needs to understand this reality or it is doomed to collapse like it did under the pressure of the 2004 elections.SHUT DESO protest and petition - report
07-03-2007 17:28

French UNIFIL Troops "Seconds Away" From Downing Israeli Jet
06-03-2007 22:46
This is not the first such incident, as Israel violates the cease-fire, Lebanese airspace, and a legally-binding UN SC Resolution on a daily basis. These soldiers are no doubt nervous, as they know that Israel targeted and murdered several UN monitors during their assault on Lebanon, after UN personnel referred to Israel's actions publicly as "War Crimes".Bush Record of Illegalities Suggests Possible Role in 911
06-03-2007 22:43
Of course, this goes for all of the Fascists gathered around Bush, as their histories are filled with similar actions, professed Fascist ideology, and their fortunes were all built upon the human misery their actions have caused.US Troops Run Amok in Afghanistan
06-03-2007 22:32
”Moreover, there is this vicious circle inasmuch as even professional occupying armies become demoralized in time, which leads to acts of violence against the civilian population and thus strengthens resistance.”-Zbigniew Brzezinski on Occupying Armies
US Congress remains in a state of mental paralysis
06-03-2007 01:43
Is this U.S. Congress a modern-day version of the German Reichstag, the governing body that watched in silence and total submission as a powerful war machine was assembled and then launched those preemptive attacks that led to the horror of World War II?Tunez NOT Trident, Peace Not War - Oxford F365 Fundraiser
05-03-2007 21:33

Conferência mundial contra as bases militares estrangeiras
05-03-2007 17:28
Pela abolição do militarismoMass murder of Afghan women & children
05-03-2007 09:22

Kurdish issue: Turkey to the negotiation table, Iran to the front!
05-03-2007 02:32

Sy Hersh: Neolib Disinfo Operative?
04-03-2007 18:44

Nottingham Faslane 365 sign-up stall
03-03-2007 17:05

Who is the threat? US military budget 500 times Venezuela's
03-03-2007 09:25
Using dubious figures, and fallacious comparisons, the New York Times has published an article trying to make it appear that Venezuela is a military threat to security in the Americas. Actually Venezuela spends less than Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and, of course, the US-- Washington spends about 500 times as much as Caracas.Hicks, Howard and Rogue USA
03-03-2007 02:02
Anyone familiar with the criminal tactics of thoroughly corrupt State Institutions would not be surprised to learn of the plea bargain offered Guantanamo Bay detainee, David Hicks. After five years of torture and various other forms of physical and psychological abuse, the U.S. has offered a deal that would see Hicks released from Guantanamo but not necessarily from continued incarceration.Poltergeist Osama Makes His Return
03-03-2007 01:05
Isn’t it curious “al-Qaeda” has decided to “open new fronts” in countries that figure on the neocon target list?Two East Timorese protestors killed by Australian troops
02-03-2007 20:30

What will you be doing?
01-03-2007 22:17

racist empire revivalist Blair has key British 'left' doing his propaganda
01-03-2007 21:21
An interesting spectacle is occurring in Britain, with the very successful careerist as the authorised [by the state] left socialist platform grabber Viscount Stansgate [Oops! Tony Benn, how very populist sounding!] providing reliable guidance and protection for his successors Ken Livingstone and George Galloway as they find their spots as the next generation of elder statesmen doing the sales pitches for UK PLC. So close is Benn to Livingstone and Galloway that any visitor even from across the channel will be shocked to be told that these are persons of the left. They are very very happily doing the job for British military and racist propaganda that Blair could not dream of doing himself.