UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Day of Rage against Brighton Arms Dealers Supply of Weapons For War Crimes
07-08-2006 22:06
Smash EDO Press ReleaseEmbargo – For Immediate Release
8th August 2006
Press Contacts – Andrew Beckett and Sarah Johnson
Tel 07875 708873
Email –

See for more details
Day of Rage against Brighton Arms Manufacturers’ Supply of Weapons For War Crimes in Gaza and Lebanon
500 Women Take Over TV Station in Bloodless Coup Against State/Corporate Media
07-08-2006 19:31
author: The women of Oaxaca Rock!israel-lebanon war: 35.000 tons of oil polluted the coasts from lebanon to Syria
07-08-2006 16:29

up to 35.000 tons of oil polluted the mediterean see.
lebanon and syria are already affected by the catostrophe.
soon the oil will reach turkey.
"Bring the soldiers home"! - It will not end.. until we talk!
07-08-2006 11:38


Public statement on video about Lebanon and Palestine (by Latuff)
07-08-2006 10:51
Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Lebanese and Palestinian people, victims of the same U.S. funded IsraHell state terror.Prestwick War Crime Detectives Arrested after Boarding US Plane
07-08-2006 07:50

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London: Tens of thousands protest against slaughter in Lebanon
07-08-2006 07:30
On Saturday, tens of thousands gathered in London to demand an end to the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon. The protest was called by the Stop the War Coalition (STWC) with just one week’s notice.The organisers estimate that 100,000 people marched from Hyde Park to Parliament Square via the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. The demonstration was also supported by the British Muslim Initiative, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Lebanese community associations.
Cambridge Hiroshima Day Lantern Vigil
07-08-2006 02:07

U.S. & Israel Selecting Targets for Cruise Missile First-Strike Attack
06-08-2006 23:47

"Triple Alliance": The US, Turkey, Israel and the War on Lebanon
06-08-2006 22:13
If the Lebanon war were to escalate into a broader conflict involving Syria, Turkish ground troops could be deployed under the terms of the Israeli-Turkish military alliance. It is worth mentioning that prime ministers Recep Erdogan and Ariel Sharon in a 2005 meeting in Tel Aviv decided to set up a "Hotline for the exchange of intelligence" as part of their evolving military alliance. What this suggests is that Turkey is a potential partner in the ongoing war on Lebanon.
Citizens Weapons Inspectors Enter Prestwick Airport
06-08-2006 17:39
As the UK Government, and the Scottish Police, fail to live up to their responsibilities to prevent the use of UK airports to facilitate War Crimes in the Middle East, a team of Citizens Weapons Inspectors entered Prestwick Airport late on Saturday night to investigate reports of flights carrying bombs to Israel refuelling there.Democracy is becoming a dirty word
06-08-2006 15:39

Stopping support for war by Velvet Revolution
06-08-2006 14:19
The role of mass protest in bringing positive changeBold Proclamations of Lebensraum
06-08-2006 12:17
Tony Blair and Condoleeza Rice have recently made statements that suggest a view that is, essentially, genocidal in nature. In so doing, they have stripped away their saccrine masks of democracy and apple pie, exposing themselves for the lizards they are.Refusenik jailed
06-08-2006 12:16
First israeli refusinik jailed - many others refuse to fightAnti-War Film Screening
06-08-2006 11:01

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Brutal Arrests on Pro-Lebanon Protest (05.08.06)
06-08-2006 10:43

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Peace Camp Now At Prestwick
06-08-2006 05:57
A Peace Camp has been established outside Prestwick Airport.Talk Tank - weekly news com. mp3
06-08-2006 04:14