UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
NFIP end-of-summer social and book sale planned
02-09-2005 13:54
This is to inform you that we will be having our (late) Summer Social on the 1st of October at The Place, Sherwood. As usual, it is food, music, and fun to raise funds for our friends in Iraq. This year, we plan to raise additional funds by having a BOOK SALE... can you help/ contribute?DISARM DSEI PRESS RELEASE
01-09-2005 23:19
Media release - for immediate releaseMass protests planned for London arms fair
The Amnesty International Pink Tank 'On Patrol'
01-09-2005 12:19

tooooo right!
This is such a serious bit of kit. It really did need its picture taking .....
Banned book from former UK ambassador available online
01-09-2005 08:05
Craig Murray was the UK ambassador to Uzbekistan who raised objections to the UK using evidence obtained gained under torture. A preview of the book the government is trying to ban is available online on 1st September only.CIRCA London batallion DSEi communique
31-08-2005 19:50
Communique number something-or-other of the London batallion of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army: DSEi is coming to town!INDEFENSIBLE – ox-imc screening – Sept 4th
31-08-2005 18:04

Building for this year’s actions against the merchants of death
Sunday 4th September – 8pm - East Oxford Community Social Club
(the bar in East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road and Princes St)
noborder action Xanthi
31-08-2005 10:30

Yesterday there was a demonstration with about 200 people in Komotini against the nearby refugee prison and a successfull attack against the prison in Vna.
The camp finishes today, there were no arrests.
(translation 31.8.2005, original 28.8.2005)
Indonesia's Human Rights Violations Report
31-08-2005 07:17
LEST WE FORGET How you can go about reading the secret Indonesian government report that investigated gross human rights violations occurring in East Timor during 1999.Video of right wing 'Protest Warriors' fleeing Crawford pro-war rally
31-08-2005 06:09
4:30 minute video. About two thousand people converged in Crawford for the “Cindy (Sheehan) Doesn’t Speak for Me” rally Saturday. However, in a odd turn of events, and despite repeated pleadings that “we are on your side, we are on the right,” the rally turned on conservative youth "Protest Warriors."The american way to Iran ?
31-08-2005 00:26
has anyone heard the rumours going around about all american forces leave behind cancelled from september 14th to november/december time ?Cycle for peace photos from Great Cumbrae Sunday 28th August.
30-08-2005 18:04 AT THE OPERA: an eyewitness account
30-08-2005 14:35

Campaigners launch arms fair protest plans
30-08-2005 10:47
As local government, London Mayor Ken Livingstone and even the Metropolitan Police speak out against Europe's largest arms fair, to be held in London's Docklands from 13-16 September, the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) announce a week of protests and events during the fair.Next CamPeace Meeting -- 1st September
29-08-2005 16:33
Come and discuss the implications for civil liberties of theGovernment's anti-terrorism legislation at a CamPeace meeting this
Thursday, 1 September at Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge
at 7.30pm.
Fishing expedition pays off
28-08-2005 23:30

28-08-2005 21:22
SHUT DOWN DSEi! 14TH SEPTEMBER 2005DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International), the world's largest arms fair, takes place biennially at the ExCeL centre in London's Docklands, sponsored by the British Government.
CAMP CASEY - DAY 20 - Cindy Sheehan's Report
28-08-2005 20:09
I finally figured out George Bush's NEW reason for staying in Iraq. This reason has also been co-opted by the Move America Forward and the poor mothers who would be honored if their sons were killed in George Bush's war for greed and power. More ...