UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
31-07-2005 16:09
7th-8th AUGUST 2005 HIROSHIMA EVENTS AT ALDERMASTONAn urgent message to the British people
31-07-2005 16:09
This is a translatin of an article which appeared recently on Indymedia in Spanish concerning the London bombings and their implications.The 9/11 Key to Political Transformation
31-07-2005 06:09
"Looking at the onslaughts we face, it's obvious that this administration's primary source of war-making, rights-taking, vote-raking power is still and always has been the "official 9/11 story." The exquisitely timed "surprise attack" it portrays instantly justified what we now know was a long planned agenda to take us into endless war, crippling debt and constitutional twilight."6TH AUGUST: GLOS VIGIL TO REMEMBER 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIROSHIMA
30-07-2005 11:43
On Saturday 6th August 2005 along with millions around the World, Stroud Peace Group will be holding a Remembrance Gathering for the 140,000 people who died, as a result of the World's first weapon of mass destruction which was dropped on Hiroshima 60 years ago on the 6th August 1945.streaking for peace (on Tib Street)
30-07-2005 11:35
reposted from Manchester Evening News:
We're Living In A War Zone
30-07-2005 09:41

"Iraq's Security Situation has Deteriorated Dramatically"
29-07-2005 22:51
"Breakdown is imminent.. What happened in London on July 7 with the bomb attacks happens every day in Iraq. However the European media do not report about all the attacks.."Iraqi children raped in Abu Ghraib
29-07-2005 11:28
Seymour Hersh says the US government has videotapes of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.Women In Black in Black and White: Exhibition
29-07-2005 09:39

Jean Charles de Menezes Friday 29 July 5.30pm Family Vigil@Parliament Square
29-07-2005 09:26
Jean Charles ( 7.1.78-22.7.05) Murdered by the police at Stockwell station on Friday 22 July 2005 the Menezes family call upon the people of London to join them remembering Jean Charles.Campesino Leader Assassinated in Catatumbo, Norte de Santander
29-07-2005 09:24
The National Agrarian Co-ordination (CNA) and the undersigned organisations denounce to national and international public opinion the assassination ofJOSE TRINIDAD TORRES MUNOZ, who was a member of the CNA national committee, and activist in several local community organisations.
29-07-2005 08:52
Putney Library, South London: Ashes and charred fragments of antipodean newsprint are all that remain of a copy of "The Australian" newspaper, ignited last night, shortly after 7pm, in an apparent arson attack. Library staff have not ruled out a connection with Al Qaeda.60th anniversary of Hiroshima remembered in Norwich Peace Exhibition
28-07-2005 20:16
Peace groups from Norwich are hosting an exhibition at St Peter Mancroft church called ‘Hiroshima to World Peace’ to mark the 60th anniversary of the dropping of the atom bombs in August 1945.Protest on Parliament Sq 1st Aug, 2pm against government Protest exclusion order
28-07-2005 10:48
We believe the exclusion order is a very serious attack on our civil liberties. Parliament Square August 1, 2pm. PLUSPublic Meeting - 6.30pm Thursday 4th August, Friends Meeting House, Euston. Speakers include George Galloway (MP), Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Tariq Ali, Shami Chakrabati, Lindsey German, Anas Al Tikriti.
Stop the War Coalition Protest at Downing St 5.30pm Thursday 28th July
28-07-2005 10:44
Please join us for the protest at Downing St 5.30pm Thursday 28th July convened by the Stop the War Coalition against the murder of the Brazilian worker at the hands of the police in Stockewell, and also the recent bombing attacks in London and the continuation of war in Iraq.MORE POLICE LIES EMERGING OVER MURDER OF JEAN CHARLES DE MENEZES
28-07-2005 10:29
THE family of the Brazilian man shot dead by marksmen who mistook him for a suicide bomber revealed last night how police have changed their account of the incident. Yet again."PERPETUAL WAR JUSTIFIES EVERYTHING" - Craig Murray
28-07-2005 10:15
"Had someone with a complexion as white as mine been running around on the underground, they would not have been gunned down by the police."Protest at Brough BAe factory
28-07-2005 01:14
A third protest took place last week-end at the BAe arms and weapons factory at Brough in Humberside near Hull.Some of the local population were leafletted too outside the local Morrison store.
Audio from New Scotland Yard 'killer bill' protest
27-07-2005 20:50

Some of the interviews are with passers-by and others are with people attending the protest. They are mostly entirely unedited (and rather depressing if you ask me).
27-07-2005 17:59