UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Smash EDO protest Camp against the Arms Trade - Brighton - Aug 29th-Sept 2nd
12-07-2004 16:04
Open invite to a camp in Brighton against EDO technology, a company manufacturing release mechanisms for F16sAnti Nuclear Oratorio Premieres In Parliament Hall
12-07-2004 13:44

US soldiers seek asylum in Canada
12-07-2004 10:25
Two US soldiers pleading for asylum in Canada after walking out on their units over fierce objections to the Iraq war have appeared in a Toronto courtroom.Both men argue they face prosecution tantamount to persecution in the US because of their strong political beliefs and should therefore be granted haven in Canada.
Help me Daddy!!! (by Latuff)
11-07-2004 03:09

Fairford 5 trials: the State is nervous...
10-07-2004 20:39
** This press release dates from the 1st of July, but as it hasn't been posted on Oxford Indymedia yet, well here it is! **The Fairford 5 trials have once more exploded onto the international stage, as the Foreign Office intervenes in the court proceedings against the 'Fairford 5' - who all attempted to disable U.S B52 Bombers stationed at Fairford (Gloucestershire, U.K) in the days leading up to the illegal bombing of Iraq during March 2003.
Related Link:

GI sent back to Iraq: "I am back in this s--t hole"
10-07-2004 18:38
The new issue of Traveling Soldier is out!the God of Israel is the God of all humanity
10-07-2004 16:33
A proposal for an international petition for European Community sanctions against Israel.Citizen Weapons Inspectors visit secret American military base in Norway
10-07-2004 12:32

Why Does Fahrenheit 9/11 Pursue Conspiracy Theory?
10-07-2004 04:04
Why Does Fahrenheit 9/11 Pursue Conspiracy Theory Rather Than History? Because 9/11 conspiracy theory protects the Democratic Party, whereas historical analysis would implicate it in the criminal consequences of decades of collaboration between Washington and Riyadh as well as other unsavory allies.Fahrenheit 9/11 freezes out Israel
09-07-2004 22:04

Another "Right of Return" That Will Not Be Honoured.
09-07-2004 16:04
The rightful residents of Chagos are not to be allowed to return. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has decided to legislate against it , despite a clear ruling from the High Court in November 2000 that the Chagossians had a lawful right to return, without conditions...Farnborough Airshow Action details from Disarm DSEi
09-07-2004 13:46
Info for action for Farnborough AirshowIsrael and Sen. Kerry ignore ruling on the "Palestinian Wailing Wall"
09-07-2004 13:18
"Israel has told the White House it has no intention of abiding by the World Court ruling, on the legality of its West Bank barrier." But, said Sen. Kerry, on Israel: "Right or Wrong, my Country!"The wall MUST fall!! Court ruling is leaked ...........
09-07-2004 08:48 has published a leaked copy of the Hague decision on the wall - the judgement is clear - The Apartheid Wall is an illegal structure, it must be dismantled, and those who have suffered because of it's construction must be reparated.Film of Falluja Protest in Oxford
08-07-2004 13:45
Here's a nice film, "Wud'Ja Fallujah It!", made by the Schnews crew, about the Falluja protest that took place in Oxford.PRESS RELEASE Privatisation of Iraq on Trial - POSSIBLY POSTPONED
07-07-2004 23:08
Privatisation of Iraq on Trial- POSSIBLY POSTPONED
Hunger strike demanding the release of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters
07-07-2004 18:01

The hunger strike is a way of emphasizing the demand that the five political prisoners held by the US: Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González, should immediately be set free. This action is also a protest against the US’s plans for actions of war towards Cuba and Venezuela.
Wanted: a good day to bury bad news
07-07-2004 07:24
Coalition casualty count to reach 1000 in the next few days, Bliar admits no WMD will be found,The Invasion of Haiti: How the UN Was Complicit in Crime
06-07-2004 16:18
The "international community" is often cited as either a bulwark against US imperialism, or as a counter-force to sovereign states which butcher their own people. In Haiti, it managed to be complicit with both.