UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Ash Wednesday peace liturgy and End Hunger Fast Campaign
15-03-2014 11:12

As a Lenten observance Scott has also shaved his head and is attempting to do a 40 day fast. This is to highlight food poverty in Britain. Keith Hebden who is also fasting said that Scott has a unique perspective on hunger in Britain.
When Chavez died, Washington celebrated
15-03-2014 10:20
Venezuela Also Is Being Overthrown By The Criminal Regime In Washington — Dear Readers, now that US Secretary of State John Kerry has issued an ultimatum to Russia, telling Putin that he has until Monday to follow Washington’s orders or else, hopefully everyone can see the repeat of the March of Folly that produced World War 1. In my last column, “Merkel Whores For Washington,” I mistakenly attributed to Khrushchev all transfers of Russian territory to Ukraine.Ashton Must Go !
14-03-2014 19:44

video - chemical weapons mediterranean
12-03-2014 17:32
video - chemical weapons mediterranean12 March: Wandsworth - Ben Griffin of Veterans for Peace speaks about Pvt Chelsea Manning
10-03-2014 15:22

The Cost of Exposing the Truth: The Case of Pvt Manning
with speaker Ben Griffin of Veterans for Peace UK.
Killing Hope
09-03-2014 10:14

What does the Invasion of Yalta Mean for the European Peninsula?
08-03-2014 11:30
Once again it is an anachronism out of the book: When the originator of the international treaty under which Russia had pulled its occupation troops out of central Europe was found dead after a briefing by Cameron´s spies, it was determined that the series of such encounters which included other Elders of the London madman´s monarchist junta might be an indication that just like the „14 Points“ of 1917 switched the war up a gear, a strong intervention had begun to shatter the malicious apparatus from within, resulting in the phenomenon of these among the cannibals who had been believing their own lies coming home to roost. It was the Thatcher deal of 1990, under which the Russian military had evacuated its people from Europe, in a surprise development akin to Stalin standing up and walking out from the bleached photograph with Churchill and Roosevelt that was made at the signing ceremony of the Yalta treaty in 1943. 71 years later, his heir has walked back in, and these of the two others are found to have changed sides to the then enemy. It is the same as every time a ratification procedure is stalled: Signatures become empty words and the latter then turn into moronic treason. But now a glimpse of hope seems to have arrived on the horizon of the subcontinent that the occupation might end in the foreseeable future.Ukraine is a burp of what USA did in Syria
08-03-2014 10:19
The XI Paralympic Winter Games are opening in Sochi today, March 7th. As many as 600 athletes from 45 countries will take part in the competitions. For the first time in the history of Paralympic Winter Games, athletes from Brazil, Turkey and Uzbekistan will be presented. Within ten days, they will compete for 72 sets of medals in alpine skiing, biathlon, cross country skiing ice sledge hockey, and wheelchair curling.Ukraine: US, EU, Look in the Mirror !
06-03-2014 21:50
Ukraine: Don't Blame President Putin - US, EU, Look in the Mirror. ......... "If you can keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you ..." ("If", Rudyard Kipling, 1865-1936.) The delusional and mind stretching hypocrisy of Western leaders and spokespeople regarding the outcome of external meddling in the Ukraine increasingly mirrors King George 111 whose: "life and reign were marked by a series of military conflicts involving his kingdoms, much of the rest of Europe, and places farther afield in Africa, the Americas and Asia ..."On Ukraine, Ashton & Paet Discussed ... audio!
06-03-2014 10:34
On Ukraine, Ashton & Paet Discussed "Same Snipers" Shooting Both Sides ...... On Ukraine more leaked audio has emerged on YouTube, in what we're calling Kwikileaks, of the EU's Catherine Ashton and Estonia's Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. Click here for audio
EU Pac Man Bites Ukraine
05-03-2014 22:35

UG#677 - The New Pearl Harbor 1 (Air Defence, Hijackers & Aircraft)
05-03-2014 18:20

Book Now for Peace News Summer Camp 2014!
05-03-2014 11:38

In Birzeit, ‘Trigger Happy’ Israel Vindicates Amnesty’s Report
05-03-2014 08:12
The IDF Spokesman’s Office said that the “troops forcibly entered the building and found his body.” Hass said that “this is a lie.” “The elite police unit had shot Washaha at point-blank range dozens of times.Overthrowing other people’s governments ...
03-03-2014 11:19

Ukraine, Putin won't shrug off Kiev coup: Martin Summers
02-03-2014 21:33

The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause
28-02-2014 16:37
If war is the continuation of government by other means, then terrorism is that of totalitarianism - or from a stringent anti-military perspective, government is a precursor of war such as totalitarianism is of terrorism. But gone are the romantic days when these phenomena were a matter of reason - the current war of words is only a push of a button away from a war of worlds. And the oxymoronic state terrorism evaporating from the totalitarian spying system takes the form of internet forgeries, with the open posting capacities of the global anti-capitalist movement having become a central target of it. Which is quite lethal since every single time the publication button is clicked in execution of a government oath it is as deadly as a radioactive leak - indymedia stands for independent media and leaks better be directed at the leaking platforms specifically installed for that purpose. What was now measured here was so significant an amount of contamination that there is more to conclude than the usual mixture of indecent character and management failure which causes the constant background harassment. The totalitarian spying system has locked its crosshairs on indymedia, and one way is going to end another.Campaigners support pensioner fined £440 for putting London arms fair 'on trial'
25-02-2014 15:44
Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has voiced its support for pensioner Sylvia Boyes, 71, who was fined £100, plus £340 in costs, by Stratford Magistrates Court. Sylvia was convicted for obstructing the highway as part of the mass demonstrations against the DSEi arms fair in 2014.Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning, jailed for 35 yrs, receives a family visit to prison + the Sam Adams Award
24-02-2014 09:14

Responsible for probably the most significant information leak in military history, Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning was sentenced in August 2013 to 35 years in a US military jail.
The Private Manning Family Fund was set up to support Manning's Welsh-Irish family with the cost of prison visits to Leavenworth, Kansas. The family has previously self-funded four trips to the US but this time all flights were paid for by PMFF. We feel this is one practical way we can show our solidarity with Manning here in Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England.
Last week, Manning was awarded in absentia the Sam Adams Prize for Integrity in Intelligence at the Oxford Union. Report here. Photos in this article are mainly from this event and solidarity on the streets of Oxford beforehand.
Commentary: Shadow of Western War 'Games' Falls on Friendly Olympics
23-02-2014 09:07
In this way (together with a chemical estrogen tsunami, from GMOs to BPA in the environment) the New Order policies act against fertility, in a likely move to bring the regimentation of industrial production to bear on human reproduction, for genetic quality control. This is eugenics, an important part of the Nazi-era, Western elites' politics.As Russia's Sochi Games draw to a close, we see the smoke rising from the feared, Olympic terror attack--not in Russia but on its doorstep in Kiev, yet another regime change hotspot. This is the real danger, as an old spectre haunts Europe--and the world--anew.