UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
India joins nuclear club, world doesn't care as india has minimal oil reserves
19-04-2012 09:29
India has successfully test-launched a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile able to carry a nuclear warhead. It's range is believed to be 5000km, enough to put it in striking distance of China for example.Hopi weekend conference: April 21-22, central London
16-04-2012 19:04
The danger of a new war in the Middle East is increasing every day. The war drums are beating ever louder, especially in Israel. Hands Off the People of Iran is hosting this weekend conference in order to highlight the dynamics behind the sabre rattling."Counter Terror Expo" dinner
16-04-2012 17:32
The Counter Terror Expo is where assorted experts in surveillance, attacking Egyptian andBahraini protesters, and using drones to wipe out Pakistani wedding parties rather to flog- and buy -their equipment. On April 25 they have a fat £156-ticket dinner to celebrate. And we'll be there to help them choke on it!
Cut arms spending challenge to government
16-04-2012 12:58
Campaign Against Arms Trade press release re Global Day of Action on Military SpendingFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Anti-war war protestors face trial & ASBO
15-04-2012 14:44
Two anti-war protestors will go on trial in London on Fri 20th April for action at Downing Street last October to mark 10th Anniversary of Afghanistan - both also face ASBOUG#586 - The Iron Triangle (The Carlyle Group and Ethos)
10-04-2012 17:24

U.S. Abuses a Females Human Rights - Repatriate Aafia Siddiqui
09-04-2012 20:01

Call Out: Take Action for Bradley Manning
09-04-2012 09:38

Accused whistleblower Bradley Manning has been held for almost two years without trial in the US accused of whistleblowing acts that have exposed the ugly truth about US activities around the world and its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bradley has been tortured and denied his rights. If found guilty as charged he could face the death penalty. Join us in Wales between 12 and 29 April for 18 days of solidarity events and actions or take action wherever you are. Free Bradley Manning!
18 arrests as Mansion is evicted & drones conference resisted
08-04-2012 16:12

[Video] Antifascist yogurt attack during live TV show
07-04-2012 17:42

No Military on Our Streets
07-04-2012 12:39
Anti-Militarism - Anti-Olympic - Anti-Cuts Flyer PDF
Peace prisoner Barbara Dowling update - please write to her!
06-04-2012 14:30
Latest news courtesy of Janet Fenton:"Barbara is in Greenock now and is doing well and appreciating small mercies like a toilet in her cell. Release date 5th May so she still has quite a stretch. Letters are getting through and anyone wanting to visit needs to write to her first."
Please send cheerful cards and letters of solidarity to:
Barbara Dowling
HMP Greenock
PA16 9AH

Gunter Grass Addresses Israel's Nuclear Threat
05-04-2012 10:46
Writer, poet, playwright, sculptor, artist, and Nobel laureate Grass is regarded as Germany's most celebrated author. Awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy said his "frolicsome black fables portray the forgotten face of history." It credited his first novel, "The Tin Drum," with restoring honor to German literature "after decades of linguistic and moral destruction." It "comes to grips with the enormous task of reviewing contemporary history by recalling the disavowed and the forgotten: the victims, losers and lies that people wanted to forget because they had once believed in them." Published in 1959, "The Tin Drum" became one of the most admired and revealing allegories of guilt and complicity. He once said he "believe(d) it....a good thing that a writer does not sit on the side of the victors." He also called Germany a psychologically damaged society.EDO gets new Paveway IV contract – We need to step up our resistance
05-04-2012 08:34
The MoD has awarded Raytheon a new £60 million contract to replenish supplies of Paveway IV guided bombs to the British Army. EDO MBM (a unit of US arms dealers ITT Exelis) will manufacture the umbilical interconnect system and containers in Brighton. Paveway IV bombs have been used in Afghanistan and Libya and an earlier model of the Paveway was used in Iraq.The MoD claims that this will sustain hundreds of jobs at the factories concerned (see

Friends of Syria Declare War on Assad
03-04-2012 21:11
On April 1 in Istanbul, Washington-led rogue leaders discussed ways to destabilize and topple Assad. They recognized the violent Syrian National Council (SNC) as the "sole representative of the Syrian people." Doing so assures continued conflict, not peaceful resolution. Killer gangs were promised generous funding. They've already gotten plenty, as well as weapons, munitions, and training. Now they'll get more. Washington and rogue NATO partners plan conflict, not peace. They want Assad replaced by someone they control. Violence rages to achieve it. Expect lots more followed by war if current efforts fail. In Istanbul, pretense dissolved. So did Annan's sham peace plan. Couched in diplomatic language, it was more theater than resolve to end conflict peacefully.Smash EDO public meeting on Iran and Afghanistan this Thursday
03-04-2012 15:51
Smash EDO presentsStop the Attack on Afghanistan and the Prospect of Strikes on Iran
Thursday 5th April, 7pm, Friends Meeting House Ship Street, Brighton
International Arms Conference disrupted By Ravers
03-04-2012 12:26
The International UAV (unmanned drones) conference was sponsored by by the University of Bristol and BAE systems.However, on the first day, mon 2nd april, the conference was successfully disrupted by about 150 local anti arms ravers.
Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament
02-04-2012 10:36

9th Sharrow Lantern Carnival
01-04-2012 22:00

Remembering Henry Richard of Tregaron: 3 Apr 1812 - 20 Aug 1888
01-04-2012 21:52