UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Managed news: Inside the US/NATO military industrial media empire
05-07-2010 08:30

The US, in cooperation with NATO, is building global occupation forces for the control of international resources in support of Trilaterialist—US, Europe, Japan— corporate profits.
Reminder: EDO decommissioners victory demo today!
05-07-2010 00:32
As resisting war crimes is now officially not a crime, there will be a victoy demo for the EDO decommissioners today (Monday 5th) outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton, from 12 noon.Dangerous Crossroads in World History: Obama’s New Iran Sanctions: An Act of War
04-07-2010 21:22
"Iran is facing the exact same situation. Whereas the Obama Administration calmly portrays economic sanctions as “peaceful” solutions to political problems, they are anything but. The strategy here is to economically attack Iran until it responds militarily, giving the U.S. a fake moral high ground to “defend” itself, since the other side supposedly attacked first."Turkish troops getting ready to offensive attack against Kurdish Guerrilla
04-07-2010 21:16

Obama's new Iran sanctions are an act of war
04-07-2010 18:14

Dubious intelligence on Iran's nuclear program used to justify sanctions and war
04-07-2010 12:09

Heinonen was instrumental in making a collection of intelligence documents showing a purported Iranian nuclear weapons research programme the central focus of the IAEA's work on Iran. The result was to shift opinion among Western publics to the view that Iran had been pursuing a covert nuclear weapons programme.
Four Democracy Villagers jailed
04-07-2010 09:05
Four Democracy Villagers were apparently jailed yesterday (Saturday 3 July) by District Judge Nicholas Evans at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court, London.Photos from the Decommissioners trial
03-07-2010 23:24

EDO/ITT Decommissioners: photos
03-07-2010 17:34

Sanctions and war threats against Iran: Who cares about the Iranian people?
03-07-2010 12:11

[Video] Report of the blocade of the new detention center in Belgium
03-07-2010 11:59
The 25th of june 2010, 60 activists was bloking the new detention center in construction in Steenokkerzeel near Brussels, Belgium.An appeal for publicity to help Phoenix get his video footage returned to him
03-07-2010 01:14

Following is the message that Phoenix has just posted on Facebook and it is quite clear that this is a big loss to him.
Hammer time: EDO decommissioners victory demo!
02-07-2010 23:32
There will be a victory demo to celebrate the EDO decommissioners' acquittal this Monday (the 5th) from 12 noon outside EDO/ITT on Home Farm Road, Brighton.Report: Israel, US preparing for war with Iran
02-07-2010 21:44
"The Israeli aircraft reportedly landed at the airport in Tabuk in northwest Saudi Arabia, which according to the report will act as the central base of operations for the Israeli air campaign against Iran."BP's Past and Present Wars Against People and the Environment
02-07-2010 21:38

BP War And Theft in Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Brazil, Angola, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Alaska, Texas, Gulf etc.
Annual demo at Menwith Hill July 4th with Mark Thomas and Peter Tatchell
02-07-2010 16:39
Independence from America annual demonstration at Menwith Hill Sunday 4th July 2.00-7.00pm with Mark Thomas, Peter Tatchell Roy Bailey and loads of live music.Medialens: McChrystal - Death Squad Poster Boy
02-07-2010 09:42
The sacking of the head of NATO’s military command in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, caused a surge in coverage of the man described by political analyst James Petras as “Cheney’s chief assassin”.The Spooks - the State’s department of smear, misinformation and cover up
01-07-2010 12:12
The Spooks, whether in the UK or USA are the State’s department of smear, misinformation and cover up.If you take note of the MSM, the US people can sleep safe in their beds and their gallant spooks can rest easy, sure in the knowledge they have achieved a major coup by rounding up a paddy-wagon full of some of the USA's most deadly enemies. No, the FBI and the various US intelligence agencies have not finally rounded up the CEOs of the major US banks, who, due to their greed, negligence, some would say criminal behaviour, managed to bring the US economy to its knees. Nor is G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and General David Petraeus in jail, waiting for an indictment for war crimes to be handed down.
Day Four of Five Day Peace Walk to Colchester
30-06-2010 19:59
Peace campaigners complete longest leg of five-day walk to support war resisters and to oppose Afghan war.