UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Towards an Economy of Plunder
21-06-2010 14:15
"Towards an Economy of PlunderThe US media, in chorus, has upheld the "recent discovery" of Afghanistan's mineral wealth as "a solution" to the development of the country's war torn economy as well as a means to eliminating poverty. The 2001 US-NATO invasion and occupation has set the stage for their appropriation by Western mining and energy conglomerates.
The war on Afghanistan is a profit driven "resource war."
London Campaign Against the Arms Trade Stop the Arms Trade Week Action
21-06-2010 10:54

Open Letter To The British Government Regarding The Gaza Flotilla
21-06-2010 05:51
Mr Vidler,Your response to my email is shocking and apalling. Given that we each must take responsibility for what we do, even when done on behalf of others, I would go so far as to say that your action in writing it, even on behalf of your government calls into question your personal integrity. I will not so much as extend the polite courtesy of thanking you for response as this perhaps also is a matter of personal integrity. The rest of this correspondence is addressed to the other recipients referred to above and the government generally.
Turkish Air force attack ' killed ' Three and wounded several Kurdish citizen
20-06-2010 11:55

Yesterday 8 pm, Turkish air forces has bombarded the [Sidikan, Arbil province] .
Due to heavy bombarding villages one young girl killed and several others including children wounded.
Cambridge EDL break a Union Jack and Issue 'Threats'
19-06-2010 18:07

"Cut the War" - Call-out for Parliament Blockade on Budget Day
19-06-2010 16:14
12noon Parliament Square Tuesday 22nd JuneStreet Party - Rave against the Cuts
Be there.
The role of "mental imagery": Giving a "human face" to racism, genocide and war
19-06-2010 11:48

For the corporate elites to continue practicing genocidal predation for power and profit in developing countries, it is necessary that the predation be cast in a false cover of humanitarian aid, democratic development, solidarity, progress, and the like, and that the most overtly murderous practices be cast as necessary in a fight against evil.
If sufficient care is not taken to secure this cover of mental imagery, then the bosses’ actions will appear more to be what they are, murderous and psychopathic, and the bosses’ children may not feel comfortable sitting on the bosses’ laps and the bosses’ partners may not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed…
Suu Kyi marks birthday; world remembers
19-06-2010 11:48

Five US soldiers charged with murdering civilians in Afghanistan
19-06-2010 10:12
A total of five US soldiers are now charged with murder in the killing of three civilians in Afghanistan earlier this year, according to a statement issued by the Army Wednesday. Three soldiers were charged Tuesday, joining two charged earlier this month. All could face the death penalty if convicted.EDO Decommissioners Round 2.
18-06-2010 18:37
The defence get their first victory under their belt as one defendant gets their case dropped at the beginning of the week, followed by the start of the defence case with Decommissioners Ornella Saibene and Robert Nicholls taking the stand along with character references for each.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Reclaiming the Moors for Peace - Fylingdales, 6 June 2010
18-06-2010 15:58

A day to build awareness of the role of the U.S. Ballistic Missile Early Warning Station in the North York Moors National Park, both among the activists and the public visiting the park.
Brazil and Iran: Our motives and the bullying trio
17-06-2010 21:56

"The war is worth waging":Afghanistan's vast reserves of minerals and naturalgas
17-06-2010 12:17

17-06-2010 11:52
Cambridge Stop the War Coalition are holding a public meeting onAfghanistan with:
Karla Ellis (Military Families against the War)
Judith Orr (Stop the War Coalition national officer)
on Friday 18th June at 7.30 pm in the Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane,
Charges dismissed on "Bonhoeffer 4" war resisters in Australia
16-06-2010 07:46
Charges Dismissed on 4 Australian Christian Peace Activists Arrested Resisting the War on AfghanistanWednesday, 16 June, 2010
The charges against the Bonhoeffer Peace Collective - four Christian peace activists who infiltrated the secret Australian military base on Swan Island in March and shut down the switchboard, a satellite and causing a lock down on the base, effectively disrupting the Australian war effort in Afghanistan - have been dismissed.
Smashingly good start at Decommissioners trial.
15-06-2010 19:35
As the Decommissioners trial in Hove Crown Court enters its second week one of the defendants had their case dropped due to insufficient evidence provided by the prosecution. Back of the net. So thats one down... eight to go.Behind The Scenes at Parliament Square's Democracy Village
14-06-2010 22:58
Have you passed by the Houses of Parliament recently? If so, you may have noticed that the number of “residents” in the Square has sky-rocketed. Want to know who they are? What their placards claim? How long they’ll be there? We recently dropped in on the inhabitants of the “Democracy Village” to have a chat about their causes and plight. Here’s what we found out.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Campaigners Challenge War Celebration
14-06-2010 21:44

Local protested dropped a banner from Kings College and protested in front of Kings College with banners calling for and end to the war. They faced hostile responses from some of those lining the streets as well as the local EDL group. Banners with 'End the War - Bring them Home' and "If any question why we died, tell them because our fathers lied" (Kipling) were held high.
Parliament Square, Friday 11th June 2010
14-06-2010 20:39