UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Calllout for actions against NATO
09-02-2009 14:52
NATO’s 60th anniversary conference takes place in Strasbourg (France) and Baden-Baden (Germany) on 3rd-4th April.Groups from the peace, anarchist and radical left movements across Europe are working together to oppose the conference.
Brighton Gaza Convoy - Latest News
09-02-2009 11:42
Two vehicles from Brighton will be joining the convoy - which to dateconsists of over 50 vehicles, including a fire engine. To see their route
which will take 17 days go to

A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue
09-02-2009 10:03

Zionism seeks "the restoration of tribalism in the guise of a modern, highly militaralized and aggressive state. (It) cut Jews off from (their) history and led to a fateful identity of interests with antisemitism (becoming) the only thing that united them.
Zionism justifies a Jewish ethnocracy with built-in structural inequalities. The Law of Return is for Jews alone. All laws are for Jews. On issues of land, housing, education and most everything, Jewish favoritism discriminates against Arabs.
If the pro-war left is dead, what’s next?
08-02-2009 14:20
Neoconservatism thinking, according to E.D. Kain (via Sullivan), goes like this: The Islamic world is nothing like the Western world. We have few, if any, of the same values and virtually no historical commonality save our shared, centuries-old conflict with one another. The Islamic world, by and large, has none of the laws or customs necessary to develop an organic democratic society the way Western nations have. Therefore, the only way to achieve peace with the Islamic world is for them to adopt our notions of plurality, democracy, and humanism. They won’t do this on their own because of their lack of shared values, and so it follows that we must intervene on their behalf to impose these values, and fashion democracies for them in our image.Boycotting Israel: Enter the Dockers
07-02-2009 17:33
The Histadrut trade union intends to ask the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) for assistance with the planned boycott of Israeli ships by dockers in South Africa. “The union in South Africa is against anything connected to Israel, and in the past even objected to a cooperation agreement we signed with the Palestinian transport workers union,” said Transport Workers Union chairman Avi Edri.No Grand Reception for the Israeli Ambassador
06-02-2009 23:46

Palestine Solidarity Campaign, along with Stop the War Coalition and British Muslim Initiative are asking all London and South East supporters to come to the town hall and show your disgust at the invitation.
Y'all cover me
06-02-2009 20:03
Colonel Owen McNally has been returned from Afghanistan for the alleged crime of releasing Afghan civilian casualities to a human rights group. Like that is a crime.Slow Resettlement for Palestinian-Iraqi Refugees
06-02-2009 09:53
The start of 2009 offers little hope to the residents of Al Tanf, a refugee camp on the Syrian-Iraqi border housing over 700 Palestinians who had fled persecution in Iraq. No country has given any concrete pledge to take any of the refugees for resettlement in 2009, leaving them to battle the cold desert weather this winter with more despair than ever.The Imperial Obama is Frustrated on Zimbabwe
05-02-2009 23:44

women's unruly peace cam(pain) - continues in the face of adversity
05-02-2009 22:25
Peace women defeat Ministry of Defence in freedom to protest caseA Ministry of Defence (MoD) byelaw banning camping outside the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston was quashed by the court of appeal today. The case, heard on 26th November 2008, was an appeal in the Judicial Review of the Secretary of State for Defence's decision to introduce byelaws which would have criminalised camping as a form of peaceful protest.
Valentine's Mass Demonstration against Carmel-Agrexco
05-02-2009 20:59
The Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) campaign and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) will hold a mass picket at the depot of the Israeli state export company on Saturday February 7th at 12pm.Welsh Assembly Govt implicated in Israeli war crimes
05-02-2009 20:26
Welsh Assembly Government money has funded research facilities which have been used to develop military hardware employed by the Israelis during their recent onslaught against the people of Gaza.Strathclyde University Gaza occupation wins demands
05-02-2009 20:07
Students who were, until this afternoon, occupying the McCance building at Strathclyde have today won some concessions and guarantees from the university.parliament square hunger strike - day 25
05-02-2009 15:48

Change? Or Just Charisma
05-02-2009 15:41
Lest one tallies up its achievements, of the 1330 dead Palestinians: 437 children, 110 women, 123 elderly men, 14 medics and 4 journalists. 5000 injured, of which 1890 are children. An estimated destruction worth $ 1.5 billion, the use of white phosphorous and other illegal weapons, and over 1.5 million horrific stories to listen to. Only the sadistic fascist type would later bathe in self-exuberance by calling this a ``success''. Yet in Israeli politics, launching the all-out war machine and destroying the lives of innocents in the name of `security' to gain or retain votes isn't new.Small Victories At Strathclyde University, But Victories Nontheless
05-02-2009 14:58
Students who were, until this afternoon, occupying the McCance building at Strathclyde have today won some concessions and guarantees from the university.Peace women defeat Ministry of Defence in freedom to protest case
05-02-2009 12:06

But at what cost?
05-02-2009 11:58
I agree that the Iraqi elections at first sight seem like a success. And the news so far is very good. All the Islamic parties lost ground, especially that associated with the so-called ‘Shia firebrand’, Moqtada al-Sadr, whose share of the vote went down from 11% to 3%. The principal Sunni Islamic party, the Islamic Party of Iraq, was wiped out. Instead, a new generation of Iraqi politicians is coming forward. Many of them are young and secular. They have lived always in Iraq, not in exile; they are Iraqis with local roots first and foremost - they are not pan-Arabs or pan-Islamists. Nor do they have connections to the US. I hate to rain on the parade but that doesn't yet negate the ongoing cost of this huge blunder.Israeli blockade stops aid to Gaza
05-02-2009 09:52
Israel and its Egyptian ally are continuing to hamper the entry of desperately needed humanitarian goods into the Gaza Strip after Israel’s assault on the Palestinians there