UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
US on the Warpath with the IAEA
24-09-2007 19:47
Being at the IAEA these days has once again reminded one that US diatribes are not limited to regimes and states that act contrary to US goals or even wishes. In the usual alliance of the government and the media -- clearly the US media has its own interpretations of a "free" media -- the Americans have launched a blitzkrieg against the IAEA and especially its head, El Baradei.Cholera in Iraq our responsibility
24-09-2007 18:25
In an incredibly short space of time a cholera epidemic has spread from the north of Iraq to the south.
The US and the UK are responsible for this.
Schnews: Iraq And A Hard Place
24-09-2007 17:21
AS MEGA DEATH TOLL FROM OCCUPATION PASSES A MILLION“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” - Josef Stalin
And how proud Old Joe would have been of our Soviet-style self censorship! Here’s one that slipped past the headlines - the death toll in Iraq has now passed the one million mark.
Comedy benefit raises £40,000 for CAAT
24-09-2007 11:15
Hammersmith Apollo last night hosted a comedy benefit, "A Seriously Funny Attempt to the get the Serious Fraud Office in the dock!" The proceeds from the gig, featuring comics including Mark Steel, Omid Djalili and Russell Brand will go to help fund the Campaign Against the Arms Trade's (CAAT) judicial review to restart the SFO's prosecution of BAe Systems' for alleged illegal bribery of Saudi ministers.The Statue of Liberty Should Weep
23-09-2007 23:19
When children fainted in school, the reason was usually: 'It's not my turn to eat today' - courtesy USA and Britain.Who allies with whom against Iran?
23-09-2007 14:12
PKK, which increasingly consists (made to consist) of Kurds from Iran (and Syria), has been transformed into a subsidiary "organisation for attacking on Iran". This was done by the "host Iraqi Kurdish leaders", on "the master of the masters' " USA (and Israel) account.Now they will also get the French [Prime Minister] Sarkozy, who "doesn't want Turkey in the EU", but clings to the USA and Israel and "wants an attack on Iran", to adopt a "carrots and sticks policy" towards Turkey. In other words, Sarkozy will use the EU as bait for our territory, airspace and bases.
Join Big Blockade of Faslane Nuclear Base 1st October
23-09-2007 13:17
Hundreds of peace activists will risk arrest on October 1st when over a thousand people are expected to join in a “Big Blockade” of Faslane Naval Base. This will be the culmination of the Faslane 365 year of actions against Trident, Britain’s weapon of mass destruction. People and groups from all over Britain (and abroad) will use diverse nonviolent methods to block the entrances to the nuclear base and disrupt the ongoing deployment of Trident.The Bitch in the Ditch vs. ''General Betray
23-09-2007 11:21
Captain May, the Internet intelligence writer, compars the kid glove treatment that General Petraeus has gotten from the media and Congress with the brass knuckles approach That the Bush League took to Cindy Sheehan back in the days of the original Camp Casey, where he was part of the antiwar forces assembled.General Dannatt: Most Iraqi militants 'not bad people'
22-09-2007 22:29
Although almost completely ignored by the UK Press, the head of UK Armed Forces, General Sir Richard Dannatt, has described the resistance in Iraq in terms that once more set him at odds with his political masters.Forces control 8% of Baghdad
22-09-2007 14:50
Maj. Gen. Joseph Fil, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon from his Multinational Division-Baghdad headquarters, painted a generally positive picture but acknowledged that the fighting remains hard.Another Neocon Fantasy: Iran Has Teamed Up with the Taliban
22-09-2007 10:12
Now we are expected to believe the Iranians want to sabotage this relationship by providing IEDs to the Taliban, not only staunch enemies of Karzai but Iran as well.Does not compute. But then so much about the flaccid and utterly absurd neocon propaganda campaign against Iran does not compute, that is unless you buy into the up-is-down, black-is-white worldview of the Bushzarrians.
Torture of Baloch People is Justified -- Pakistan Government
21-09-2007 21:43

America's "Long War": The Legacy of the Iraq-Iran and Soviet-Afghan Wars
21-09-2007 20:58
On close inspection, a series of unfolding international events have been anticipated and systematically engineered since the end of the Cold War. The "long war" that is absorbing the globe did not start in 2001, but at the end of the Cold War through a continuum of wars and international events. A global war may have been initiated years before the declaration of the "Global War on Terror" and much of the globe may not have been aware of it.Future historians may end up categorizing several wars going back to the Kosovo War of 1999 as different stages in one singular and "long war." Several fixtures of geo-strategic chess have been unfolding globally, in which the Middle East is one of the most important stages. As simple as it may sound, the endgame of this match of deadly chess is economic control and supremacy
Neocons and Israelis Condemn Iran for Vowing Self Defense
20-09-2007 21:51
Call it a rerun, so pathetically reminiscent of the transparent neocon one act plays conducted on the United Nations stage, primarily to lend a gleam of legitimacy to a series of war crimes. In fact, the neocons do not want sanctions against Iran—they want to flatten the country and kill as many Iranians as possible—and this time around they will not take their manufactured lies to the United Nations, as they ordered Colin Powell to present his ludicrous dog and pony show, complete with charts and test tubes.In the waning hours of the Bush administration, they will simply attack Iran and leave the mess for Hillary to clean up.
War Resisters' International obtains UK conscientious objection regulations
20-09-2007 16:26
Using the UK Freedom of Information Act, War Resisters' International finally obtained the regulations governing the right to conscientious objection for the three branches of the British Armed Forces [1], in time to examine them for a counter-report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, which will examine the United Kingdoms human rights record in its sessions in October 2007 and July 2008 [2].No War, No Warming, Rise Up!
20-09-2007 10:13
For months a movement has been developing that consciously and intentionally links the related issues of the war in Iraq/oil wars and the heating up of the earth that is disrupting the world’s climate. On Monday morning, October 22, in Washington , DC on Capitol Hill and elsewhere around the country, that movement will become visible as large numbers of people engage in nonviolent direct action to disrupt business as usual. We will be calling for an end to this criminal war and strong action to slow, stop and reverse global warming (
Neo-Fascist Plot Against Iran Meets Resistance
20-09-2007 02:03
You have to wonder what pressure the media has come under, to produce such deceptive spin.Time for Navy to Ship Out of Illegally Occupied Hawaii
19-09-2007 21:56

Abizaid: World could abide nuclear Iran
19-09-2007 16:19
"I believe that we have the power to deter Iran, should it become nuclear," he said, referring to the theory that Iran would not risk a catastrophic retaliatory strike by using a nuclear weapon against the United States."There are ways to live with a nuclear Iran," Abizaid said in remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank. "Let's face it, we lived with a nuclear Soviet Union, we've lived with a nuclear China, and we're living with (other) nuclear powers as well."