UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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Photos from the 24th February London Anti-War Demo
24-02-2007 21:42

The Peace Plane flies to the Hollywood Oscars
24-02-2007 20:32

Demonstrate Against The Attorney General's Visit to Liverpool
24-02-2007 20:30
What is it about Liverpool? First Condoleezza Rice, then Blair on Thursday and now Lord Goldsmith! With all these war criminals they are surely spoiling us.Arroyo-Facilitating US Murder.
24-02-2007 19:15

'The Significance of March 15th 2005: On the Bagong Prison Massacre'
It makes difficult reading but in the context of the London Independent
Report last week of the dissapearances and torture of political activists
it is crucial to the understanding of neo-colonialism and the
'importation of US Imprisonment techniques into former colonies'.
War Machines in Wrexham
24-02-2007 16:45

UN envoy hits Israel apartheid (by Latuff)
24-02-2007 07:27

EDO Corp gets a new spook boss
23-02-2007 18:12
please excuse the corporate media post - i think the info here will be of interest to indymedia readersThere has been a campaign against EDO MBM, a trading unit of EDO Corp in Brighton, for the last four years
Human Shields prepare for mission to Iran
23-02-2007 13:31
The Human Shield Movement is out of hibernation and about to embark on their next IranBooks not Bombs - Report of Student Blockade of EDO MBM
23-02-2007 11:32

Leafleting Guardian offices TODAY at 12pm
23-02-2007 02:21

Unit linked to death squads may be in Iraq
23-02-2007 00:49

Questions have been tabled in Parliament about reports that the shadowy Army unit linked to Troubles intelligence scandals is now operating in Iraq.
Vortex Mobilisation for Anti-War Protest: Sat 24Th Feb
22-02-2007 22:18
The Ex-Vortex Social Centre is organising a bloc within the autonomous bloc for the coming pro-peace Anti-Trident missiles demonstration in central London this saturday 24th Feb.autonomous bloc on 'No-Trident' demo... why and how
22-02-2007 18:43
There is to be an autonomous bloc on this saturdays no trident replacement demo. There have been large and succesful autonomous blocs on demos recentley, hopefully this will be no exeption!Manufacturing Islamophobia
22-02-2007 14:32
In India Islamophobia, and fear of Muslims has come on the top of ongoing RSS project of spreading Hate against Muslims which has been in operation since last more than seven decades. The interesting point is that a numerical majority has been indoctrinated to believe that this minority is a threat to them.Iraq violence could end "within weeks" of foreign troop withdrawal - Al-Kewther
22-02-2007 13:57

Dr Al-Kewther is currently Dean of the Faculty of Media and Journalism at Al-Huraa University in the Netherlands. He has an extensive background as a television presenter and broadcaster. From 2001-2006 he was a news reader and programme presenter at Al-Mustaqillah TV in London.
Dr Al-Kewther spoke with Mahan Abedin
Report on funeral procession for Somalian victims outside Edo.
22-02-2007 13:51
Yesterday 20 people gathered at the bottom of Home Farm Road, Brighton to march to the EDO/MBM factory to remember the civilians massacred in Somalia last month.Italy: 100 000 protest against the expansion of a US-military base
22-02-2007 13:43

Feminist Fightback update: stop the war, abortion rights, Iraq and Iran
22-02-2007 12:20
An update on things happening in the coming period: feminist leafleting on Stop the War demo and banner-making at LARC; marching for abortion rights; supporting Iraqi and Iranian women.