UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Two Khans, Four Bombs & Many Questions
28-06-2006 00:25
...from The Guardian:“On July 10 last year, Bridget Dunne opened the Sunday newspapers eager for information about the blasts that had brought death and mayhem to London three days earlier..."
Palestine Today
27-06-2006 17:02

Updates about Gaza Two Palestinian workers killed trying to enter Jerusalem and Army arrests 15 residents form Bethlehem
Those stories and more coming up stay tuned
Connection: 9/11 and Radioactive Uranium
27-06-2006 16:59
News on link between Uranium and 9/11 -Exploding buildings at World Trade Center
What is the connection between 9/11 and
radioactive Uranium?
I have been more than curious as to the high
incidence of lung diseases and cancers
appearing in Ground Zero victims occurring
too soon after 9/11 to be merely due to
"asbestos" poisoning alone.
Iran War for Dollar Hegemony
27-06-2006 16:06
The run on the US currency has already begun. Preventing the IOB may help explain the extreme aggressiveness of the US toward Iran. Mending our own pockets and recalibrating energy, investment, taxation, distribution, labor and security policies are more sensible than the Bush doctrine.Christian-based direct action gathering, 27-29 July 06
27-06-2006 15:55
27-06-2006 05:34
I'm not going to go into too much technicaldetail on why it's all a lie. There are too
many well researched sites by professional
smart guys for that.
Instead, let's step back for an overview
and put some puzzle pieces together.
Ben Seattle's Annual Report for 2006
27-06-2006 04:26
Ben's annual report summarizes his work in the antiwar movement, the Media Weapon community and SAIC as well as his plans for work in the coming year on the Attention Refinery.Pentagon report on China highlights danger of nuclear war
26-06-2006 23:56
One sinister aspect of the US Defence Department’s 2006 report on the Chinese military released last month is its discussion of nuclear policy.Overall, the document entitled “Annual Report to Congress: Military Power of the People’s Republic of China” marked a more aggressive US military stance toward China than in previous years. It identified the Chinese regime as a military rival and highlighted its growing defence spending, particularly its investment in advanced military technology (see: “Pentagon report targets China as a military threat”).
Cheney Spoke of Need to Establish US Presence in Mid-East
26-06-2006 18:45
By D. BurbeckMike Malloy of Air America Radio said a few nights ago that in the
'90s Cheney used to speak of the need to establish a U.S. presence
in the Middle-East. I had never heard this before, but it came as no
Pulling out of Iraq is Prodi’s first test
26-06-2006 16:47
Massamiliano Sfregola and Jason N. Parkinson expose Italian Iraqi oil interests, protected by Italian troops for the last three years, to be policed by UK troops after 2006 withdrawal.US Collusion with Iraqi Death Squads
26-06-2006 16:32
Max Fuller, member of the B Russells Tribunal Advisory Committee.
A recent case study in the dynamics of occupation and sectarianism
Part 1: Operation Knockout in Diyala Demonstrates US Collusion with Death Squads Death Squads
In November last year Sunni members of the Diyala provincial council began to boycott meetings in protest at a 13 November raid on the provincial capital Baquba and surrounding towns, according to a report [Google cache version] by UPI's Pentagon correspondent, Pamela Hess. According to a US military official, the boycotting council members sent a letter to the chairman of the council in which they alleged that that raid had been orchestrated by the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) as part of a plan to disenfranchise Sunnis during the upcoming elections.
Taking Impeachment on the Road
26-06-2006 15:56
Impeachment can play a vital role in building resistance to dictatorship, both in the electoral politics and on the street. It’s not an either/or proposition.Faslane 365 - Join the Cambridge blockade
26-06-2006 14:43

OCTOPUS CAUGHT AGAIN - - - - CACK - TENTACLED . . . . it unravels
26-06-2006 13:59
With the publication, this month, in the main mid-american cultural magazine of ROBERT F KENNEDY (JR)s ( - yes .... some relation! ) piece "WAS THE 2004 ELECTION STOLEN?"- from "outside" into the mainstream - breaking "perception management " barriers - certain awkward facts are surfacing.
AWOL in Canada – Soldiers Speak Out.
26-06-2006 04:30
According to the Pentagon, nearly 6,000 U.S. soldiers are currently listed as deserters, having been AWOL for at least 30 days. It is unknown how many of these soldiers have taken refuge in Canada, but as the war continues this number is sure to increase. Indymedia contributor, FluxRostrum, has recently filmed interviews with three of these soldiers. In the videos, the soldiers tell their story uncensored and provide a view into the reality of the war not presented by corporate media.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Glasgow rendition flights vigil
25-06-2006 17:01
A vigil has taken place this weekend at Glasgow Airport to highlight "extraordinary rendition" flights.The Wonga Coup from an African Perspective
25-06-2006 12:10
The background of the failed coup in Equatorial Guinea, its main players including Mark Thatcher and the spiderweb behind them.Open Letter From Mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, Resister of Illegal War
25-06-2006 04:16
By Carolyn Hot r u t h o u t | Statement
Thursday 22 June 2006
Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Day of protest against rendition flights at British airports
24-06-2006 23:11

Hunger striker mom on the road
24-06-2006 20:57
Mother of a 19 year old protests her son joining and signing enlisting contract with the USA War Machine with a hunger strike.