UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
"Proud of Britain": Googlebombing New Labour
30-11-2004 05:33
What can you do about the Labour Party's new shameless campaign, which asks you to tell them "what makes you proud of Britain"?`Troops Out` picket of BBC, Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow. Monday 29 November.
30-11-2004 04:10

Swansea meeting in support of Palestine
29-11-2004 19:24
Ater Arafat ...What future for Palestine?turk gets 10 months jail for collating Kurd Stuff on DmOz
28-11-2004 08:25
makne writes "H. Ertas, a Turkish editor of the Open Directory Project ( has been sentenced to 10 months in prison after being found guilty of editing a category about the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK)..."January 20 Call to Action: RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow
28-11-2004 02:57
RISE Against BushSHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow
A Call for Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005
In bed with the marines - dead-checking in second USUK Falluja Massacre
27-11-2004 10:10
I will never forget the three or four women I saw fatally shot and partially burned, still seated in a bus on the road north of Nasiriyah. Or the little girl, about four, lying by the side of the road in a pretty dress, her legs neatly and inexplicably chopped off at the knees. Mercifully, I remember thinking at the time, she was dead like all the others.The US Casualty Rate in Iraq: 9%
27-11-2004 09:38
The total number of casualties is about 25,000, plus the more than 1,200 killed.Iraq Dispatches: 'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah
26-11-2004 19:17
The U.S. military has used poison gas (created by burning white phosphor) and other non-conventional weapons against civilians in Fallujah according to eyewitnesses and some media reports.Eyewitness Iraq
26-11-2004 16:01
Touring UK, courtesy of Voices UK, Christian peacemaker Peggy Gish recently returned from Iraq with eyewitness accounts of what was happening on the ground. Tales of occupation and solidarity.Anti-war activists bring horror of war in Iraq to Uk Government
26-11-2004 15:55
Anti-war activists bring horror of war in Iraq to the heart ofgovernment
UK arms companies market into Indonesian war zones
26-11-2004 15:53
UK arms companies are amongst those attending the first arms fair in Indonesia. A subsidary of UK based BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce are exhibiting.OIL: what is it, where is it, and why we are willing to kill for it
26-11-2004 15:52
OIL: what is it? A hydrocarbon. Where is it? Trapped in porous reservoir rock underground. Why are we willing to kill for it? Cos it's finite, far away, and the planet is addicted to it. And more....East London protest against the war and occupation
26-11-2004 13:43
Join tomorrow's protest in East London against war and occupationPlease attend the December 2 vigil outside the BBC.
26-11-2004 13:10

Army, Navy, Air force recruitment bus outside brixton ritzy
26-11-2004 13:03
A nice double decker bus is parked outside the Brixton Ritzy now - 1pm fridayBring the War Home communique
26-11-2004 12:59

25-11-2004 15:11
Even when the security guard tried to pull Mr Said to safety, the student said the attackers threw bottles, forcing the doorman to lock the doors to ensure his safety.Disgusting
25-11-2004 09:55
A must watch video on the corruption of the racketeering Bush Crime Regime.ImpeachBlair website shut down: online petition lost
25-11-2004 06:43
On Tuesday (23/11/04), on the eve of the motion to call Tony Blair to account in parliament and in an echo of the recent Indymedia server seizure, the cross-party impeachment group's online petition was lost when the ImpeachBlair website was unexpectedly shut down. The following message was sent to subscribers yesterday...