UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Peace Activist on Hat Trick of Presidential Pardon
15-06-2004 19:34

AmBush Shannon June 25/26 2004
15-06-2004 14:17

Hunger Strike against the Wall of Israel
15-06-2004 12:23
The G8 and Iraq
15-06-2004 00:29
On the poltical manuverings going on between the G8 around debt, dollars and Iraq.Memo's legalizing torture
14-06-2004 16:15
Lately some memo's were given to Newsweek, Washington Post about legalizing torture.joint Colombia-Venezuela-Cuba solidarity rally this thursday
14-06-2004 01:13
this thursday, three latin american solidarity groups will be co-organising a joint rally in solidarity with the people of colombia, venezuela and cuba. come along and find out for yourself how the US is militarily intervening in the region and preparing for a wider war, specifically between the ultra-right government of colombia and the ultra-left government of venezuela. (and for those who think that all governments are just as bad, remember, pinochet killed all the anarchists too...)oTalk and Film about the Israeli Wall
13-06-2004 11:08
5.00pm Sunday 13th: Talk & Film about the Israeli Wall @ Occupied Social Centre, Tufnell Pk, with Uri Ayalon, journalist and facilitator in the school of peace inNeve-Shalom Wahat al-Salam.
NO WAR NO BUSH! Rome, June 4 Photo reportages:
13-06-2004 09:17
157 PHOTOS in 2 galleriesto those that wanted another day of war
ANTI BUSH PAN-EUROPEAN NOISE PROTEST on Friday 25 June 2004, 20 hours
12-06-2004 20:38

Secret plans for Trident replacement
12-06-2004 16:51
(Not-So) Secret plans for Trident replacementDoctrines And Visions: Who Is To Run The World, And How?
11-06-2004 13:32
A major statement by Noam Chomsky regarding terrorism, the war in Iraq, the military situation worldwide, and the "democratic vision" of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair. Note that the discussion of the militarization of space has local relevance for Cambridge residents, as one of the major components in research and development of space-based weapons - the US-run airbase RAF Feltwell, is located very near to us.Iraq Occupation Focus launch
11-06-2004 11:52

End the Occupation: Why the US/UK should leave now
Audio from public meeting and launch of Iraq Occupation Focus with Tariq Ali, Jeremy Hardy, Haifa Zangana and Ewa Jasiewicz.
More photos from Nottingham G8 protest
11-06-2004 10:45

30+ activists shut down an oil distribution depot in nottingham this morning in solidarity with the G8 protests in the US, to protest about global warming and oil war in Iraq.
"Have your say" at the Beeb...
10-06-2004 23:27

"USUK cannot export democracy at the end of so many DU tipped missiles mainly because they do not have it at home. The illegal USUK attack was against the wishes of the majority of the USUK natives...."
Oxford P10K activist arrested by Israelis
10-06-2004 22:28
Ian Hodgson, Oxford resident and P10K organiser, was arrested by the Israeli army today.America's Self-Accusation
10-06-2004 16:43
"Bush's division of the world in `good' and `evil' nations, terrorists and alliance partners, ultimately reflected an instinct-politician who didn't wrestle with the complexities of international law beyond his own claim to power.. Unlike God's advice in the White House, the transformation of simple soldiers into criminals is not a mysterious process. Psychic insensitivity is an individual survival mechanism of all soldiers.."Abu Ghraib: The Charade
10-06-2004 16:11
In this article, Palestinian activist Amer Jubran examines the factors behind the decision of the U.S. Government and the corporate media to admit that Americans have been torturing Iraqis. Responses to Mr. Jubran can also be sent to
pictures of protest at BAE Systems Edinburgh, Wednesday, 7.6.2004
09-06-2004 17:21

Let’s Come Together Against NATO in Istanbul
09-06-2004 17:17
We are calling on all those who are fighting for “Another World” to come to Turkey against this gathering of global killers. Let’s meet in Istanbul against war, occupation, neo-liberalism, capitalist globalization and the ensuing increasing poverty and injustice. Let’s merge our struggles for a world without war.